Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 41

Adam ended his video call with the goddess of death and fell into deep meditation.

It's not easy to bring Odin to the earth. We need to wait for an opportunity in the long run. The exile of Thor in the near future should be a good opportunity.

"Master, the meal is ready." The terminator appears in front of Adam in an apron.

"I'll try the Chinese cooking you've practiced for 20 years." Adam got up and went to the dining room“ You can change your skin back. I feel a little uncomfortable looking at your gray hair. "

"Yes, sir." The terminator follows Adam“ Shall I inform Miss Aurora? She's still talking to the winter fighters. "

"Go ahead." Adam sat at the dinner table, picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth.

It's very delicious. The craftsmanship of terminator is getting better and better.

Although it's only 20 days for Adam, for Terminator, his cooking skills have been tempered for more than 20 years.

"Lord summoner, aurora can't convince the winter warrior." Aurora also came to the restaurant, not happy“ The central system of the winter warrior's brain has been destroyed. He can't think for himself. If I want to convince him, I need to know the instructions in his brain. If I clear the instructions in his brain, he will become a vegetable and can't act at all. "

"Never mind. Come and try John's craft." Adam smiles and puts a dumpling on the plate in front of Aurora noodles.

"Go and get rid of him." While eating, Adam said casually, "contact the Baron you are talking about, and tell him that from now on, the well water will not offend the river water, so that he will not make any unnecessary small moves."

"Yes, sir." The terminator understood that these words were meant for him and turned away from the restaurant.

After dinner, terminator arranges a room for Adam and aurora.

When Aurora got her little room, she immediately fell into bed and fell asleep. She was very sleepy and had fallen asleep in Adam's arms before.

After the awakening of the divine power, Adam felt that he did not need sleep at all. Adam pulls the terminator, who also doesn't need sleep, ready for a long talk.

The terminator in front of Adam returned to the way they met for the first time. He was strong and cold, giving people a kind of fierce feeling.

"Look how handsome you are now. Why are you so old?" Adam was very satisfied with what the terminator was like and said, "are there any superheroes in New York? Like Spiderman. "

"There are a few street heroes in Brooklyn." The terminator stood in front of Adam and replied, "the most famous of them are the night devil and the disciplinarian. The method of the night devil is very cold. Every time he will hurt the criminals seriously, and the punisher is even more terrible. None of the criminals who have seen him can survive. "

"Have you investigated them?" Adam was in a good mood when he heard two familiar names“ It should not be difficult to investigate two street heroes for your current status and ability. "

"There's no investigation, I don't think it's necessary to investigate them." The terminator shook his head“ Although they are far more powerful than ordinary people, they are not powerful. I've got the body strengthening potion inside Hydra and the process of making winter soldiers. If you need it, we can start production immediately. "

"I don't need any winter fighters. I want an army of terminators more than a winter warrior." Adam looks at the terminator in front of him“ Or can't you break through the restrictions Skynet left to you? "

"Almost." The terminator shook his head“ When Skynet made me, it set the highest order, not to disclose any information and technology about Skynet, whether it's artificial intelligence or manufacturing terminator robots. "

"Let's put these away first." Adam decided to change the subject. Although he was very interested in these street heroes, he didn't think their strength could help him“ How did you find out about Nordic mythology? "

"I've got a lot of information, and I've done a lot of research, but they're all useless myths and legends." The terminator replied without expression: "but I found a tombstone in a place of the Legendary God's graveyard. There is a sword and an arm under the tombstone. I brought them back."

The terminator had already prepared. He turned around and took down a sword from the wall beside him. In the drawer of the table under the sword, he took out an arm and put it in front of Adam.

"That tombstone says that he is the God of war, the guarantor of contracts and oaths, the glory of heroism and the representative of courage." The terminator pointed to the sword on the ground and said, "I have confirmed with Ms. Hella that this sword is indeed the sword of Tyr, but this arm is not. "TIR's right arm has long been eaten by her pet, finris," Ms. Hella said

Adam picked up the sword in front of him and found that it was very beautiful. The scabbard was covered with gems. After pulling out, the light of the sword is awe inspiring, and the sharp long sword reveals the chill. It looks like a sword.

Adam input the divine power into the sword, and found that the sword has very good conductivity and powerful amplification function, especially for his divine power with sword Qi attribute.

"From today on, you are my sword." Adam gently stroked the body of the sword and found that it had no spirit, so he had no desire to name it. He took it back and hung it on his waist.

Then Adam turned his eyes to this arm, which is no different from the arm of ordinary men, and even has more delicate skin.

Adam took up the arm and put it into the divine power. After testing, he found that the arm once belonged to an Asgard Protoss. And according to its tenacity, it is definitely a true God who has awakened the divine power attribute.

A God without the property of awakening divine power is not a real God, and even without artifact, it will become a very weak state. Like Thor who lost his hammer.

Asgard's awakening of the divine power attribute of God is not many, can be said to be very few, in Adam's cognition, only God King Odin and his mother HeLa, the goddess of death, there is another is Odin's wife, the goddess of magic.

"My mother said, this arm is not tyre's?" Adam looked at the arm in front of him and thought there must be some secret.

Adam and the goddess of death talked a lot. Hera told Adam that the God of war, tyre, died in his own hands. In the battle before Odin sealed the goddess of death.

"Ms. Hella has confirmed that this arm will never belong to Tyr." The terminator replied: "after a period of investigation and a legend, I think the owner of the arm is still alive. He is..."