Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 317

"My people..."

"Fuehrer! Be careful

Just as acturos wants to boast and prepare to inspire people with his fake benevolence, he is suddenly attacked by Kent.


"Whew! Bang ~ poof... "The sound of bullets passing over their heads, the sound of warheads hitting power armor, and finally withered like farting.

It turned out that there was a virus sniper on the opposite top floor who had targeted actulos.

Although she didn't know that the emperor she was aiming at was the emperor Yuri was trying to figure out what he wanted, she also vaguely guessed that aktulos should be an officer, so she directly abandoned other targets and aimed at aktulos.

I don't know whether aktulos is lucky or not. When the virus sniper aimed at aktulos, the reflection of the sniper mirror just hit Kent.

And with Kent's reaction speed, while yelling to remind acturos, Kent's body has already started to act, directly protecting acturos and lying on the ground.

At the same time, the virus bullet passed over Kent and actulos and flew quickly towards an astat guard who was coming behind them,

However, the physical damage caused by the virus bullet is indeed huge, but for the astat guards in power armor, it is not painful at all, and it seems that they can't even scratch.

However, due to the existence of the poisonous fog, Russell and his bodyguards were temporarily hiding in the corridor of the parliament building. After the poisonous fog cleared, they rushed out of the parliament building and joined the line of defense established by the roadside police.

At the same time, Russell also yelled: "people! Now that the whole of London is under the reign of Yuri Marin, only you can stay awake!

Don't despair! The head of state's guard has been released! With them, we can definitely lead us out of here! "


Originally, the morale of the demoralized crowd was very low, but when they saw a crowd of Astor guards rushing out and heard Russell's speech at the front line, they could not help shouting: "fight for London!"

Even Horus, who had just rushed out, took advantage of Russell's speech and the high morale of the people

"Guard! What is our duty! "

"Defend my Lord!" Astat guards didn't even think about it. They all raised their guns and roared.

"Huh?" However, the answer did not seem to meet Horus's expectations. He suddenly snorted and turned to look at the astate guards.

"Defend..." and the astate guards don't know where they offended Horus. After all, they all said it from the heart.

However, even if they are not smart enough, they know that they can't say "my Lord, my Lord" in front of the people's little white people.

As a result, astat guards broke out and roared more loudly: "for the people! For London

Some of the astat guards, with explosive guns in both hands, stand at the front of the line and shoot at a crazy Orc who is about to come.

"Bang!" The sound of a blaster.

"Poof!" The orc's body exploded, and its meat and plasma were everywhere.

"Oh! Oh However, after seeing this scene, the people's army was not disgusted, on the contrary, its morale was even higher.

The famous astat guard, who blasted the orcs to pieces, finally rubbed his helmet nose with his right thumb and said with disdain, "this shot is for London!"

"Wow After hearing the word "London", the crowd became even more excited. After all, they are all Londoners.

At this time, acturos and Kent also stood up one after another. Acturos thought that the shot he just shot was a moment of fear, and then he said to Kent, "thank you, art."

"Ha ha." Kent pretended to smile and said, "it's our duty to defend the Fuehrer."

"Your flattery is really... Tut Tut, but I love to hear it." Aktulos patted Kent on the arm and said, "when it's safe, your mercenary regiment will be dedicated to serving the emperor. The treatment is certainly not bad."

"Thank you for your appreciation." Kent pretended to be excited, but inside he could not help but make complaints about it.

"Mad, I've saved your life, but I don't trust you? Tut Tut, this system task is really hard to do. "

In the heart of Kent's Tucao, the tuckus make complaints about Russell, who is just making speeches.“?” Make complaints about Ake Tullo J's voice, he can't believe that such a unfeeling emperor really has friends.

But Kent didn't want to get involved in this group of men plus men affair. He immediately commanded the blue mercenary regiment and said, "hank, first step back and protect the members of the black claw mercenary regiment!"

"Yes." Hank, who had been fighting in the front line, immediately withdrew after hearing the command, and dragged out the black claws in the parliament building to protect them in the center of the position.

"Ares, Leng Feng, you two join the guard front and cooperate with each other to fight!"

"Yes."( (x2) Ares and Leng Feng, after receiving the command, quickly joined the front of the line next to the astate guard, and cleared the enemy with a strong fire output.

"Tanya, I need you to cover the firepower in the center of the position. Give me all the remaining ammunition. If you don't have one, pick up a gun. After all, it's everywhere!"

"Yes Hearing the order, Tanya instantly moves to the center of the position and fires at the Yuri troops not far ahead.

Then Kent looked at Carl and said in a low voice, "Carl, get rid of the sniper on the opposite side, and then shoot freely. Remember, choose valuable targets, such as officers and commanders."

"Yes, chief." After getting the order, Carr carries the accurate shooter's rifle behind him, takes out the heavy sniper, selects the best shooting point, and starts to clean up the threatening enemy.

As for Kent, he also joined the forbidden guard front of astat, while aktulos, the emperor who was afraid of death, hid in the crowd, so that he would not be killed before Carl cleared all the virus snipers.

However, even with the support of astart guard, the whole team is still at an absolute disadvantage.

With all the people on Kent's side, there are more than 300 people left at most.

There are more and more troops in the Yuri camp. Kent uses a scanner to scan a few of them. There are more than 1000 Yuri recruits, not to mention special units like crazy orcs and virus snipers.

Even Yuri's armored units began to move on a large scale, which can be said to be a ten dead and lifeless situation