Super Card System

Chapter 488

At the sight of shanks' expression, Ian couldn't help jumping in his heart. This was not frightened by shanks' murderous spirit. On the contrary, Ian could feel that shanks' murderous spirit was not released to himself.

His heart beat so hard because he realized that he might have asked the right person! Shanks must have known what happened to bancrore island in the West Sea!

To tell you the truth, although Ian crossed over and gave up his rebirth, he didn't need to pay much attention to the original master's life experience, but he still couldn't help but wonder that he was an orphan all the time. But when he went out to sea, master gengshiro gave him such a letter, and he inquired about the situation, It seems that a very important event happened on banbanbanlol island at that time, which is no less than the destruction of O'Hara at that time. How can ian not want to explore it?

Yi'an always thinks that he has taken up other people's body. At least, he can help the body to find out his life experience, which can be regarded as meeting the last wish of the original owner.

So Ian quickly said to shanks, "don't get me wrong, brother shanks. This is a clue about my life experience. When I went out to sea, my master gengshiro once sent me a letter..."

So Ian told shanks what had happened.

"You... You're a survivor of bancrore!"

What Yi An didn't expect was that when he finished speaking, shanks suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Yi an in disbelief.

What makes shanks feel incredible is that Ian was rescued as a baby. It's just

"Providence Shanks couldn't help looking up and sighing. Then he picked up the glass on the table and gulped it down.

Ian didn't speak, so he waited for shanks, and shanks said suddenly after a while: "I really know about it. You can say that if you ask me, you really ask the right person. If you find other Xihai people, I'm afraid no one can tell you the truth..."

Yi'an couldn't help but get a boost in spirit and asked: "what's the matter? Was there really a great plague on banbancrore? "

"Plague? Hum Shanks could not help humming and said, "this is just the truth that the world government and the kingdom of ilysia have shown the world..."

Speaking of this, shanks suddenly changed the subject and said to Ian, "do you know? Twenty years ago, when I was an intern on the Jackson! "

Ian was stunned at the beginning, but then he reflected that what shanks said should be Roger's pirate ship, the oro Jackson.

At that time, shanks had been an intern on the pirate king's ship, but judging from his age, he probably just got on the ship.

Sure enough, shanks took a sip of wine and said, "it's a coincidence that the west sea was my hometown. At that time, the Jackson was just in the West Sea. It was at that time that I got on captain Roger's ship by chance. During the period of Jackson's stay in the West sea, two major events happened in the West Sea one after another!"

Ian was listening intently, but suddenly he heard shanks say, "do you know about the O'Hara incident?"

"Of course!" Ian nodded at the same time, also noticed the cabin door there, a figure quietly appeared.

It's robin! She was probably awakened by the murderous spirit of shanks just now. As a result, when she came out, she heard that Ian and shanks talked about the events of Xihai in those years, so she naturally stayed to listen.

"Now that you know about the O'Hara incident, do you know how long it took from the outbreak to the end of the O'Hara incident?" Shanks asked Ian.

Ian shook his head. How could he know? But at this moment, Robin suddenly said, "four days! It took only four days

Shanks was stunned. He turned to Robin and looked at her, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded and said, "yes, it took only four days from the assembly of the naval fleet to the erasure of O'Hara from the map."

Ian asked shanks a little puzzled, "is the length of time related to bancrore?"

"Of course!" Shanks took a meaningful look at Ian and said, "do you think a demon killing fleet of the navy can get to the West Sea from the Navy headquarters in four days?"

Ian thought for a moment, then shook his head. In his opinion, it would take one day from the assembly of the naval fleet to the departure, and the remaining three days, even if they were in the windless zone, would not be able to reach a specific island in the west sea so quickly. Ian estimated that it would take about a week.

But with such a calculation, Ian also noticed the doubt. He asked shanks suspiciously, "do you mean this demon killing fleet was transferred from the West Sea Branch?"

"How is that possible?" Shanks shook his head and said, "the branch of the west sea can't have such a huge fleet. That fleet is the fleet directly under the Navy headquarters!"

"What the hell is going on?" Ian was a little confused and couldn't understand what shanks meant.

However, Robin suddenly responded and suddenly asked, "do you mean that the fleet carrying out the order of killing demons was actually transferred from banbancrore island?"

Listen to her say so, Yi an also froze!

"That's right!" Shanks nodded approvingly and said, "that fleet is indeed transferred from banbancrore. On the map of 20 years, the distance between O'Hara and bancrore is just a three-day voyage!"

Ian suddenly stood up and said in surprise, "brother shanks, do you mean this fleet went to banbancrore to carry out the task of killing demons?"

It was Ian's guess, but shanks shook his head and said, "no, it's not! That fleet, in fact, went to bancrore to carry out the blockade mission! "

"Blockade mission?" Ian frowned: "didn't you say bancrore didn't have a plague? So why are they blocking bancrore? "

"Because what they blockade is not plague at all, but 'people'!" Shanks took another gulp of wine and said, "in fact, I learned afterwards that there was no plague on the island of banbancrore. The fleet of the Navy at that time was totally confused about its mission. Just listening to the king of the kingdom of ilucia, they helped to blockade the island at the request of the other side."

"But in fact, there were a group of special people on bancrore island at that time!" Shanks's face became colder and colder, and then he gritted his teeth and said three words: "God! Loong! People

When Ian heard these three words, he was stunned immediately. He couldn't help blurting out: "Why are they again?"

"Hum!" Shanks snorted coldly: "the reason is very simple. At that time, the Tianlong people were visiting the kingdom of ilucia!"

As soon as Ian heard this, he immediately understood that, just like when he visited the kingdom of Goya, the then kingdom of ilucia also invited world nobles to visit their country. Although in Ian's eyes, these Tianlong people are just a group of scum, he has to admit that these world nobles with the title of creator are very popular in many countries.

In many people's eyes, the world's aristocracy is the benchmark of all the aristocrats. Because of geography, many countries in the world are also monarchy countries. With monarchy, the aristocratic class will naturally derive. With the pursuit of these aristocrats, the Tianlong people are certainly the example and goal in their eyes.

"You mean the naval fleet actually protects the visiting Tianlong people?" Ian tried to guess.

"Yes Shanks nodded and said: "you may not know that twenty years ago or even earlier, the navy would send a large number of fleets to protect the visit activities of the Tianlong people. However, this time, I'm afraid it's the last time for the kingdom of ilucia..."

Ian wanted to ask why, but he knew what shanks would say next, so he just listened quietly like Robin.

"During the visit of the Tianlong people to the kingdom of ilusia, because they were accompanied by a fleet, when the O'Hara incident broke out, that is, after lieutenant general sauro of the Navy escaped, the world government urgently recruited the fleet that was in banbanbar to go to O'Hara, so as to destroy O'Hara as soon as possible!" Shanks said: "this is also the reason why the O'Hara incident broke out not long after the banbancrore incident, because the fleet was transferred from bancrore!"

Shanks's words seemed to arouse Robin's recollection of O'Hara at that time. He could not help shaking all over. Seeing this, Ian had to stand up, go over and take her by the hand, and let her sit beside him. Maybe she would be better.

When he sat down again, Ian asked, "what's the matter with bancrore?"

"Hum, this matter should be started from the king of the kingdom of ilucia at that time, thundaluka!" Shanks said: "sundaruka is a typical tyrant. When the Tianlong people visited his country, in order to impress the Tianlong people, he made a" game "to receive the Tianlong people who visited at that time

Shanks took a deep breath and said, "this game is called human hunting!"

"What... What Ian almost thought he heard wrong.

"As the name suggests, it is to provide living human beings as prey for the dragon people to hunt!" Shanks said that he could not help but clench his fists, and his tendons burst out: "the" prey "that the Tianlong people hunt is at their disposal, whether it's skinned barbecue or made into specimen collection, they will be happy! And this hunting ground is set in bancrore! "

When he heard shanks's words, Ian's mind suddenly hummed, and then he suddenly remembered the human specimens he saw in the marjorian's treasure house. At that time, he thought that the specimens were all from the slaves who were executed by them, but now he heard that there were other sources!?

And what's the barbecue about!? Do those Tianlong people really eat... Eat people!? Such terrible news came out of shanks' mouth, which made Ian's anger rise“ Thundaluka, the king of the kingdom of ilucia, also knows that if such a thing is exposed, he will die miserably! " Shanks also endured the anger in his heart and continued: "so he heard about the plague on banbancrore Island, and asked the naval convoy to help seal off bancrore Island, and the unknown naval fleet did the same."“ However, the Navy never thought that after they sealed off banbancrore Island, the Tianlong people from three families started the game of human hunting on bancrore island... "Shanks's fist was clenched and clattered:" the residents of the whole island, about several thousand people, were slaughtered by them with the mentality of playing! Even women and children are not spared At this time, not only Ian and Robin were listening to shanks, but also the crew of the red haired pirate group gathered around. They listened to shanks' story quietly, but their minds sketched out the tragedy at that time. They could not help but were too angry to vent their anger... "At that time, there were three families of Tianlong people, so the Navy also attached great importance to it, A total of seven admirals from the Navy headquarters were sent to protect them, and a large number of CP members were also sent! " Shanks said slowly: "but because of the O'Hara incident, and the fact that lieutenant general sauro escaped to O'Hara out of sympathy, only one admiral was left to protect the dragon people in the kingdom of ilucia." Speaking of this, shanks suddenly asked Ian, "do you know the revolutionary Munch D. dorag?" Ian was stunned, but then he nodded quickly, thinking how could he suddenly pull his boss dorag? The next second, however, shanks said something that shocked Ian“ The Admiral left behind at that time was dorage