Summoner Sovereign

515 Chapter 515: Deal with the Devil

Ji Yan stopped, her silver knife raised and just millimeters away from stabbing into Xu Wu Cheng. Not that she would have been able to, since his reactions were inhumanly fast. That said, the moment he focused his attention on blocking her thrust, I would have seized the opportunity to strike, so Ji Yan's hesitation caused the battle to grind into a stalemate. Both of my swords met ten of Xu Wu Cheng's blood blades, and I gritted my teeth as I tried to push them off.

Unfortunately, we were locked in the stalemate I mentioned earlier, neither one of us willing to give an inch.

"Don't listen to him," I warned, forced to back off as his ten blood blades curled and whipped at me like a striking serpent. I retreated to a safe distance, both of my swords still up as I stayed wary of the scheming snake. "He will only lie to you."

Unfortunately for me, Ji Yan was too obsessed with beating Zhao Yan to see the wisdom of my words.

"I can grant you power. If you join my Crimson Blood Tribe and become one of us…become a vampire, you will obtain unimaginable power. You will gain strength like mine, which will overcome the difference between the two of you and allow you to easily crush your twin sister."

"He's lying. This is some kind of trap!"

"You've seen how strong I am, haven't you?" Smiling sinisterly, Xu Wu Cheng created a blood whip in his right hand and swung it at the wall behind him. In a single strike, the mystical weapon reduced the concrete into falling dust and rubble. "This power can be yours…if you choose to give yourself to me."

I snorted because I could easily see through Xu Wu Cheng's obvious deception. "There's definitely a catch somewhere."

"All you have to do in return is attack him." Xu Wu Cheng pointed at me. Ji Yan turned to me, stricken, her determination wavering as she absorbed the redhead's seductive words. "I'll ensure you're handsomely rewarded."

"Don't be an idiot. You can't possibly believe it will be that easy…"

"Don't you want to surpass Zhao Yan? I can help you with that."

"Uwaaaah!" Ji Yan swung her silver knife…at me.

"Whoa!" I jumped back, narrowly avoiding being eviscerated by Ji Yan's merciless strike. Raising my Bai Ri in front of me in a defensive stance, I glared at the crazy girl who had given into temptation. "Hey! I'm trying to help you here!"

"I never asked for your help."

Why, you little…

I briefly contemplated summoning my Constellation spirits right there and then, and to hell with crushing her. I was extremely tempted to nuke her along with Xu Wu Cheng. The bitch and bastard could die together. Unfortunately, Zhao Yan was my friend and I couldn't just kill her sister. She would blame me for it. Besides, I couldn't just murder two idiots in school – even if I claimed self-defense, there would be a serious investigation and I could potentially get into a lot of trouble. I did have the evidence recorded in my glasses though, so that was one point in my favor.

Not that the recording would help me at the moment.

"Good job!"

Praising Ji Yan, Xu Wu Cheng threw bloody projectiles at me. Barely reacting in time, I conjured Scutum Sobiescianum to shield myself from the deadly barrage. The tremendous impact forced me to skid backward as the bloody projectiles thudded nosily into my Constellation shield, their kinetic energy driving me back.

Even in a one-on-one fight against Xu Wu Cheng, my chances of victory were not at all favorable. I would say that I had an even chance, but that was being generous, especially if I was stuck in here and unable to summon my Constellation spirits. If Ji Yan were to join him, the odds would plummet further – her presence alone helped to tip the scales heavily in the enemy's favor. It would practically be suicide to take on the two of them by myself.

Glaring at Ji Yan, absolutely disgusted by her, I decided to withdraw. If the bitch didn't want my help, then I had no reason to risk my life. Leaving her to the mercy of Xu Wu Cheng, I jumped out of the window, toppled onto a ledge, and then hurled myself through a window on the second-top level. Stumbling into the classroom directly below Room 5, I pulled myself against a wall to catch my breath.

"Where did he go?"

Xu Wu Cheng and Ji Yan raced to the window and peered downward, but were unable to see me at all. As I said, most people's senses were restricted to only sensing someone's mana in the same room, so with the ceiling right between us, they wouldn't be able to detect my location. Even more so when I decided to conceal my presence.

I was very tempted to summon Vermillion Phoenix to incinerate the both of them, but I decided against it. As I said, not worth the trouble. Since I had already obtained a recording of the entire events, I decided to leave it to the authorities. I wondered what Teresa Taylor would say when she learned that there was a vampire hiding among the students in her school.

Closing my eyes, I stayed quiet and eavesdropped on Xu Wu Cheng and Nan Gong Ji Yan.

"You made the right choice, Class Vice-president Ji Yan."

Xu Wu Cheng was gloating, his handsome face twisting into a triumphant smile as he led Ji Yan away from the window. My Corvus was still there, watching everything. I had him pick my smartphone up and record the whole thing from the window. Man, I really wanted to punch the smug bastard in the face and reveal his true hideous self.

"You had best keep your promise."

"Of course I will."

In a flash, Xu Wu Cheng had Ji Yan pinned against a desk, leaning against her and stroking her neck with his mouth.


Ji Yan was flailing in panic now, suddenly afraid of Xu Wu Cheng's abrupt action. Hah, it was too late for regrets now. This time, I wasn't going to save her. She had made her bed with the enemy, and now she had to bear the consequences of her own choice.

Xu Wu Cheng wasn't going to listen to her either.


Ji Yan let out a soft cry as Xu Wu Cheng sank his fangs into her soft neck, her eyes widening as he drank deeply in her blood. Her struggles ceased and her body fell limp, her eyes slowly closing when her mind was lulled into relaxing by some hypnotic spell.

I gazed out into the yellow sky, noting that the sun was setting. Good thing my curfew was over, having lasted only a week. If this was last week, I would be in deep trouble for missing the curfew. Phew.

While waiting for Xu Wu Cheng to drain Ji Yan of her blood, I could hear her blood dripping onto the ground. Man, what a waste of blood! The bloody guy was taking his own sweet time, wasn't he?

Did girls actually enjoy this sort of thing? I mean, why were there so many novels and manhua about the heroines being bitten by vampires? Ugh…

I was relieved when Xu Wu Cheng eventually loosened his grip on Ji Yan's arm and let go of her, allowing her to slump helplessly on the floor. Grinning as he wiped her blood from his mouth, he leaned closer and whispered.

"Congratulations, Ji Yan. You're going to be a vampire."

Ji Yan merely glared at him silently. Well, it was your own freaking choice. I warned you, but your obsession with surpassing your twin sister led you down this path of damnation. Personally, I didn't think this was an issue worth congratulation Ji Yan over, but then again Xu Wu Cheng was a vampire, so he was probably biased toward the thought of it being an awesome thing.

Ji Yan pulled herself up to look at her supposed benefactor.

"So I can defeat Zhao Yan now?"

"No, no. Don't be so impatient. After all…" Xu Wu Cheng smirked insidiously. "Right now, you're merely the lowest ranking vampire."

There was a stunned silence when Ji Yan absorbed his words. I couldn't help but gloat. I told you so, you bitch! But you ignored me! You deserved this! HA HA HA HA HA HA! You deserved what was comning to you!

As if savoring Ji Yan's despair, Xu Wu Cheng continued his explanation cheerfully.

"Within 24 hours, your desire for blood will be so strong that you'll go berserk and rampage around."

"A…aren't you afraid that I will tell the Hunter Association about you? They'll catch you!"

What an iidiot. Then why did you freaking agree to be a vampire in the first place!?

As if agreeing with me, Xu Wu Cheng chuckled.

"I don't believe you'll do that, because they'll also catch you as well."

Standing over her, he continued to twist the knife in her gut even deeper.

"If this pretty classmate of mine doesn't want to become a shameful and terrifying vampire that craves for blood and ends up being a target for her team to hunt down, I'll be happy to offer you my help."

"Who are you, really? Your true identity?"

Wasn't it a little too late to be asking that now? I mean, normally, if you suspected that this Xu Wu Cheng persona was fake, wouldn't you ask him about that right at the freaking beginning instead of waiting until now?!

Heavens, Ji Yan's stupidity made me want to bury my face in my palms. Granted, I had to give her some credit for realizing that Xu Wu Cheng was a fake name because I didn't notice that this guy might actually be harboring som sort of secret identity.

Xu Wu Cheng was more than happy to indulge her.

"I'm a prince of the Crimson Blood Demonic Night Tribe, Yi Tai."

And then, in an extremely abrupt manner, because the original author obviously did not plan the story well enough and had dialogue flow in a choppy and disruptive way, Xu Wu Cheng – or Yi Tai – turned around in a supposedly cool (but I personally thought it was cheesy) manner and bade Ji Yan farewell with a smile.

"Okay, let's meet here again tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you…" Then he turned away completely and left the classroom, but not without a final, cryptic message. "Whether you come or not, it's up to you."

Clutching her neck and realizing that she had been deceived, Ji Yan bit her trembling lip in frustration.


And thus, we had another abrupt transition to the next day because…of the original author. What the hell, at least give me some time to report what I had witnessed before transiting to the next scene!

"Ji Yan!"

One of Ji Yan's friends called out to her cheerfully, only to look concerned when the so-called heroine turned to face her.

"What's the matter? You look very pale. Did you not have enough sleep? You also have dark circles under your eyes."

Yeah, well, Ji Yan had almost all her blood sucked out by a vampire. Of course she would be unnaturally pale. Speaking of which, considering the massive amount of blood Yi Tai drained from her body I was surprised that Ji Yan didn't die or suffer from anemia. I mean, at the very least, she should be suffering from great physical weakness and be so bedridden that she wouldn't be able to get up and walk around in school like she was doing right now.

Plot fail, original author. That was why I was making fun of your horribly written manhua right now. Well, I guess I could just chalk the whole thing up to "magic." Such a convenient explanation.

"No, I read books so I ended up sleeping very late."

Ji Yan had an excuse that was so laughable that I couldn't stop chortling. Ji Yan? Read books? Who was she kidding? Everyone knew that Ji Yan didn't read any books. That was why she was so stupid. Forgive me for being savage, but that was the plain truth.

"I see. That's very rare."

Even Ji Yan's friend knew that something was wrong. She didn't believe her explanation at all.

"Well, make sure you take care of yourself and sleep properly, okay?" Ji Yan's friend decided to dismiss her suspicions, politely deciding against probing further. She then glanced up at the clock. "Oh no, it's this time already? Let's go, or we'll be late."


Ji Yan sounded pretty moody. From a distance, I could see her moving her gaze to her friend's neck. Her thoughts were pretty clear and predictable. I didn't need telepathic powers to read her mind.

She was thirsty for blood.

The pulse in her neck…why do I want to bite there?

Obviously it was because you were a vampire, you moron. Weren't you paying any attention to what Yi Tai told you yesterday?

Shaking my head in semi-despair, I decided to bring my evidence to the headmistress's office and report everything. I was going to end this farce once and for all.

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