Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 192

Adam thought for a moment, and felt that there was nothing wrong with what the clown said. If he gave up this opportunity, he didn't know what would happen.

According to the original plot, Superman uses the powerful power to help steel separate the three mother boxes and save the earth.

But now Superman is entangled with a hulk who doesn't know where to come out. They are close and hard to win. In a short time, they can't get away from helping steel.

If Adam gives up this opportunity, justice alliance will choose to let wonder woman show the ladder Superman to entangle Hulk, and then Superman will separate the mother box.

Adam had observed the battle between Superman and the Hulk before, and the strength of both of them could be regarded as the top among the gods.

Wonder woman has only divine strength. If she is careless, she will be seriously injured by the Hulk. At this time, the Hulk should attack Superman who is the most threatening to him. If Superman wants to separate the mother box, it will fall short.

If Superman fails, the startled mother box will directly burst out of astonishing energy and blow up the earth directly.

In this way, Adam will lose the position of the mother box. Even if Adam can project his consciousness into the universe again, he will not be able to find the mother box in a short time.

Although Adam is not particularly anxious, he does not want to give up such a good opportunity.

The clown saw that Adam was thinking seriously and wanted to add another fire. He put his mouth to Adam's ear behind him and said, "everyone comes to the world with a mission. No matter how ordinary and insignificant he is, there is always a corner where he can put his soul. There is always someone who needs him

Adam turned and looked at the clown. He didn't understand the profound words.

"You come to the universe where I live, and nature has your mission." The clown said in a calm voice, "and I also have my mission. There are many people who will need me, such as... Harry."

"So?" Adam seems to have heard something“ I'm going to kill you just for Harry. Now you want me to keep you for her again? "

"Yes." The clown had a strange smile on his face“ Would you like to? "

The clown didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to disturb Adam's thinking.

Adam thinks that the clown is not as dangerous as he imagined, and he will be helpless when he has no way to do it.

Adam even thinks that the clown is not a madman, because madmen are not afraid of death, and now the clown is obviously afraid of death.

The clown's words, which are close to begging for mercy, let Adam's heart down his faint vigilance.

"Be good in my head and don't make trouble."

There was a big smile on the clown's face. Adam didn't know why the clown was so happy, but he felt that the obstacles between himself and the mother box had disappeared.

Adam's consciousness through the mother box of his right hand, the huge energy carries Adam's consciousness, tears time and space, and comes into contact with a distant world that should not have been touched.

Jotunheim of Marvel Universe, looking at the endless glacier, a dazzling throne floating in the air, Adam sitting lazily on the throne, his head on his arm, his arm on the armrest.

A powerful and strange higher energy suddenly appeared in mid air. Adam quickly absorbed this energy through the throne.

This energy belongs to the higher energy of the universe, which not only enables Adam to gather enough high energy for the gold soldier to upgrade, but also connects Adam's consciousness to the part of the DC Universe.

At the moment when Adam's Noumenon connects with the consciousness of separation, the clown in the mind of separation pours on the consciousness of separation with a ferocious smile on his face.


Adam's separated consciousness and the clown are integrated into a whole in a moment. Even if Adam's essence is embodied in the possession of spiritual gem, he has no time to start.

At the moment of the connection of consciousness, Adam knew all the memories of the separation, and at the moment of the integration of clown and Adam, Adam lost control of the separation.

It's a wonderful state.

Adam's separation is still Adam's separation, but Adam can't control him. Adam can see everything that the separation sees, can read the memory of the separation at will, but can't control all the behaviors of the separation, and can't explore the inner thoughts of the separation.

"Hello." With a crazy smile like a clown on his face, he greets Adam with a smile“ I'm your new part, clown

"I can destroy you at any time." Adam's eyes did not fluctuate. Adam with power and Adam without power were not a gesture at all.

"Great noumenon, supreme God, I tremble under your majesty!" The clown said in a strange voice while wriggling his body, like a frightened earthworm.

"Give me a reason not to crush you, worm." Adam's index finger was on his brow.

Whether or not the separation and the clown merge, the connection between the mother box and the throne has been reached, and Adam can tear up the space at any time.

The task of separation was completed perfectly, so even if he was destroyed, Adam would not care too much, but if separation was fused by clowns, it would be a kind of dignified offense to Adam.

"Noumenon, I believe you can feel that I am your part, there is no doubt about that." The clown becomes serious. No matter why he does it, the reason is not that he wants to die easily“ You can destroy me at any time, so why do you do that? "

The clown's face was full of confidence.

"After fusion, I have acquired most of the memories of this separation, and a small part of your memories."

"Break the space projection, a little sense of separation, and then rely on separation to establish a transmission array in another universe, or find a treasure with huge energy."

"It's the first time you've done this, but I'm sure it's not the last time."

The clown held his head high with confidence.

"And I believe I can finish this task well, so I hope you can send me next time."

"You can control my life and death at any time, and don't care if I will betray you. Anyway, for you, I'm just an insignificant mole ant, and I can't achieve your achievement even if I spend my whole life."

"And I'm sure I'll do better than you did before."

"You gave me a reason not to kill you." Adam nodded“ Give me another reason why you did it. "

"I thought the earth was my playground, but later I found out that the universe is very big. Until now I have found a wider world." "The clown said enthusiastically:" the world is so big, I want to see more