Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 32

Kent looked at them and said, "how about the mercenaries?"



After hearing Kent's words, Simon and Laura repeated the mercenary, but the tone was different.

Simon is just questioning, but he doesn't have much objection.

But Laura looked a little unhappy, so she asked, "brother, you and Simone are rich. Let's just find a job. Why be a dangerous mercenary?"

"Ah." Kent looked at his sister's face when she was about to cry. It was really hard to say. He also organized the language for Laura, and said:

"Simon promised to teach me the skills of special forces, and the mercenary's money is fast. You can't stay on Mars.

Brother, you have to make money to immigrate to the earth or a better planet. You also have to go to the best university. "

"I don't want it!" Laura shook her head like a rattle, looked at Kent with reddish eyes and said, "I don't want to. I just want to be with my brother. I don't want to be separated any more."

"All right." Kent is also slightly red eyes, gently pinched Laura's face with his hand, soft voice: "brother has brother's difficulties.

My brother's University is gone, and I'm sure I won't get my diploma. I have to be a mercenary. Don't worry, my brother's life is good, and I'll be fine. "

At this time, Simon also echoed: "Laura, don't you trust my skill? With me, your brother will be fine. "

Laura took a look at Simon, then looked at Kent, bit her lip, thought for a long time, and then relented, "OK, but I won't allow you both to die, you have to live!"

"That's necessary," Kent said with a smile, pinching Laura's face

"You see, I have to earn money for you. My face is so thin that I have to eat fat!"

"I don't want it." Laura tooted her lips and said, "if I get fat... I can't find someone."

"Hi?" As soon as Kent heard that he was eager to find someone, he quickly waved his fist and said, "if you want to get my sister, you have to pass me first!"

"And me!" Simon also waved and looked east with Kent.

"Ha ha ~" Laura looked at the two psycho like brothers and said with a laugh, "OK, you can help me check later."


While the three were talking and laughing, the door was knocked by someone.

"Here it is Kent yelled at the door and then got up to open it.

Open the door, found wearing casual clothes Lyon, holding a black suitcase standing at the door, smile: "Hello, Kent."

"Hello, hello." Kent saw Lyon come to the door in person and quickly invited him into the room.

Laura went upstairs after cleaning the kitchen and dining table, while Kent and Lyon sat on the sofa in the living room, and Simon sat next to Kent.

"Click ~" Lyon opened the suitcase, put it on the coffee table, and said to Kent, "ah, half a million in cash, do you still order a little?"

"No, please, Leon." Kent just glanced at the cash, then closed the suitcase, handed it to Simon and said, "look, we have 500000 yuan for the first time."

"Don't be happy too soon." Simon put the suitcase at his feet and said:

"We just accidentally rescued the daughter of the future president. That's why we have so much money. Ordinary mercenaries only have 500 yuan a day. When they are engaged, their monthly salary is less than 3000 yuan."

"Ha ha." Lyon looked at the bickering two people, said with a smile: "in fact, it won't be long before you mercenaries will have a large-scale operation."

"Oh? What do you say? " Asked Kent.

"..." Simon didn't speak, but he put up his ears to listen carefully.

Lyon is a body, looked left and right, said: "I think you should know from Professor quell that the source of the zombie virus epidemic... Is the ruins of the city of Sidonia."

"Well." Ken nodded and asked, "and then? What's the matter? "

"Ah..." Leon sighed and said: "in fact, the government has been in contact with the team members stationed at the ruins, but it was yesterday that the contact was interrupted for no reason.

Previously, the government wanted to organize a group of scientists to take away valuable cultural relics, but now it has lost contact with the relics, and this action has been temporarily suspended. ""Oh?" Kent raised his head and speculated:

"Do you mean that the government wants to explore the current situation of the ruins, and for some reason, the government can only hire us mercenaries to go there?"

"Yes." Leon nodded and said: "now the zombies seem to be like playing chicken blood, and they are frantically pounding the line of separation between the northern and southern hemispheres. There is no way to allocate extra manpower."

"Yes? What about your secret service? Whether in terms of equipment or combat literacy, they are better than mercenaries. What about the first and second fleets? Can't the army come? " Kent said.

"No way." Leon shook his head and said, "after Ashley disappeared, Adam only sent my team to Mars, but if we go to the ruins, it's too dangerous.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, the whole Mars was under general martial law, and no one could enter or leave.

Mars' short range orbital defense gun has been activated, and will attack any vessel that attempts to leave or enter Mars indiscriminately. "

"Horizontal trough... The setting of the railgun is a bit inhumane. How long will it take to end?" Kent asked.

Lyon said bitterly: "according to the regulations, only four members with" keys "can lift the martial law."

Looking at Lyon's face, Kent groaned in his heart and said, "don't tell me, one of the councillors is there."

"Yes." Lyon said in a deep voice: "now all the army troops stationed on Mars have been sent to the line of separation, trying to stop the zombie invasion. The only team that can go to the ruins are me and my secret service team.

However, I also learned some information that the Martian government is preparing to hire mercenaries to guard the remains of scientists going to Sidonia with our secret service team.

At the latest, half a month later, we will go to the north of Mars. "

"Oh," Kent said in a long voice, "then the Commission should be expensive. After all, he works for the government."

"I don't know. I guess it should be 5000 yuan in cash a day, but that's the price of the top mercenaries." Said Lyon.

With that, Lyon stood up, looked at Kent and Simon, and said, "well, since you're mercenaries, get ready. There will be a notice at that time."

Kent and Simon also stood up, Kent patted Lyon on the shoulder, said: "thank you for telling us this information, after the crisis, I really want to invite you to dinner."

"Ha ha, OK, OK, hey, your sister..."

"Go away! Take your time

Before Lyon finished, Lyon was kicked out of the villa by Kent