Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 198

After a two-day rest, a group of blue mercenaries boarded the phantom and prepared to go to the polar UV system of Cetus.

These two days of vacation, Kent and Irene finally established a relationship.

Of course

Kent not only established a relationship with Irene, but also Nova and Tanya attacked Kent's room at night. It can be said that Kent was "forced". After all, everyone drank a lot of wine.

But Kent enjoys it. He's Sparta. He doesn't get drunk at all. And the fighting data is far more than three girls

In the early morning of the second day of the holiday, the three girls had a big fight, but they finally accepted the reality that they could only have Kent together.

And the three girls vaguely admire Irene as the dominant position, even the proud nova is also acquiesced, Tanya need not mention, she just hope to stay by Kent's side.

After this holiday, Kent finally got what he wanted.

What's more, the infatuated Carlos also "moved" Carl, and the two finally became lovers, which made Kent very happy.

After all, Carlos doesn't have to be "stood up" by Jill, and Carl is much more beautiful than Jill, and Carl is a Spartan super soldier.

Then there are two people, kotana and Ares... No, it should be said that they are one God and one AI. In these two days, ares is taking kotana all the time.

It seems that the two people are destined to be together. It seems that kotana, an AI, has fallen in love with Ares and asked Dr. Halsey to make a body for her, but Dr. Halsey said it will take time.

Ares, another iceberg, seems to be willing to communicate with other members of the mercenary Regiment under the influence of kotana, and says that he is willing to wait for kotana to have his own body.

Since all the expenses of these two days are paid by the mercenary regiment, that is, Kent "pays out of his own pocket", this can make the blue mercenary regiment moved and consolidate Kent's position.

During this period, IDA also sent a secret letter to Kent by code name, telling her and Johnny and other 42 Marines that they were successfully selected by Sheffield into the shadow army, but they had no chance to obtain confidential files, which took half a month to a month.

Kent has a month or two to wait and a full year to get rid of Sheffield and ambrera.

What's more, just a little evidence that the blue mercenary regiment has now can cause huge public opinion to ambrera. In addition, kotana can crack the networks and computers of ambrera and Sheffield as long as she returns to earth.

At that time, Kent can overwhelm ambrera and Sheffield, so there is nothing to worry about in the mainline task.

However, Kent always felt that the employment task he took over would not be as simple as he imagined. After all, it was the alien intelligent life in the world.

However, in order to complete Valen Ryan's first task, Kent had to go to find out, if not, to level it.


Phantom, in Kent's cabin;

"Beep, beep, beep!" Phone input 555 button sound.

"Standingby!" There's a reminder from Faiz's belt.

"Henshin!" Kent raised his cell phone and yelled, then plugged it into the starter of Faiz's belt.

And the belt also said, "complete!" Then the belt starts to flash and emit the electronic sound of the transformation.

"Wow, sir, you are so handsome."

At this time, Tanya is sitting on Kent's bed, looking at Kent's second offense there.

As Kent and Irene, Nova, Tanya had a growth ceremony, so Kent let them into their bedroom at will.

And the three girls clearly stipulate that they have Kent in turn. As for the client Kent, it doesn't matter as long as they don't fight each other. Today is the day when Tanya accompanies Kent.

As for Tanya, after confirming her relationship with Kent, her intelligence quotient and emotional quotient began to decline in a straight line. She always watched Kent become obsessed with flowers. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder~

And only Tanya can appreciate Kent playing with Faiz's belt. Although Tanya looks like a ferocious woman to other men or women, when she faces Kent, But like a bird in general according to people."Haha ~" Kent smiles when she hears Tanya praising herself. She puts the belt back into the metal box, sits next to Tanya, gently touches her hair with her hand and says:

"You're the best. You'll flatter me at that time."

"Mmm..." seeing Kent move like this, Tanya thinks of that night again. Suddenly, she blushes and floats on her cheek. She gently leans her head on Kent's shoulder and enjoys their time.

"Hey, hey, hey." when Tanya got close to her, Kent immediately began to laugh and wanted to do something bad.


"Di ~ Di ~ Di ~"


The sound from the communication device on the bulkhead interrupted their time alone, and Kent also scolded, and then tried to hammer the communication device with his fist.

Instead, Tanya immediately stopped Kent's atrocity and advised, "well, there's still time in the future. You can answer first. It's possible that you'll be near your destination."

"Well, you're right." Hearing Tanya's persuasion, Kent's anger dissipated a lot. After connecting the communicator, he heard Jack's voice: "commander, Captain case wants you to come to the bridge!"

Although Kent's anger dissipated a lot, he was still upset and said, "well, I see."

Hearing Kent's tone is not good, Jack seems to feel that he is disturbing Kent again. Then he immediately ends the communication and finds an excuse for Keith to go to the toilet.

On Kent's side, Kent and Tanya go to the bridge together after they have cleaned up.

As soon as he entered the bridge, Kent found that Jack was not here, so he had to write down the account and prepare to deduct his salary for two or three days.

Then he and Tanya went to the panoramic cabin, ready to ask what happened to captain case.


Phantom, panoramic cabin;

After entering the panoramic module, Kent found a dark red star in the distance.

This star is supposed to be a red dwarf in the constellation Cetus, and there is a snow-white earth like planet nearby.

"Wow ~" after seeing this scene, Tanya immediately looks around, and looks at the distant UV of Cetus with surprise on her face, and looks down with stars in her eyes.

After all, it's the first time for Tanya to enter the panoramic cabin, which makes her feel very novel.

As for Kent, after seeing the scene in front of him, he knew that the phantom had arrived at the destination of the mission - polar.

The author has bought a wig and is expected to make complaints about it in half a month.

As for the evidence... The writer said that the latest is the granny ash, ha ha