Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 340

Kent and Horus, who were in command of the forbidden guards of astat and Sparta, made a quick raid, and the effect of the power armor bonus, but within half an hour they advanced about 700 kilometers.

Of course, Kent and Horus will not be stupid enough to use power armor all the time and move forward with the legs of super soldiers, but through the elevator inside Pluto base.

If you encounter obstacles, you can easily solve them. However, "it seems" that because the guards are all over Pluto, you can't stop this raid team in time.

That's why Horus and Kent quickly got to the depth of 700 kilometers. If they go down about 100 kilometers, they will enter the core area, which is Yuri's underground city.

However, Kent feels that everything seems too simple. The simple thing is that everyone can find problems.

Because on their way forward, the resistance they encountered could not be called resistance at all, just like the cannon fodder of Yuri recruits, they did not encounter many.

Not to mention that this is Yuri's hometown. Kent will have a large number of elite troops. They may not even come from the "Red Alert 2" series. They may not even know about Kent.

But none of this. It seems that Yuri didn't have time to react because of the raids of Kent and Horus, which made them move forward for such a long distance.

However, Kent doesn't think Yuri is that simple. If the other party is really so easy to be killed, it won't play the two camps around like in the game.

At this moment, the raiding team also came to the last lift. Then Kent immediately told Horus of his confusion

"Commander in chief, I feel that we seem to be moving too smoothly. Even if we make a surprise attack, Yuri Marin's nest will not be guarded only by this."

"Well." At this time, Horus, as an elite commander-in-chief, also felt that something was very wrong and agreed with Kent

"Brother, you're right. I feel like there's a huge net below. Just wait for us to buy that circle. He's like Yuri Marin

"So, commander, what do you think?" Kent asked.

"Keep going." Horus sank.

"What?" Kent was slightly surprised, and then asked, "commander, since you know there is a trap, why do you want to jump in?"

"I have to." Horus sighed, and then went on, "and my gut tells me that Yuri marlin is down there.

If we retreat now, we may not be able to completely wipe out his forces any more. Even if there is a trap below, he did not have time to deploy.

But if we retreat, then Yuri Marin will be ready for everything, so it will be more difficult to carry out the decapitation again. "

"Well." Kent nodded slightly. He believed in Horus' intuition. After all, even though Horus was a weakened version, his intuition was more or less stronger than that of most human beings.

Besides, Kent's sixth sense also tells him that Yuri Marin is waiting for them below, so no matter whether there is an ambush or not, they will jump in and solve Yuri's problem.

Even if Kent doesn't want to get involved in politics, Yuri has been noticed, observed and even manipulated since he came to this world.

Therefore, Kent also has to kill Yuri. His attitude towards Yuri is endless. Only by killing Yuri can Kent be a good "pacer" in this world.

Both commanders knew that there was a trap below, but they continued to move forward without hesitation.


Half a minute later;

"Zha!" Giant elevator, after arriving at the destination, came a more harsh reminder.

“Move!” Horus and Kent took the lead and rushed out of the elevator. The guard of astate, Sparta and Tanya also followed them.

When hundreds of people came to the interior of the earth's core, they found that Pluto's core had long been transformed by Yuri, and the iron core of a giant star hung in the center of the inner space.

It seems that Pluto's magnetic field was stabilized by keeping this iron core, and using technology unknown to Kent, keeping the core at extremely high temperature and in a solid state.

And the inner core seems to emit this faint light, providing the sun like light to the most central inner space of the planet.

"Hoo ~ ~" the breeze blows gently.The air circulation here seems to be several times better than the environment that has been treated on earth.

And because it is in the inner core, it is not divided into southeast, northwest, upper, lower, left and right. On the wall of the inner space, there are all kinds of buildings, just like a modern city.

And grassland, forest, river is not bad, and in the luminous core below the location, is an extremely luxurious palace.

Of course, as for the location, Kent and Horus don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it's right below the core of the earth, and it's still glowing.

After seeing this scene, an astat guard carried his blaster gun on his shoulder, looked at the palace in the distance and whistled:

"Hoo, Yuri Marin is really enjoying it. He built an underground city. Tut Tut, its palace looks more luxurious than my Lord Mengsk's.

It's really special. He's willing to spend money, but... He can only enjoy it for a while. "

However, Kent has a dignified face because there is no vitality in the whole city. It seems that the other party has already transferred its population. It is a complete "dead city".

As for the defensive forces?

Through Raytheon hammer's scanning system, Kent only found a little heat source in Yuri's palace in the distance, and there was no image in other places.

The enemy in ambush must have adopted the technology of shielding signals, otherwise they would not have been able to see through the armor of Thor hammer.

In other words, Yuri told them that he was in the palace to see if they had the courage to move on.

As for Horus, he also found this, but without any hesitation, he waved forward and said, "everyone, move towards the palace in the center of the inner core, and strive to kill the traitor Yuri Marin at one stroke."

"Yes! Commander

Then, Kent and Horus, no matter whether they were in ambush or not, headed for the magnificent palace with Jasper, and began to move quickly. Within a few minutes, the crowd arrived at the palace.

After reconfirming that there was no enemy nearby, Horus and Kent still led the way and took the lead to rush into the palace.

I can see that the interior space is huge, and a throne is at the end of the other end of the palace, and on the throne, it seems to be Yuri