Super Card System

Chapter 455

It's a skill to drive Weiba. It's not only to follow the wind direction, but also to understand the flow of sea water.

However, this is not a problem for Yu nameI. In a short time, she has controlled Weiba freely. At least when Ian stands behind her, she feels that the driving is very smooth.

"Ah, drink!" Nami is very happy to feel the air flow coming from her face. She can't help shouting, and even manipulates Weiba to do some stunts.

Now it's hard for Ian in the back. Weiba doesn't have a seat. Even the pilot, Nami, is standing in the cabin like a boat with her feet. These stunts of Nami almost shake Ian down. As a last resort, she has to hold Nami's waist.

What Nami is wearing is a bikini. In fact, it's just a mask. Ian's embrace is naturally on Nami's smooth belly.

"Hee hee, brother Ian!" Nami turned her head, grinned at Ian and said, "do you want to eat my tofu?"

"No! No! " At the sight of her smile, Ian didn't know what to do, so he suddenly became alert and shook his head to deny it.

However, Nami didn't let him go. Her right hand manipulated Weiba, her left hand stretched out and drew a circle on Ian's chest. With a shy look, she teased Ian and said, "it doesn't matter. You can touch anywhere you want!"

Ian looked at her shyness and said, "next you must say, touch 100000 Bailey, right?"

"How can it be!" Nami said wrongly: "that's the price for others, for you... One million Bailey at a time!"

"Why?" Yi an eye bead son a stare: "how to me rose ten times of price?"

"Because you are a local tyrant!" Nami said with a smile.

Ian died speechless, just now her words, it is a god turning point, Ian also fantasized that she would say to himself free! It seems that I really think too much. How can I be so generous with Nami's property of being a financial fan!?

"Dead girl! You'd better show me the way! " Ian poked her finger on her forehead, turned her head back, and said, "if the boat of our friendship turns over, go back and be careful that I'll take your bonus!"

"Bonus "You want to share my money!" she said

"Hey, hey! I have special information Ian kneaded the smooth skin on her waist, squeezed her eyes and said, "on this empty Island, there should be the remains of the golden city of xiangdora!"

"Really... Really?" Nami's eyes immediately became Bailey's symbol, and she quickly asked, "is your information reliable?"

Yi an a smile, way: "you want to come to this empty Island, because you heard the legend of empty island in Gaya island?"

"Well, yes, we met a man named Montblanc cutkelly at Gaya's!" Nami explained: "according to him, he is the descendant of the great liar nolandu. 400 years ago, his ancestor nolandu once found a golden city, shandora. However, later, the golden city disappeared inexplicably. In order to rectify the name of his ancestors, Montblanc has been looking for the traces of the Golden City, shandora and the empty island, That's what he told us

"You said the big liar nolando, is that popular children's picture book?" Ian asked her.

Seeing that Nami nodded, Ian said with a smile, "have you ever thought that these so-called pictorial stories are actually true in history?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Nami, puzzled.

"Now that you know the painting of the great liar nolando, maybe you should have read the painting of the evil army jerma?" "And what I want to tell you is that the geerma group really exists, because I've already met them," he said

"You... You mean that the big liar nolando's business is also true?" Nami said in surprise.

"Of course it's true!" Ian nodded: "according to my estimation, the so-called golden city of shandora really exists, and it is very likely that it is on this empty island!"

"This... How can this be?" Nami still didn't believe it: "according to nolandu, xiangdora, the Golden City, is on the sea. How can she run to the empty island?"

"Have you forgotten the current?" Yian said: "if even the ship can be washed up to the island, then if it is an unprecedented outbreak, will it bring the island up to the sky?"

As soon as she heard what Ian said, she exclaimed in surprise. She couldn't help covering her mouth. She was extremely surprised. To tell you the truth, she had never thought about this before, but when she heard what Ian said, she thought it was very possible.

Ian didn't say anything more. In fact, it needs to be confirmed when we get the map of xiangdora. The map of xiangdora and the map of Gaya can be combined to show the skeleton. The location of xiangdora in the golden city is just in the right eye of the skeleton.

That's what it's called: the explanation of seeing gold in the skull's right eye. However, Ian didn't read the logbook left by nolando in the hand of Montblanc. If she said that directly, she would be suspicious. Therefore, Ian could only let her think that this was his guess based on the current. When Nami came back, she felt that Ian's words were really reasonable. If the island where shandora was located had been washed up in the sky, it would be no wonder that Montblanc could not find the remains of shandora in the sea. According to the picture book, shandora is a dream city full of gold! Gold = money = Bailey! Nami finally understood why Ian wanted to come out with him on Weiba. He wanted to take him to find gold and make a lot of money! That is great! Sure enough, it's brother Ian. He's so handsome“ Captain Ian! I'll go the way you want me to go! " Nami immediately saluted Ian and said so. Ian raised his hand over his forehead and looked ahead. Then he saw from a distance that there was a lake island on the sea ahead, which was covered with towering trees. He could see it clearly from a distance. There, should be the holy land of the so-called empty island? Enilu and his divine officials should be on this island... So Ian pointed to the front and said, "let's go there!"“ Got it Nami answered, then gave a bang At the gate, the bow of Weiba immediately rose high and rushed forward with explosive speed“ Slow down, you slow down Ian was almost dumped by her again. Nami ignored everything as soon as he heard that there was treasure! Soon, they came to the so-called forbidden area. When they came to the edge of the island, Ian and Nami realized how huge the trees were“ God, how old are these trees? " Nami looked up and found that she could not see what the top of the tree looked like. Ian was also very surprised, because in his opinion, if these trees had grown on this island from the beginning, then the history of this empty island would be even longer than he imagined. Maybe all of them could be traced back to a thousand years ago... Does this angel island have anything to do with the terminal of the ruins of Baron? While thinking about this, Ian suddenly heard a strange sound in the woods. Yi An's heart reads a move, say to Na Mei: "you stay here first, I go up to have a look!" With that, he jumped to the island. However, just after Ian jumped on it, a man in ragged clothes, panting heavily, ran out of the woods. He was scarred all over, and looked like a normal human, not an empty Islander with wings behind his back. As soon as he ran out of the woods, he was startled when he saw Ian. He fell down on the ground. When he saw what Ian looked like, his eyes suddenly brightened and he yelled to Ian, "help me! Please help me Not only did he shout like this, but he also lay on the ground with both hands and feet, and quickly crawled towards Ian. This is a... Pirate, right? Yi'an guessed his identity as soon as he saw him. However, before the other party could climb up to Yi'an, Yi'an suddenly frowned and took qianbenying's right hand to his right hand, smashing it with the handle of a knife! Woof! A super huge dog, just out of the woods towards Ian's position, hit Ian's hilt head-on! The handle of the knife was firmly smashed on the dog's cheek, and immediately gave out a scream, which was beaten out by Ian.