Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 16

The sun was shining and the morning air was full of flowers and plants. Adam sat on the doorstep with a copy of the New York Times in his hand.

A worn-out second-hand pickup truck stops in front of Adam. Terminator John gets out of the car with a plane ticket in his hand.

"Master, today's flight to Norway has been settled." With a more and more humanized smile on his face, John handed the ticket to Adam.

Adam took the ticket and looked at the time. He found that the departure time was the evening of the same day. He could not help frowning. Adam, who was eager to experiment with new abilities, naturally hoped that the earlier the better.

John stood in front of Adam, smiling and silent.

"That's it." Adam put the ticket in his pocket and put the New York Times aside“ Take care of Carrie when I'm away. Although she has a strong power, her heart is still too weak. Don't let people stimulate her and lead to unexpected consequences. If someone wants to hurt her, you should remember to start ahead of time, rather than let go of the wrong way! "

"Master, Miss Carrie will go with you to Norway." John took another ticket out of his pocket, which was the seat next to Adam“ This is Miss Carrie's ticket

"Who allowed you to make your own decisions? Give me an explanation. " Adam's face darkened and he looked at the terminator in front of him.

Adam is not afraid of nuclear war or Skynet, but that doesn't mean Adam likes it.

Adam suspected that the terminator in front of him had evolved into a terrible situation through the catalysis of the system, even reached the level of Skynet, and could think independently and learn from the joys and sorrows of human beings.

"Miss Carrie stopped me before I went to buy a ticket this morning." John still had a smile on his face and slowly explained, "Miss Carrie knows that you are going to Norway and is not going to bring her news. She said if she couldn't go with you, she would eat me and go by herself. After systematic analysis... I chose the most favorable way to deal with it. "

"That's why you make your own decisions?" Adam understood, but did not accept“ For life, against the rules of the Terminator? "

As the master of the terminator, Adam thinks that his own interests should be higher than the life of the terminator, and the terminator should carry out his own orders without reservation, rather than making his own decisions to save his life.

"My first task is to buy a ticket to Norway for the host. To fulfill the host's orders is the rule of being the terminator." John put his right hand with the ticket in front of Adam“ After finishing the master's order, I will explain Miss Carrie's affairs clearly to the master and analyze the advantages and disadvantages for you. The decision is still in your hands. "

Adam took the ticket in the hand of the terminator, feeling a little hot, temporarily put the matter of the terminator aside, the most important thing at present is Carrie's mood.

He went back to the house with the ticket in his hand, and Adam saw the beautiful girl sitting by the window in the sunshine.

Carrie was sitting at a table by the window drawing. She used to like painting very much, but because of her mother, she had little time to practice.

Like now, in the lazy sunshine, doing what she likes to do, she can see her beloved when she looks up, which is a kind of happy life for Carrie.

Adam watched the little girl stop painting and looked up at himself with adoring eyes. He felt numb in his heart.

Adam knows what he will face when he arrives in Norway. He will face the seal and exile of Odin, the king of Asgard. He doesn't want the little girl to see this cruel scene.

After Adam was banished, he did not know how long it would take to return.

Think about it. How would Carrie feel when she watched Adam disappear in front of her and had no news for a long time?

But what Adam knows better is that when Carrie looks at herself with her pitiful, helpless and adoring eyes, she can't refuse any of her requests, even if she goes to Norway with her.

"Let's talk." Adam sat opposite Carrie and saw the apple she had painted.

"I'm going with you." Carrie colored the apple with a red colored pen.

Adam put his ticket on the table, looked at Carrie and said seriously, "it's not about Odin and exile."

"You said Carrie put down her pen.

Next, Adam spent 30 minutes telling a play about the family ethics of the asgards.

"So, after this trip to Norway, you may have to leave me for a long time?" Carrie's face was expressionless“ Do you have to go? "

Adam couldn't see the happiness, anger and sadness in Carrie's face, but he still nodded firmly and said, "I have a way now. There is a great possibility that I can save my mother. I have to try it."

"I'll go with you. Let me try. Maybe you don't need to be exiled, and I can untie that seal." Carrie doesn't know how powerful she is, but she still doesn't have the confidence to break Odin's seal.

Adam nodded and said, "yes, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Hee hee." Carrie laughed and said, "I will listen to what you say. I will do what you ask."

"Our life span is infinite, so if I am banished, I hope you don't be too sad." Adam touched Carrie's head across the table“ You have to go to school and live like an ordinary person until I come back. "

"Good." Carrie narrowed her eyes and enjoyed Adam's touch. She agreed to Adam's request without hesitation.

"Dada dada..."

There was a series of gunshots, and Adam stood up, right in front of their house.

Carrie got up, went to Adam, took his hand and said, "let's go and have a look. Guns can't hurt me."

As soon as Adam was ready to refuse, she looked at herself expectantly. Even if Adam knew that with the strength of Carrie's body, the bullet might not hurt her, she didn't want to experiment herself.

"Well, remember to stand behind me." Adam agreed. He was confident to block every bullet that flew to Carrie.

Adam takes carrie out of the house and finds two groups of people fighting at their own door.

A one eyed black man was standing in the distance, shooting at his door with an automatic rifle.

In front of his house, a man and a woman were hiding behind John's pickup truck. The man was still fighting back with two pistols.

Adam looked at the woman behind the car in surprise.

He met this woman three years ago, and John, his terminator, got it from her.