Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 359

After hanging up, general Rose's face was as black as the bottom of the pot!

Who is it?!

Leaked the secret?!

Soon he noticed the subtitle.

"The son of death? Who the hell is this man? "

"Come on, check it right away! I want all his information! Everything

General Ross roared angrily, and the officers of his subordinates rustled ~ Dou!

In less than an hour, the highly efficient U.S. military found the real person of the son of death, Adam hellasen, and all his information from childhood to adulthood, from medical care, to school, to family, in detail to heinous.

Although it's all fake

"Get him at once!"

"I'm going to make him regret being against me, rose!"

General Ross was grim and angry.

When the army moved out, countless American soldiers quickly left the base and flew to Adam's home.


Some remote farm house.

Adam has regained his appearance, sitting leisurely in his chair, watching the increasingly popular news on the Internet with his computer.

The things that Hulk vs. detested and destroyed the streets of New York have begun to spread abroad. At this time, lilos can see that many countries, such as Britain, France and Germany, have made comments.

"Strongly denounce the inhumane experiment of the United States..."

"Worried about the current situation in the United States..."

Of course, there is also a saying from China: "ha ha..."

The butterfly hugged Adam from behind and whispered, "have you had a good time?"

"Well, it's interesting." Adam turned to kiss the butterfly and said, "aren't you going to find something interesting to do?"

"I found it." Lingdie took a paper bag on her right hand and shook it to Adam. She said with a smile, "I'm going to visit my first patient as a psychiatrist."

"Have fun." Adam then found out that the butterfly was wearing a formal dress and was about to go out“ There are many strong people in this world, and there are many stronger than apocalypse. You must be careful outside and contact me at any time. "

"Well, I know." Lingdie has a gentle face, without any impatience. After all, Adam is concerned about her.

After they kiss again, lingdie leaves the hut with the paper bag in her hand.

After lingdie left, Adam continued to look at his masterpiece on the computer, with a happy face.

A group of soldiers in military uniforms and armed with weapons have created the door of the rural cottage. They sign to each other.

Adam picked his eyebrows and found a group of uninvited guests outside his home thousands of miles away. A silver white electric snake was scurrying in Adam's hand. Although he had recovered all his strength, Adam still liked playing with thunder and lightning.

After a blink of an eye, Adam put away the thunder and lightning in his hand. Since life can be relaxed and happy, why use violence to solve everything?


There was no way to look up the water meter. I just kicked the wooden door open.


A group of soldiers burst in.

Soon the whole house was searched and there was no one.

What's more, they also saw the arrogant words on the wall - "silly soldiers, you are late!"

Angry, a bunch of American soldiers who feel invincible in the world are furious.

"Hateful yellow monkey, not a good thing!"

"The yellow monkey is the most disgusting race in the world!"

In the United States, black people have been discriminated against miserably, but what is worse than black people is yellow people, especially Chinese people. Because of propaganda, not many white people like yellow people. Soldiers and police are full of discrimination against yellow people.

Especially after knowing that Adam, the son of death, who was the trouble maker for their army, turned out to be a Chinese, these American soldiers were furious, so they were very active in arresting Adam.

"Found it!"

The technician cheered and found the information Adam gave to the news media from Adam's computer. It was very complete, and there was also cash.

With the evidence in hand, we can confirm that Adam is the "murderer".

The next step is to find the whereabouts of this hateful yellow monkey!

The strength of the US military is still very strong. When they are determined to investigate a person, they can quickly find a person's whereabouts through the pervasive monitoring system and analysis system. Although Adam had made up, he still couldn't escape their pursuit.

In an hour, the army found Adam's final whereabouts - the suburban farm.

"Get him at once!"

General Ross gave the order with hatred.

Boom, boom~~~

Three military vehicles carrying 15 elite American soldiers rushed to the farm 30 kilometers away.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the farm.

At this time, a military satellite in the sky was specially deployed. It can be seen that general Ross of thunderbolt hated Adam to the extreme and used military satellites to deal with an ordinary person.

Outside the farm, Adam heard a strong vibration of the ground from a distance. It was a heavy truck. In this remote wilderness, it must be an army convoy.

"At last? Faster than you think. "

Adam left the house with a fox smile and ran to the distant hill.

Soon after, the army saw a fleeing figure.

"See! There's the yellow monkey

"Look! He's going to run

The soldier driving sneered: "don't worry, man, he can't escape! How can a man pass the car so fast

And then

A group of soldiers were stunned.

"Hell! That yellow monkey is so fast


"It's faster than the car!"

"God, he must be a mutant!"

At this time, in the command room of the military base, general Ross and the technicians also looked at Adam running on the wasteland at an inhuman speed.

"Why is the yellow monkey so fast?"

"We didn't find out he was a mutant!"

General Ross grinned: "well, since it's a mutant, it's better. If you catch him, you can bring him back to study!"

The three cars chased Adam, and finally slowly got closer, but both sides came to the edge of the jungle.

Adam turned around and gave these American soldiers a smile.

Then, head into the woods.

A soldier sneered: "hum, do you think we can't find you when we get into the jungle? How naive

This team is equipped with many high-tech military tools, including UAVs, infrared detectors

What's more, there are satellites in the sky!

The yellow monkey thought he could escape us?

How naive!

The mighty American soldiers, with all their equipment, got out of the car and followed Adam's trail into the jungle.

Adam felt that the soldier in the world was the most unfriendly soldier in the universe he had ever experienced. The four words "yellow monkey" made Adam a little unhappy.