Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 45

As soon as the Kent three arrived at the military base, they found that, as Lyon said, all the Martian soldiers were sent to the line of separation for defense.

Because in such a large military base, there are no idle people except the staff who need to stay.

After announcing the arrival with a guard in front of the door, the guard took Kent, Irene and Simon to the assembly point of all the mercenaries.

Following the sentry, Kent looked around in silence.

The military base is surrounded by barbed wire, ground-to-air missiles at its four corners, and a barracks capable of holding 4000 people, but there is no soldier in the barracks.

Following the sentry, Kent saw a 3000 meter long runway and some unknown bombers and transport planes in the hangar.

Ground crew are checking the status of the aircraft, and many fighters are on the runway ready to take off to the north for support.

It can be said that the residents of polisca are still able to live a safe and stable life. It is not that the zombies give up the attack, but that the soldiers on Mars are fighting with blood.

"It's not that the world is too peaceful, it's that someone is carrying the burden for us."

At this time, the sentry led Kent to a hangar with a large number of mercenaries, pointed to a man in a suit sitting behind the table and said, "go and register with him."

With that, the sentry left without looking back.

Why can the mercenary be recognized as well? First of all, the uniform is not uniform, some people wear desert camouflage, some people wear jungle camouflage.

For example, Kent's blue mercenary regiment is not dressed in military uniform, but in casual clothes. However, its equipment is much better than that of ordinary mercenaries, and even more advanced than that of special headquarters.

If it wasn't in this hangar, others would have thought that the blue mercenary regiment were special forces carrying out "operation black.".

At this time, many mercenaries with different equipment are standing at the table, registering one by one.

Kent and others are not the kind of people who have no quality, and they all line up honestly.

Of course, if you don't have the quality to jump in the queue, you may encounter a violent shot. Who do you want to argue with?

But after a while, the people in front of Kent had already registered. As soon as they got to the table, the man in suit, holding a pen in his hand, lowered his head and asked, "individual or mercenary?"

"What's the difference?" Asked Kent.

"Tut!" When the man in suit heard Kent's question, he just wanted to complain impatiently. However, when the man in suit raised his head and saw Kent and others' equipment, his attitude suddenly improved a lot, and he explained:

"For an individual, a person's daily Commission is 10000 yuan. For a mercenary group, each person's daily Commission is 20000 yuan.

If it's a top mercenary regiment, it's 30000 per person per day. "

"Isn't this... Distributed according to combat capability?" Kent asked again.

Seeing that Kent still had questions, the man in suit answered patiently: "if the individual mercenary is good or bad, it's just an individual, but the mercenary regiment is different. It's better or worse.

As for the top mercenary regiment, it is famous in the mercenary world, but I don't think there is a top mercenary regiment on Mars now. "

After a pause, the man in suit asked, "OK, now let's talk about you, individual or mercenary? If it's a mercenary regiment, how many? Tell me the name of the mercenary regiment. "

"We are the blue mercenary regiment. There are three of us." Kent said.

"Three people?" The man in suit looked at Kent and said, "are you kidding? The mercenary regiment needs at least 10 people. For the sake of your equipment, I'll give you 15000 a day. "

"Ha ha." Kent just chuckled and said: "believe us, the strength is definitely the top mercenary regiment, or even higher."

Nonsense. Except for Kent himself, Simon is a SAS in special command and has been performing black operations all year round. His ability is close to the limit of human beings.

Irene is one in a million, and her comprehensive ability is excellent. Although she has never participated in actual combat, her title of medical guard is enough to make other mercenary regiments hot.

What about the last Kent? His current strength, apart from command, emergency response and luck, can definitely reach the level of level B lottery card.

And what is the level of the B-level lottery card?

After all, Kent still has a B-level lucky draw card in his hand. He also asked the system what the characters are in the B-level lucky draw card.

The answer is that the shadow troops in call of Duty 6 are NPCs who have not mentioned their names in the game.Although in the game, the protagonists controlled by the players kill them, just like killing ants, but put them in the real world, they still exist as one against ten.

We should know that the members of the shadow forces are carefully selected from the U.S. Marine Corps, the Delta and other forces. In the real world, such people are definitely not what ordinary people can deal with.

However, Kent has no extra points to buy a future soldier individual combat system for class B figures.

Plus time is tight, so he didn't make the B-level draw call.

Back to the point, the man in suit was not upset. Kent had so many questions. He just said, "I'm sorry, there's no time to prove that you have the strength of the top mercenary regiment."

"That's good..."

"It's a 3-man hybrid mercenary regiment. Why so much nonsense?"

Just as Kent wanted to agree, there was a roar behind him.

At that time, people's eyes in the whole hangar will be attracted by the unusual situation in the registry.

Kent and others turned around and found that a group of mercenaries in uniform clothes and better equipment than those personal mercenaries were lining up. They were arrogant and complacent, and they looked down on the mercenaries with worse equipment.

The man who yelled had a bald head and a scar on the corner of his mouth. He looked up and down at Kent's equipment and said with disdain:

"I'm going to go to the battlefield. It's not the place where you rich children should come. Get out of here!"

Kent was not irritated by the bald man, or he was angry, but he didn't show it on his face. He just said in a low voice, "Oh? You're admitting our equipment, okay? Thank you

"Ha ha ha!"

Everyone, except the domineering mercenaries, laughed.

After all, who likes to be looked down upon? It's good for you to equip yourself. You've already made people dissatisfied with looking at others with your superior eyes.

"You I saw a bald face red, gritted his teeth and said: "boy, do you know you are facing the wolf mercenary regiment?"

Kent doesn't care whether it's a wolf or a domestic wolf. At this time, he is trying not to laugh.


[I have received emotional feedback from Bill Buffett, and the degree is favorable. I will give you 5 points

[emotional feedback from Gates Wang has been received, and the degree is disgust. 5 points will be given.)
