Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 50

The Firehawk fleet only flew for more than an hour and came to the sky not far from the line of separation.

The line of separation is a line of defense around the equator of Mars, built at the expense of the coalition government, initially to defend against the expansion of grad's power.

When he came to poliska and got the Internet, Kent realized that the government had not prepared and planned to build the separation line to realize the zombie crisis.

The line is 27 meters high and 5 meters wide. Its overall style is the same as that of the wall in the rich area of poliska. There is a machine gun fire point every 10 meters and a rocket launch position every 100 meters.

Through the cabin glass, looking at Kent on the high wall, he shook his head helplessly and sighed softly:

"If you have the money to build the wall, you might as well use it to do practical work and do more infrastructure construction and people's livelihood. Otherwise, there would be no grad."

Hearing Kent's words, Irene whispered: "but, because of this wall, nothing happened in the south of Mars. My parents can live well, too."

"Ha ha." Kent smiles and says, "there must be a cause for everything. There must be a result for everything. We can only say that there is no if in the real world."

Just as Kent and Irene look out of the window and chat, the other members of the cabin are either taking a nap to prepare for the fierce battle they may encounter.

Or, just like Simon, check your guns carefully to make sure they don't get stuck or damaged in the battle.

As for Lyon, he is discussing the details of the site with Professor quell and three other experts.

"Shua!" All of a sudden the sound burst, interrupted everything.

There was a formation of three bombers flying over the Firehawk fleet at ultra-low altitude and over the line of separation where soldiers were stationed.

As soon as the bomber flew over the line of separation, it opened the cabin door, threw out countless submunition, and then rose to the south again.

Shrapnel, also known as masked cluster bomb, integrates small bombs, that is, bullets, into an air bomb, that is, a cluster bomb. It uses the characteristics of quantity to increase the coverage area and killing range. The original intention of the design is to deal with the soft target, that is, the human body.

After leaving the bomber, the shrapnel opened a parachute in a few seconds of free fall and slowly arrived at an altitude of 100 meters.

When it reached 100 meters high, the shrapnel exploded instantly, ejecting countless bullets and flying to the ground quickly.

Then he heard "boom! Boom! Boom It's not much louder than shrapnel, but it's too dense, just like firecrackers at the moment of Chinese Spring Festival.

At the moment when the cluster bomb exploded, the Firehawk fleet also approached the isolation line.

After seeing the "scenery" outside the isolation line, everyone in the cabin could not calm down.

Even Kent, with his mouth wide open, stuck his face to the window with an exaggerated expression.

On the plain outside the line of separation, an army of zombies, like a black sea, was pounding against the line of separation.

Under the high wall of the line of separation, zombies have been piled up, but they are like bricks, paving the way for their companions.

The visual impact is very big. The zombies are like the classic scene of "zombie World War", which impacts the Israeli wall.

However, the impact speed has slowed down a lot, but the Zombie's behavior is still effective, and the army can't stop the zombies from paving the way by suicide.

What the soldiers can do, and the only thing they can do, is to aim and shoot.

But even if you don't have to aim, just raise your gun and sweep down, you can hit the target.

If the sea water can form a tsunami, the high water wall will sweep the land, and the people living on the coastline will be devastated.

Now this scene just turns the sea into a zombie, and the people living on the coastline into the south of Mars.

Zombies are constantly coming from northern towns, but soldiers are limited.

There are only more than 30000 soldiers on the high wall. They can only hold a little by team, with an interval of 800 meters.

Fortunately, there are a lot of heavy weapons on the wall for the teams to use, such as heavy machine guns and rocket launching positions, and ammunition is also very sufficient.

And the army's air support is also awesome. Just now those shrapnel, less said, also cooked many tens of thousands of zombies.

But even so, in the face of hundreds of millions of zombies composed of flood corpse roar, all this is a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, all the radio public channels, came a roar:"This is the first division on Mars, 6 brigades, 3 battalions, 6 platoons. Ask for help! Ask for help!

The zombie is on the wall. We need help

Pop! Pa Pa Pa( The noise of gunfire)

Ah! Sir, help me( And the howling of the soldiers)

... This is grass! We can't hold on here!

Request evacuation! Request evacuation!

Fire hawks in the sky, please help us evacuate

Hearing the platoon leader's name calling, the pilot said to Lyon, "sir? What should we do? "

Through the window, with the fire hawk fleet as the center, 2 kilometers to the west, zombies set up a corpse bridge and climbed onto the high wall.

On the high wall, two nearby teams have come to support and fan out to attack the zombies' landing site.

However, when there were no bullets in the gun, a zombie took advantage of the unexpected speed when several soldiers changed their bullets and directly knocked down a soldier.

The soldiers immediately fell into chaos, and the zombies had taken this as a breakthrough and began to stabilize themselves on the high wall.

From the first one to the next two or three, until the number is counted.

At this time Lyon has stood up, look at the tragedy below, clenched his fists, silent.

However, Kent suddenly said: "pilot, continue the mission, regardless of the distress signal."

"This... Sir?"

The pilot didn't want to risk landing. Although Kent said what he wanted, he still needed Lyon's order.

"Bang!" Lyon smashed his fist at the window, clenched his teeth and said, "continue to carry out the mission!"

"Yes, sir."


"Sir! Sir! Save... Ah! "

Just as a soldier on the wall wanted to turn and run to his platoon leader, he was grabbed by a zombie, and then surrounded by a group of zombies.

The end of the scene is to be instantly dismembered, and the wailing only lasts for a moment and then disappears.

The zombies, who were so obsessed with their bodies, turned a blind eye to the "delicious" pieces of meat when they saw that they had killed the soldiers.

Instead, they stretched out their stiff arms and walked towards the soldiers who were still capable of fighting.

"Damn it

The platoon leader, who had just sent out a distress signal, roared, but still could not stop his soldiers from dying