Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 30

The human body is so fragile that even the hardest skull can't break the wall.

Adam looked at the body on the ground and finally recognized Aurora's ability.

"Well, we should get down to business now." Adam took Aurora's hand and walked out of the alley.

"Lord summoner, do we have business?" Aurora took Adam's hand and asked suspiciously, "didn't you say you had nothing to do before you went to bed yesterday? Do you want to go to America and play with bald men?"

"But we need ID cards to fly." Adam stood by the side of the road, looking at the passers-by“ I don't know who I should go to now, but it's always right to go to the director of the police station. As the saying goes, if you have something to ask the police uncle for help. "

Aurora asked curiously, "does the summoner know the people in the police station?"

Adam saw a man in a police uniform, walking towards the policeman and answering, "I don't know."

Aurora took Adam's hand, followed him, and asked, "how can he help us?"

"If he doesn't want to help, you convince him." Adam waved to the policeman and said, "Hello, officer, I want to report."

Aurora listened to Adam's words and fell into silence. For some reason, her face was wrinkled.

"What can I do for you, child?" As a law enforcement officer, the policeman saw at a glance that Adam was not yet an adult, and Adam's look was not anxious. It should be nothing serious. He asked in a mild tone: "where is your guardian? If you have something to report, you should let your parents go to the police station. "

"There's nothing missing, sir." Adam pointed to the alley not far behind him and said, "I just saw a corpse in that alley. Do you want to have a look?"

"Boy, are you sure it's a corpse, not a drunk or something?" The look of the police became serious. If someone died in his jurisdiction, it was not a small matter, at least not a small matter for him.

"I'm not sure, but I'm afraid to look up, so I'll tell you." There was a trace of impatience on Adam's face. He hoped that the policeman would go to the alley immediately to check the situation.

"Good boy, you stand here and don't move. I'll see what happened." The policeman patted Adam on the shoulder and walked down the alley.

The policeman went into the alley, and Adam took aurora to the alley. As he walked, he said to Aurora, "you first persuade the officer, and then through him, you can persuade the people who can help us."

"Lord summoner, Aurora doesn't want to convince the police because they are good people." Aurora's expression is not very willing, but still reluctantly said: "unless the summoner orders Aurora, or aurora will not do such a thing!"

"Honey, listen to me. I don't mean to hurt these good people. We just want them to help us in another way, do we?" Adam took aurora in his arms and explained in a low voice, "we're doing them no harm."

"Really?" Aurora looked up at Adam“ Aurora's father used to be a policeman. They are all good people. "

Aurora is still young. Adam thinks she should have a correct outlook on life.

"Most policemen are good people, I don't object, but not all policemen are good people." Adam held aurora in his arms and said seriously, "remember that from now on, those who help us are good people, and those who are against us are bad people."

"Is that so?" Aurora's little face is a little tangled“ But the neighbor uncle is a hero, he is a fireman, saved a lot of people, but he leaked the news that our family is a mutant, do you think he is a good person or a bad person

"Bad people!" Adam gave Aurora A gentle kiss on the forehead“ Remember, baby, those who want to hurt us are bad people! Even indirect harm. "

"Well!" Aurora nodded firmly“ Aurora, remember! Anyone who wants to hurt Lord Summoner and aurora is a bad person! We have to convince the bad guys. "

"Good boy." Adam kisses aurora on the forehead again.

Adam, holding aurora in his arms, returns to the dark alley again. The police are squatting on the ground to examine the body.

"How did you get in?" When the police found Adam coming in, they quickly stood up and blocked the body“ You get out of here first. There's no big deal here. You don't have to worry about it. "

"You are a good policeman and a very gentle person." Adam looked at the policeman in front of him, and suddenly he felt a little impatient“ Don't worry, it won't affect your future life. Well, it should not. "

"What are you talking about, child?" The policeman was puzzled. He looked at Adam cautiously and stepped back.

"I need your help, officer, but I don't think you'll be willing to do it, so I'll take some special measures." Adam looked at the golden figure behind the policeman with a gentle smile on his face“ I can swear that I will never let you do bad things. "

"Son, now stand where you are and don't move when the little girl in your arms is on the ground." The policeman's right hand slowly touched the pistol around his waist“ You'd better do as I say. "

"Ah! What is this

The golden soldier grabbed the policeman's hands from behind.

"Mutants? What are you going to do? " The police are under the control of the yellow scarf soldiers and can't move at all.

"Hiss..." his hands were caught, causing some pain. The police didn't dare to move. He didn't have the nerve as strong as victor, so he was not afraid of pain.

Adam went to the police, put Aurora gently on the ground, and said to Aurora, "what kind of external help do you need?"

"No, give me ten minutes." Aurora looked at the policeman in front of her with a serious face.

"Hello, sir. My name is aurora. My father used to be a policeman, so please believe me. I won't hurt you. I just want to have a conversation with you."

Although the police were full of fear, they still thought Aurora was cute and said, "honey, I'm not partial to mutants. If you need help, I'll try my best to help you, but I hope you don't take such extreme measures."

"I thank you very much, Mr. policeman, for not prejudicing US mutants. But you know, not everyone is like you, so we can only have one conversation with you in this way. "

"What can I do for you? I'm just a little policeman. "


With Aurora's words, the police are more and more relaxed, even with a faint smile on their face.

"So, who do you think will be able to help us get the identification without any problem?"

"Aurora, I know there are two people who can help you. One is the chief of our police department, and the other is the ambassador of the American Embassy in Canada."

Adam stood by and watched Aurora's performance with a smile on his face. He really found a treasure.