Super Converged System Upgrades in Seconds

Chapter 7

As the sound approached, Chu Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, finally saw the appearance of the comer.

I saw two men walking stealthily, occasionally relying on the obstacles on the road to hide their body.

Behind them is a bulging backpack, which must have been collected in the city.

Their bodies are covered with blood, which seems to have a little confusing effect on ordinary zombies, so they seem to be moving forward.


Just as they walked to the place just a wall away from Chu Xuan, one of them suddenly stopped and pulled out a rifle that had been obviously modified from his waist and said in a deep voice.

The other man quickly stepped forward and stood in front of him. His body seemed to have changed. A dark gray appeared on his skin, showing a heavy meaning.

Look at the two skilled movements, it seems that they have practiced countless times.

After a moment of hesitation, Chu Xuan came out from behind the wall.

For Chu Xuan, although this is a little risky, he believes that if the two people have any adverse behavior to themselves, with his speed and bone blade, he can solve them in a few breaths.


Seeing Chu Xuan's appearance, the man with gun in the rear frowned and said with some doubts.

"I think so." Chu Xuan nodded and replied.

"Survivors in the city, I didn't expect to meet someone like you now. You are so lucky that you can live to this day."

Another person's body gradually changed back to the original state, looking at Chu Xuan quite surprised to say.

"After the disaster, I hid in my basement." Chu Xuan shrugged and casually made up such a lie, "but for such a long time, even if I was frugal, everything was exhausted, and I had to come out to look for food."

"Lucky guy." Looking at Chu Xuan, although there are still some doubts in the heart of the man with the gun, he did not say anything more. He put up the gun and sighed.

"You are going to leave. How about taking me?" Seeing this, Chu Xuan laughed and asked.

"To tell you the truth, I also know some information about the human base, which is much safer than here. Don't worry, it won't cause you any trouble. "

In fact, before saying these words, Chu Xuan also thought a lot. Although he was systematic, he was only a second-class power in this last period of time.

And to find his girlfriend must also need human help, from this point of view, to go to the base is indeed the primary goal.

After they looked at each other, they agreed to Chu Xuan's request.

During the conversation on the way, Chu Xuan also knew the names of the two men. The former one was Cheng Feng and the other was Cheng Yun. They were brothers.

To Chu Xuan's surprise, Cheng Yun, as he had seen before, was a power. His ability was to petrify himself and gain great defensive power.

"What happened?" Chu Xuan looked at them and asked, "to tell you the truth, although it has been so long, I really don't know much about this last life."

"What else?" Cheng Yun shrugged his shoulders and said without looking back, "as you can see, the damned virus did not know where it came from. In a few weeks, it destroyed most of the cities on the earth, and did not know what happened. Most of the satellites in the sky were not working well. Fortunately, the Chinese Army responded quickly and led the survivors to establish bases in the suburbs. "

Hearing the speech, Chu Xuan nodded clearly.

"What are you doing in this city Chu Xuan then asked curiously. After all, it was not easy to meet a living person in this last age. Naturally, Chu Xuan was full of problems.