Super Card System

Chapter 612

Ian almost thought he was blinded!

However, when he saw the very small, wrinkled old woman walking at the foot of Edward Weibull, who was also wearing a very fashionable leopard print windbreaker, he was immediately convinced that the man in front of him was really Edward Weibull!

Miss Bajin, who was called "numb" by Edward Weibull, is a woman who, in the original history, suddenly appeared after the death of white beard, claimed to be his favorite woman and "own son" with white beard, and wanted to inherit the legacy of the white beard Pirate Group

Her son, Edward Weibull, is a powerful monster. He not only attacked the ships of former Navy General Hei wrist zefa in the early years, killed the interns of zefa, but also cut off zefa's right wrist, which made zefa hate the pirates. Therefore, he did not hesitate to pull up the guerrillas of the pirates, looking for trouble all over the world.

Why are these two people here!?

However, just a little Leng, Yi an with even if reaction come over, is! At this time, the navy has not begun to fill the position of qiwuhai, so Edward Weibull has not received the invitation of the world government to become qiwuhai.

And I'm afraid it's more than that. Because of Ian, white beard's father survived the war, and he's still alive. So, Miss Bajin, maybe he hasn't claimed to the world that Edward Weibull is his own son

Ian doesn't believe that these two men are really the sons and women of father white beard. The reason is very simple. Even in the original history, when father was alive, he had never heard of such a number one figure as Edward Weibull. But after he died, he suddenly came out. If father really had relatives, he would have spent so many years trying to form a white beard Pirate Group, What's the point of taking so many sons as family?

These thoughts, just for a moment in my mind, when Ian looked back, Miss Bajin was furious at Edward Weibull's words. A black crutch in her hand immediately raised and hit Edward Weibull's feet. She was too short and Weibull was so tall that she could only get her legs.

While fighting, she scolded: "eat! You know how to eat! I managed to get some money. I'm poor for you! "

Although Edward Weibull was very powerful, he was actually a guy with simple mind. Although he didn't hurt his mother to beat him, he still dodged in a panic and said, "Ma Ma, don't beat him. I'm wrong!"

More than that, Edward Weibull's face was very aggrieved. He dodged and sniffed, which made Ian feel like a child with low IQ

Miss Bajin hit a few times and then stopped breathlessly. At this time, she also saw Baccara looking back and said happily, "ah! Isn't this miss Baccara? I met you here

"You... Hello!" Baccara pulled a smile out of her face and said, "nice to meet you, Miss Bajin!"

Ba Jin was very happy when he heard Baccara call her miss. He put his hand on his cheek and laughed. He said, "miss Baccara, you're the one who can talk!"

What I mean is that I am not ashamed to recognize the title of "Miss"

Listening to Bajin's coquettish laughter, Ian only felt that he had goose bumps. He looked at Baccara in surprise, and suddenly he admired her very much. He was able to call an old lady Miss without changing her face. This psychological quality is really strong

How did he know that Baccara was already scolding MMP in her heart at this time!

How can I meet this old woman here!?

"Ah, Miss Bajin, I have something else to do. If I want to be a tour guide for my distinguished guests, I won't talk much!"

She can't resist the feeling that her face muscles want to twitch. Baccara subconsciously takes Ian's arm and wants to take her away. She's afraid that Ba Jin will mention that last time

However, when Baccara wanted to leave, Bajin said, "don't worry, miss Baccara. How are you thinking about the last thing I told you?"

Ian looked at Baccara curiously and thought, "what did the old woman say to Baccara?"?

"That... I haven't thought about it yet..." Baccara forced a smile on her face.

"What else to think about?" Bajin clung to his crutch, pointed to Edward Wilbur beside her and said, "look how handsome my son is! It's so powerful. If you marry him, you'll be quite right! "

When Ian heard this, his eyes almost glared out!

Nima, it's such a thing!? The old woman even wants to introduce her son to Baccara as an object!?

Rao shiyi'an felt a thrill when he heard this. He looked up at Edward Weibull, who was cooperating with Ba Jin, biting his fingers and laughing. Suddenly, Ian felt a little sympathy for Bacara!

Sure enough, the most difficult thing in the world is the service industry... Baccara is about to cry at this time. Yes, tezorro told her to find an opportunity to arrange for Ian and Bajin to get together to see if they can cause conflicts and let Ian get rid of Bajin, But... But Bacara never wants to meet Bajin in person! This old woman is so annoying. The last time Baccara accidentally met her, Ba Jin was astonished by Baccara's beauty and wanted to introduce her son to her as a wedding partner... If she could, Baccara would like to tear this old woman to pieces! Is there such a way to bury people!? You don't want to see what your silly son is like, and even want miss ben to marry him!? Did NIMA take the wrong medicine!? However, Baccara knows very well that Bajin's son, who is always with her, is a monster. Even boss tezorro doesn't care about him! One is Edward Weibull's real strength, and the other is that dealing with this kind of people will reduce her IQ. Originally, it's nothing. It's a big deal not to deal with these two people. But Ba Jin, an old woman who worships money, is very greedy. Since the first time tezorro let her win some money in the casino in order to send them away, Bajin, the old woman, had a good taste. After she left, she came back soon. She ran to the casino again and again, trying to make money from tezorro's casino. In the end, tezorro was really upset. He let Bacara do it, which absorbed Bajin's luck. However, after Bajin lost in the casino that time, he sent his son to make a scene in the casino, insisting that the casino cheated on her! At that time, tezorro's right-hand men swarmed on, but they were easily knocked over by Edward Weibull. Tezorro thought to himself that even if he could subdue Edward Weibull, he was afraid that it would be hard for him. So he finally thought about it and gave a sum of money to Bajin, which was the end of the matter. It was at that time that Bacara was seen by Ba Jin, who proposed to let her marry her son... But in fact, what Ba Jin saw was not Bacara's beauty, but tezorro, the big money maker behind Bacara. She felt that if her son could marry Bacara, Maybe I can get a lot of tezorro's money from Baccara as a dowry... "This... I'll talk about it later!" Baccara held back her anger, hugged Ian's arm and said, "I want to be a tour guide for the guests now. Let's talk next time..." however, Baccara mentioned Ian again and again, which finally attracted Ba Jin's attention. She raised her old face in sunglasses and looked at Ian. I don't know why, Yi'an suddenly felt that there was a cold wind around at this moment... Because Yi'an changed her dress, Ba Jin didn't recognize Yi'an. Her nose suddenly sniffed, then her eyes gradually moved down, and finally she looked at the suitcase in Yi'an's hand. Ba Jin suddenly stepped forward and came up to Ian's trunk. He sniffed again. Then suddenly, her face was radiant“ I smell the smell of money... "Ba Jin looked up at Ian:" this handsome boy must be a rich man, right? "“ I'm just so so! " Ian's face muscles also had a twitch impulse at this time“ Oh, dear Ba Jin suddenly covered his face with a bashful hand and said: "such a handsome boy, even I can't help being fascinated!" While saying this, Ba Jin pasted to Ian and said, "brother, do you mind having a beautiful woman with you?" After taking a breath of cold air, Ian just felt that his hair was standing up. Looking at Ba Jin's face getting closer and closer, and his lips pursing with lipstick, Ian couldn't help it any more and suddenly kicked out“ Ah, fight