Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 198

"Come on! Soldiers As the army prepared for the next round of attack, general hidman said to his soldiers, "good news has come from the White House. As long as we get through this round of attack, backup will be there soon!"

It's a lie. They don't have reinforcements anymore. There is still no movement in the White House. All the troops in the world are losing. They are the last troops in the city.

A soldier hesitated and asked, "general... Do they really say Superman is dead?"

The general was stunned and silent.

"They said the day after the enemy came, the alliance of justice was defeated and they were all dead. But if even they fail... How can we win? "

The atmosphere is cold to the freezing point in a moment, which is the problem that all people are avoiding these days, because they are like cruel and bloody reality, no one has enough courage to face.

General hidman was silent for a long time. He didn't answer. He said in a low voice, "in ten minutes, be ready for battle."

It is at a time when the world is desperate enough that the dark ruler has come to give the last push to the world which is already standing on the edge of the abyss of despair. He had a dark, burly figure, and fell from the sky in a column of domineering light. Even the earth trembled when his feet fell.

"General!" The correspondent stammered, "you... You have to see this."

General hidman took a deep breath and came to the screen monitoring the front line. He was also shocked.

The dark demon in the picture steps towards his army like a king, and any obstacles are crushed by the dark red energy beam from his eyes.

Their tank troops were instantly disintegrated by the devastating energy, and seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The targeted fighter formation tried to dodge, but the light was like a living bite. It turned together behind the fighter, as if it had been written into the tracking program. So the air force also followed the destruction, less than ten seconds in total.

General hidman sat down dispirited. He felt his throat so dry that he couldn't say a word. He couldn't order his men to go out bravely to the top, because he knew it was meaningless. The black demon could blow the rest of his troops out in a second - maybe shorter.

They're done, and so is the planet.

The young man who wakes up from the ruins also sees all this. He flies into the sky and is just ready to rush into the battlefield.

"Did you see that?" A strange voice rang out in the young man's ear“ Without my intervention, this would be your future. "

Before he had time to say anything, he suddenly found that the picture in front of him had changed.

However, all of a sudden, the invincible black. Demon suddenly stopped. He raised his head, as if in agony to a roar, dark red light from his mouth and nose and mouth out of thin. Then all of a sudden, his whole body broke, like a balloon full of air burst from the inside out. A frightening energy beyond human cognition was released into the sky and disappeared behind the clouds in a moment.

The dark monsters are restless, and the fall of their leader has obviously caused quite a riot.

They scurried like headless flies for more than a minute, then several huge eddies opened in the sky above the city.

This group of monsters have no intention to destroy, scrambling to rush into the vortex in the air, and then withdraw completely in ten minutes.

General hidman gaped at what was happening on the monitor. There was a quiet moment in the whole headquarters, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

The aggressors have gone and they have won.

The throne stopped emitting green light, and Superman slowly opened his eyes.

"Without me, you would be dead again now." Adam looks at Superman“ You can't save the earth, the only one who can save it is me, only faith

Superman took a deep look at Adam. He was still immersed in the doomsday picture he had seen before. When he heard Adam's words, he couldn't help thinking.

Although Adam hopes to solve the problems here as soon as possible, it's not too late to sit on the throne and wait for Superman's choice.


After Adam left the Marvel Universe, the clown didn't listen to Adam and went to practice honestly. Instead, he followed him back to the DC Universe.

Adam's previous behavior has completely opened up the two single universes of Marvel Universe and DC Universe. The clown, who has part of Adam's power, can naturally return to DC Universe through the transmission array.

The clown knows that Adam will turn the DC Universe into a belief farm for the goddess of death. If he doesn't hurry up, he may never have a chance to play a game with his favorite Batman, so he has to hurry up to play a game with Batman again.

A narrow dark corridor, placed a large container like cage.

It is not so much an iron cage as an iron prison.   Because in this cage, ten poor little girls are imprisoned in it.   The thick chain of gloomy tightly clasps the entrance and exit of the cage, which seems to be permeated with the word despair.   In the vicinity of the cage, eight armed gangsters armed with guns guard here.   The commander of these eight armed criminals is the clown, the super villain as famous as Batman in Gotham.   The clown is no longer the clown. After the integration with Adam's separation, not only Adam's separation consciousness is polluted by the clown's chaotic will, but also the meaning of the clown is affected by Adam's separation consciousness.

Although the clown's idea of separation is still as crazy as before, advocating chaos is the real fairness, but now it is more arrogant, a kind of higher life instinct arrogance.

At the moment, the clown is holding a black pistol, walking leisurely in front of the cage. It seems that he is waiting for someone's arrival.

The clown has learned the news of justice alliance through the Internet. Batman has returned to Gotham with the people of justice alliance, so the clown will make this arrangement.

Clown Fenshen didn't inform Batman of the things here through any channels, but he knew Batman would know the things here and would come to meet him.

The real clown has died in Adam's hands, and this matter is known by wonder woman, Batman and others.

After seeing the powerful power of Adam, how can they not come to see their own dead people, let alone the people who have that power.

Gradually, there are more and more people in front of the narrow corridor.   From the first few, to the next dozens, and then to the present hundreds.