Super Card System


Ah, ah, ah! Finally finished! After a year and a half, I finally finished the book. When I finished the speech, I suddenly felt very good and relaxed! Well, since it's a summary, let's first report on the achievements of this book. So far, this book has a collection of 138000, with 10360 chapters and a maximum subscription of 25193. It's the best book I've ever written. If you want to use one sentence to describe it, it can only be said that it is the reward of hard work. At the beginning of this book, I just wanted to write something I wanted to write. With this achievement, I was really surprised. After reading the pirate for so many years, it was the longest painting I had ever chased. But I always couldn't see the ending, so I had to rely on my own imagination, Let's infer the following story. This book is actually written in this way. As you can see, I'm really racking my brains to reason. When I wrote this book, I reread the original comic book dozens of times, looking for every possible small detail. Then, combining with the previous reasoning and the following, I try my best to present my association with the pirate king in a logical way. Of course, it is estimated that you may be slapped in the face in the future, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that I really write with my heart, so that you can have a good time! For a year and a half, thank you for your unremitting support. In fact, there is a problem in my book writing, which I have realized and found myself. That is, when there is passionate support in the early stage of the book, it can be faster. But when it comes to the end of the book, it's easy to get stuck, and then it's easy to be lazy. So at the end of every book, it's easy to get stuck, Update is stumbling... I'm sorry for this, but it's really hard to change. Thank you for your subscription support and reward support, and thank you for every recommended ticket and monthly ticket. Genuine subscription is of great significance to every author. It is because of these supports that the author can go on. Thanks to my editor, Mr. loach. In fact, this book was aimed at the game category at the beginning, but it turned out to be a different person. The editor of loach is the person in charge of the game channel, so he is numb. Old readers may still remember the change of the name of the book, which happened at that time... But even so, this book is still taken care of by the editor of loach, Recommend constantly. Thanks to my moderator, Qiqi, for helping me manage the book review area and Q group. The cattle in the group tease Qiqi every day. However, Qiqi never gets angry, but just forbids to serve with a set meal, which shows the great mind and sentiment of Qiqi-` ω′-) In addition, let me tell you quietly that it's not that the old demon doesn't want to write a large-scale plot. It's really important for harmony. When I looked at the previous chapter, I found that the chapter written for Tina's underwater artificial respiration was blocked, and even such a small scale was not let go. Do you think I dare to mess with it? So, now we can only finish the point, and the rest depends on our brains... Now that this book is finished, the new book is not good. If I'm a part-time author, I don't write, I don't write. If I want to write, I must find something I'm interested in. Otherwise, it's easy to lose my passion. Moreover, for one and a half years, because of writing books, I really lack of exercise, I've gained a lot of weight. I'd better take advantage of the rest time to take exercise, or I'll get sick later. I have to accompany my family and parents to go out to play, because I often have no time to accompany them when I write books. So, if there are new books, at least one or two months later, I will inform you in Q group. So at the end of the day, scatter the flowers!!!!!!