Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 10

After listening to Simon's account, Kent felt cold all over and his hair was blown up. After all, he escaped with the bones of his comrades in arms. It was creepy to think about it.

But Simon can successfully save himself in the situation of death, which also proves that Simon can keep sober in the face of extreme situations, and even have solutions. Even if the means are not good, he can survive.

Then Kent patted Simon on the shoulder again and comforted him: "in fact, this is Paz. I hope you will survive. Otherwise, I won't see you."

"Ha ha." Simon chuckled and said, "I know that Paz told me before he died that no matter what method he used, he would escape to avenge him and his dead comrades."

"Well." Seeing that Simon didn't have too much psychological burden, Kent was relieved.

Then Simon said, "I was rescued by the local residents and successfully contacted the headquarters.

When I returned to my base in Europe, the intelligence department said that the drug cartel had disappeared from the earth after our combat team had been eliminated. There was no clue to go to that area or even the planet.

So it can only be announced that this operation ended in a tragic defeat. We have suffered the biggest loss since the establishment of the special operations department of the United forces. Do you know? "

"I know." Ken nodded and deliberately laughed, trying to ease Simon's sad mood, and said, "ha ha, it's all over, isn't it? Plus you don't have me here?

I can't live without you, so you should live and protect me, Simon

"Ha ha..." Simon finally left his sad face and said, "my mother's death made me retire and return to Mars. I didn't expect to catch up with this crisis. You and Laura are my last relatives. I can't lose you any more."

Kent was also moved: "that's... We'll live together, and Laura!"

Kent doesn't know what his parents look like, but he does know what Laura looks like. After all, there is a virtual picture of her sister in the mission profile.

Only Laura is said because he judges that his parents may have died under the mouth of a zombie. After all, there is no task to prompt him to rescue his parents.

Of course, this is Kent's conjecture. Although he belongs to the self-protection group, after hearing Simon's sad memories, he also decided to save his sister Laura and, if possible, his parents.


As they said, a large service area appeared in their view.

Because Mars is nearly twice as small as the earth, and its population is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, there are small and medium-sized towns on both sides of the expressway every few hundred meters, which means that there are absolutely a lot of zombies in this service area.

Fortunately, there are one person high guardrails on both sides of the highway, and the highway is 200 meters away from the town.

This service area is also part of the expressway, so it is also separated by guardrails, and the zombies should be only drivers and passengers.


"Slow down." Simon warned.


Kent kept the speed at 20 kph, and the pickup truck began to drive slowly to the service area.

As the distance between them and the service area gets closer and closer, more and more vehicles are destroyed on both sides of the highway. Many zombies are kneeling on the ground gnawing at something. They are also indifferent to Kent's pickup truck and only care about things in front of their mouths.

Seeing this, Simon checked the magazine one by one. After installing the muffler, he confirmed that the gun was in the best condition before pulling the bolt to prepare for the next possible situation.

But when Kent saw this, he frowned and said, "Hey, Simon, your gun has a silencer, but my ak-12 doesn't. what if I have to shoot when I'm in danger? Can't the sound of the gunshot lead all the zombies around? "

"Wait a minute." Simon fumbled from the belt, then pulled out a muffler, put it in the slot in front of the gear and said, "here's one. Remember, don't shoot until it's necessary. The muffler is a consumable."

"I'll go. How many things do you have?" Kent took a look and said in surprise.

Simon didn't answer the boring question. He just put on his mask again and said, "just two. Make good use of them."


As the pickup truck slowly drives into the service area, the scene presented in the vision of the two people is not too much to be called "hell".Because there are wrecks everywhere, some vehicles are burning with open fire, there are dried blood stains on the ground, there are remnants of clothes, and even a lot of internal organs and so on.

Kent drove the pickup truck to stop at the gas station, picked up the ak-12 that was near the door, and then picked up the muffler in the empty slot.

The "click" sound comes, which means that the ak-12 has installed the muffler.

Fortunately, Simon's muffler is a general-purpose one, and the ak-12 also uses a 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge, otherwise Kent would be a "whiteboard" person at this time.

"Get ready to get off, I'll refuel the car, you cover." Simon opened the car door and gave another warning, saying, "remember, put the zombie closer, or you'll waste bullets."

"Well." Ken nodded and opened the door to get off.

But the difference is that Simon half kneels quickly after opening the door, looks around with a gun, and confirms whether there is a clear dangerous target.

Kent, on the other hand, was only half kneeling when he opened the door. He didn't know which side to look at, the left side and the right side.

To put it bluntly, Simon's tactical move is to get out of the car and get in place quickly.

Kent has played a lot of war games and knows the tactics, but he is still Xiaobai, and there are many zombies nearby, which makes him nervous, so he doesn't know which side to look at.

Simon is sure that his side is safe before he gets up slowly. Seeing poor Kent, he shakes his head helplessly and starts to refuel the pickup truck.





Listening to the wailing from a distance, Kent's nervous mood did not ease, but became more and more intense.

At the beginning, he also claimed that he hoped to meet the end of the zombie crisis, because zombies are the best to deal with.

But now I'm in a real zombie crisis. Looking at the wandering "corpses" not far away, the valley of terror effect has reached its peak, and an inexplicable sense of fear surges into my heart