Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 190

"Don't be so nervous, young man." The clown's funny face was full of smile and replied with smile, "you just searched carefully for a long time. Now I don't have any weapons, which is no threat to you. Are you still afraid of me as an unarmed person? If it comes out, will other people laugh and say, "Oh, boy only dares to talk to others when he is holding a gun, ha ha ha..."

When I heard this, I was stunned. It seems that I really don't have to be so nervous. An unarmed guy, even a black mask or a penguin, is no big deal.

At that moment, the guy who called himself a third rate comedian slapped the glass he had just drunk on his face. I'm afraid no one would think that one day this glass, which is not worth 5 cents in the grocery store, could be used as a concealed weapon, especially when the scattered fragments pierced his eyes like flying knives, Then, before the victim had time to howl, he was grabbed by his opponent and held hostage. Of course, the gun in his hand became someone else's.

The whole incident came so suddenly that the people of the iron fist Gang didn't even react to it. Some people were so scared that they wanted to run away, but the entrance had just been locked

The picture in memory is still evolving, and Adam is a little confused.

What does that mean?

Let me learn clown?

Or is there a secret in the clown's memory?

Adam continued to look into the memory.

"Don't be impulsive. Do you think you can threaten us if you take one of our hostages?" The boss of the iron fist Gang is a leader in the end. When he reacts, he makes a secret gesture to make people detour, and at the same time he makes a speech to stabilize his opponent.

"Think about it, you only have a broken gun stolen from the second-hand market, only loaded with three bullets, and we have 10 guns pointing at you! If you don't have the same brain as the big fool in the corner, you must see the situation clearly! "

However, to answer him, it was a shot that hit the tattered voltage transformer of the abandoned factory, and the whole factory fell into darkness.

When the gun was fired, the iron fist gang was startled, but after repeatedly confirming that their parts were intact and did not open a hole for ventilation, they were relieved and angry. We always bullied others first when we came out of the road. When was it their turn to be bullied by a madman with a gun?

So no matter what happens, Anderson pulls out his gun one after another. He hides in the corner and scolds his mother. What if he is injured by mistake in this dark environment?

Hurry to make 180 degree parallel contact between your body and the floor, and bury your head in the ground like an ostrich. That's the safest thing.

Anderson is just a poor guy who can't survive. He has been in hell iron fist gang for less than ten days. He just wants to live with these gang members, but he is not as brave as others.

But the sky didn't meet people's wishes. A few bullet cases flew out of the gun, while they were hot, and they bounced into Anderson's collar. It hurt so much that the goods jumped three feet high. When they jumped up, they opened their mouths and wanted to swear. But they immediately reflected that this jump was easy to provide targets for other people who were shooting pistols, so their swearing words changed immediately

"Captain! Don't shoot! It's me, my own man

"It's you boy... Ah no... it's Anderson." The boss of the iron fist Gang recognized his younger brother and yelled: "don't shoot, be careful to hit your own people!"

Then the people woke up and stopped fire one after another. They could not see anything. If they all shot indiscriminately, they might die in their own hands.

For these outlaws, it doesn't matter if they kill their companions, but if they let their companions kill them, what a injustice!

Soon, the power supply was restored, but the light bulbs went on strike. The circuit of this long abandoned toy factory was seriously aging. After a trip, almost all the light bulbs could not be started. The only one that could give a little light was just like a candle in the wind. It went out for a while soon, and then it came back on half a day later.

Flickering lights with messy and gloomy factory environment, once quiet, strange atmosphere will diffuse!

By the light, people find the kidnapped little brother, the poor man has been just shot into a sieve, and the guy who calls himself a third rate comedian has long gone!

Anderson squatted in the corner and could not help but secretly congratulated himself. If he had searched himself just now, even if he had escaped the last bullet, his face would have been absolutely splashed by the glass.

The boss of the iron fist Gang is not so happy.

It's a shame for the whole gang to be teased like this by one person!

He roared: "you are a complete liar. Those who dare to play with us will be broken into pieces in the end. The only exit of this factory has been locked by us. You'd better pray that God will protect you from being found by us!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, whysoserious!"!, As the saying goes, "smile for ten years, ha ha ha..." a cold night owl like laughter came from the darkness, and everyone raised their guns to look for it, but the damned lights were always on and off, and they couldn't locate the opponent's exact position.

"A complete liar? That's hurtful Nightowl like voice loomed in the dark, sometimes as if on the people's side, sometimes far away in the sky, "I'm really a comedian, my jokes can be funny."

The weak light suddenly went out, and the darkness was like the tide.

Everyone looked around with vigilance. They didn't shoot like they did last time. It's crucial to avoid accidental injury in a dark environment

"Don't you believe it? Let me tell you a joke. There are two prisoners in one cell. One of them is going to be locked up for a year for stealing, and the other is a robber and murderer, but only for two weeks. Why? Ha ha ha! Because the murderer was shot two weeks later, hahaha... It's so funny! Ha ha ha... "

Anderson's voice was too close to him, as if he was whispering in his ear. At this moment, a little brother nearby gave out a scream!

The air was full of blood. At this time, the light came back. Unfortunately, there was a corpse on the ground with three or four cheap fruit knives around the neck!

The murderer had been away for a long time, and he could only hear the sound of mocking laughter in the dark.

All the people were in a panic, the surrounding air became quiet, and the heavy gasps kept ringing.