Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 168

Adam went all over Arkham's lunatic asylum, but did not find a lighter. He came to the gate of Arkham, which was dilapidated and covered with bodies and blood.

Adam observed in the dark and found that there was no guard or madman, so he came out and walked towards the wide world outside Arkham's door.

"Where's my pudding?"

A cold female voice came, Adam heard it, and Harry and a woman stood not far from Arkham.

Adam's brow wrinkled, clearly and poison rattan girl agreed, but did not expect poison rattan girl or with Harry appeared.

Poison vine girl's body can send out strong toxins, including strong hormones, which can poison any object and attract any man or woman. Poison vine girl can use her lips to secrete lethal venom and poison her target.

Her psychotoxin can even control Superman and stir up the war between Superman and Batman. Only Batman and other determined people can resist the psychotoxin of poison vine girl.

Such a powerful person, it is also justifiable not to abide by the agreement.

"Your little pudding has been twisted off by your dear brother. Do you want the rest of the body?" Adam smilingly walked up to Harry and stretched out the doll in his hand“ Or you can use it as a memorial. "

Harry took the doll from Adam's hand and looked at Adam with a strange look. Her lips trembled, but she didn't say a word.

"Take care, Harry." Adam rubbed Harry's hair and turned away.

Although confused by the clown, crazy infatuated with the clown, Halley, I haven't killed the clown for myself?

Adam left Arkham in a happy mood, but with the guidance of his intuition, he came to the underground pipeline of Gotham.

Adam saw countless ugly images in the sewer, with a few wings, strange things.

This kind of thing is called demons. They feed on fear and attack any creature with fear crazily.

After the death of Superman, the son of krypton, the earth is really full of fear. Neither Batman nor wonder woman can bring human security.

Adam followed these demons to a platform. Countless demons were flying all over the sky. A huge figure with an ax was interrogating several human beings.

Adam knew that it was the wilderness wolf. He looked at Huang Yuanlong carefully and found that he was a god level strong man.

Adam was lost in thought.

Wonder woman is the peak of legend. Two wristbands with magical power on her wrist can make her exert her divine power in a short time.

Wonder woman may still have the potential to grow up, but at present, she is not the opponent of the wilderness wolf, and her friends can not help her in the hands of the wilderness wolf.

Adam looks at the wolf in the distance and thinks whether he wants to help wonder woman attack him.

If wonder woman and others can't get the wolf, they will try to protect the earth by all means.

Maybe no one else will, but Batman will!

If Adam remembers correctly, Victor steel knows the whereabouts of the last mother box.

Now Victor must have joined Batman's team, that is to say, the last master box is in Batman's control.

Mother box has powerful power, can easily destroy a planet, can also easily let a planet rebirth.

Mother box even a planet can be resurrected, not to mention a person, even if he has the energy comparable to the planet.

According to Adam's current analysis, Superman is at least at the level of God. The strength of this single universe is lower than that of Marvel's single universe. Therefore, Superman, the strongest guardian of the earth, is only at the level of God, far behind the bald woman, Gu Yi.

But Adam is only a legend level. All the abilities given by the system can't be used. Adam can only compete with wonder woman, or even can't win.

If Superman were resurrected, Adam would not be able to escape in front of the son of krypton.

Adam looked at the wolf again. If his company and wonder woman attacked him, could they beat him.

Adam didn't want Superman to come back to life, because it was so hard to give his life to someone else.

The wolf attacked the Amazon and Atlantis, got the mother box protected by the two races, beat the Amazon on the island, and ravaged Atlantis in the sea.

The wolf is interrogating several human beings. He wants to know where the last mother box is.

Although a few human beings are very cowardly, they don't know what they are looking for.

Until the wolf of the wilderness held up an old black man.

"I won't say anything." The old black man had a calm face.

"Finally found a brave guy." The wild Wolf grinned.

The demons were flying all over the place, and the wolf knew from these little guys that the old man in his hand was very scared.

"I hope your courage will continue." The wolf looked ferocious. He put his hand around the old black man's neck and tried harder and harder.

Adam saw this scene and knew that the black old man was Victor's father.

As Adam expected, the semi mechanized Victor fell from the sky and launched a fierce attack on the wolf. Two beams of light hit the wolf and flew him out.

"You have the smell of mother box, which is given to you by your mother!" The wolf did not get angry, but very excited to see the emergence of victor.

Victor is comforting his father, and the old black man is also comforting his son.

"Victor, the box must not be taken away by these aliens!"

"Don't worry, my friends are here."

Adam found that the strength of Victor's robot is gold level, and he could not help sighing at the strength of the mother box.

With a ferocious smile, the wolf walks to Victor with a huge axe. He wants to cut off the limbs of the insect, and then know the whereabouts of the mother box from his mouth.

Not far away from the hiding place, Batman is encouraging the flash.

"You don't need to hurt anyone, you just need to save people."

"Who am I going to save? I've never had a fight

"Save them from the aliens, no matter who saves one!"

"All right, all right..."

The wonder woman flew down from mid air and attacked the wolf. The truth lasso pulled out the wolf.

"Your opponent is me!"

The wolf and the wonder woman fight together. The demons in the sky are not decorations. They attack victor and the rest of the human beings.