Super Card System

Chapter 493

At the beginning, Ian's intervention led to the white bearded Pirate Group Malko and their appearance in alabastan. It also led to the fact that Mr 2, who had covered Luffy's escape, was not caught by Tina and smog and left with them.

However, after leaving the Baroque studio, Feng Feng wanted to join the straw hat Pirate Group, but he still had one wish that he didn't realize, that is, to meet ivakov, the king of the human demon. So he agreed with Lufei and left first. He planned to wait until he saw the king of the human demon before he would come back to join the straw hat Pirate Group.

However, I don't know why, by mistake, Xiao Feng failed to meet ivakov in the undersea prison, but reunited with Lufei in the capital of seven rivers.

Ian didn't know the details, but he could guess some.

So he felt that the straw hat Pirate Group should have been cheated by himself this time, because he took Robin away, and the members of the straw hat Pirate Group naturally changed.

Luffy's rescue of Robin and Feng Feng on the judicial island is totally different. Although Ian also knows that, with Luffy's and Sauron's fearless personality, they would make a great deal of noise if one of their companions was arrested. But in Ian's view, the style of NIMA's painting has completely changed!

How do you feel this scene full of love!?

forget it! Ian quickly threw away the newspaper and did not dare to read it any more.

However, although it was just a glimpse before, Ian saw the figure of Frankie in the news photos. It seems that Frankie is expected to join the straw hat Pirate Group. After all, for Luffy, all the people he is interested in will join his own pirate group.

This boy, when he saw doroni, a fur clan, he thought about joining him

Ian can't care so much about the influence of the straw hat Pirate Group. Luffy is Luffy, Ian is Ian, Luffy may be the main character of the original animation, but for Ian now, he is his main character, he can only consider himself first.

After sailing for more than a day, shambaldi island is far away.

Far away, enilu was surprised to see the colorful bubbles rising on the shampooland island. He had never seen such a view on the empty island.

As for Yi'an, he revisited his hometown, but now, Yi'an's identity is quite different.

"Captain, where shall we dock?" Dorney asked Ian.

Ian thought for a moment and said, "find 60 and park in mangrove area 69. If I remember correctly, it should be the entrance and exit area for Navy and government officials. It's more comfortable for ships to dock there."

Shambaldi island is a famous tourist resort. There are many people on the island and there are many crimes. If the ark proverbs stay in those illegal areas, it is estimated that this golden boat will attract waves of villains, even if it is flying the flag of qiwuhai. At that time, it will be enough for Ian to deal with these guys, So it's better to stay in the order zone.

In other words, when I was in the shampoo tunnel, I still had a family! I don't know what happened to those people after I left. Are they still alive?

When Yi'an and their ships appeared near the coast of the island, they had already attracted a lot of attention. There were countless pirates arriving on the island every day. The ark proverbs were shining in the sun, which made the pirates who found their ships envious. Fortunately, they also recognized what the flag on the ship represented, So I don't dare to make a mistake for the time being.

The Navy stationed on the island also found their ships in Yi'an. When they landed, a major general brought people to meet them. However, no matter what Yi'an thought, they thought that these navies were better prepared than welcomed.

However, Ian is too lazy to pay attention to so much. The Navy's emotion can be said to be aimed at all the members of qiwuhai.

Put leijiu's information about jerma's armed suit technology in a suitcase. Ian twisted the suitcase and took enilu off the ship.

"Monsieur Ian!" The major general in the Navy Cape looked at Ian seriously and said, "I have informed the Navy headquarters of your arrival. The marshal of the Warring States period hopes that you can go directly to marinfando and do not stay in shambaldi island!"

The major general said it mildly, but Ian could not help but smile and said, "hum, he is worried about the Tianlong people who come to visit shambaldi Island, isn't he?"

"Er..." the major general was a little silly. He didn't expect that Ian would be so straightforward.

Indeed, in view of the bad deeds of Yi'an in the past, the marshal of the Warring States period was really worried that those Tianlong people who were traveling on the island would encounter Yi'an again.

It is said that since the marjoria incident, the name of Ian's Dragon Hunter Pirate Group has spread among Tianlong people. Tianlong people hate and fear Ian. Maybe they will be scared away when they see him.

But the Warring States period did not dare to take such a risk. In case those silly young generation of Tianlong people, who did not know heaven and earth, wanted to capture Yi'an after meeting him, it would be bad! Therefore, the Warring States felt that it was better to recruit Yi'an to the Navy headquarters as soon as possible. Seeing the embarrassment on the rear admiral's face, Ian said nothing more, but nodded to show that he understood, so he asked, "where's the ship?" From shambaldi island to marinfando, there is a section of the sea in the middle. This section is very close, but you still need to take a boat. Although Ian is in the Qiwu sea, his ship can't pass through this section of the sea without permission. You need to take a ship designated by the Navy. Ian knows this rule and doesn't intend to break it now“ This way, please follow me The major general reached out and led them through the mangrove area with Ian. Yi'an and their landing position is No. 62 mangrove area. This is the naval base on shambaldi Island, so you can see a lot of naval facilities along the way, as well as rows of naval soldiers running in line with guns. As he walked, Ian suddenly saw a bulletin board, which seemed to have some notices and commendation information from the Navy. Curious, Ian stopped to have a look. However, I didn't expect that I found guyna's news on the bulletin board! This commendation order was just issued not long ago. Although it was pasted in a small corner, it was really from the Navy headquarters. Ian quickly scanned it and found that guyna had been promoted to lieutenant colonel! And the commander of the Navy! The reason is that during this period of time, she has arrested several pirate groups in succession, and the name of one of them makes Ian laugh and cry. Because the name of this pirate group is Bucky Pirate Group... Bucky was caught by guyna!? How did this happen? Thinking of this, Ian could not help holding the major and asked, "is this lieutenant guyna in the Navy headquarters now?" The major frowned, looked at the commendation order carefully, nodded and said, "yes, this new lieutenant commander is now recruited by the Navy headquarters. What's the matter? Sir Ian, do you know her“ Well, I've seen a few! She's tried to catch me before! " Ian fooled him, but asked him, "I remember that she seems to be following Colonel smog. So, Captain smog is also in the Navy?"“ It is true that Colonel smog is also in the Navy headquarters, but it seems that lieutenant guyna has been transferred to the command of lieutenant general ahe! " The major envied and said, "under general ahe, the most famous female Marine unit in the whole navy!"“ Oh Ian had some accidents. He thought guyna was still following smog, but he didn't expect that she would be liked by general ahe? After thinking about it, Ian thinks it's OK. Although smog is a good man and a real honest Navy, his character is too rebellious. Guyna follows his famous problem children in the Navy. I'm afraid there's no future. Maybe she will follow smog to take over the G5 branch full of bastards in the future... On the contrary, if she is under general ahe's command, That's totally different. Ah he is the chief of staff of the Navy, a very important think tank, and has a great voice. If guyna can win the favor of lieutenant general ah he, her promotion path in the Navy will be smoother in the future.