Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 90 - At Point Blank Range

Feng Xinying's phone was kept on the table when she saw that a message had come. As soon as it pinged, Xie Yuansheng picked it up. She looked at him with a frown and said politely, "Could you please give me my phone? It seems I just got a text message…"

Xie Yuansheng stood from his seat, collected his wallet and holding her hand, he walked out of the office saying, "Yingying, what's the hurry? I want to talk to you. You can check your phone later." Xie Yuansheng was afraid that she might have received the same message as he did. Although it was a remote possibility, but then there was a chance…

Feng Xinying smiled shyly. She did want to talk cute nothings with him. A faint blush passed through her cheeks. As he pulled her into the elevator, he could see the blush. He pinned her to elevator's wall with his hips in a way that she couldn't budge from there. Feng Xinying gasped. "This is elevator. You can't do anything here…" she said as she pushed against his chest. Xie Yuansheng held her hands with one hand and pinned them above her head.

"Xie Yuansheng, what are you-"

Before she could complete her sentence, he had already grabbed her mouth and was forcefully entering it. His other hand reached her skirt and delved inside her panties as he cupped her buttock and squeezed it hard.

"Mmmm," she protested mildly when he kissed but then as soon as he squeezed her buttock, she her inside muscles tightened. She wanted to circle his neck and dig her fingers there but was restrained by him. The elevator stopped and a loud ping brought them back to the reality. He left her and looked down at her as he released her hands. Her face was flushed red. He rubbed his finger over her lips and said, "Can I sleep in your bedroom tonight?"

She became shy and bit her lips. "Yes…"

Hearing her answer, he held her hand firmly and got out of the elevator.

The lunch was ready and they had it along with Xie Weihui. Xei Weihui noticed that both of them were silent and eating their lunch while glancing at each other. She grinned and asked Xie Yuansheng, "Yuansheng, that day it became very chaotic with so many of the girls coming all together. So this time I have decided to present one girl at a time in order to give you more time with them. You can talk to them. Know about them and then tell me your feelings about them. Since Feng Xinying is not interested in you anymore, why do you want to keep her in the three months contract marriage? You should release her from the contract."

Xie Yuansheng looked at his aunt with a shock. Why was she adding fuel to the fire that had settled down? Why was she provoking Feng Xinying again? He had the most pitiable expression on his face when he looked at Feng Xinying who had dug the knife in flesh of the fish chops as though she was killing the fish on her plate. A line appeared between her brows and her pupils had flared.

Xie Yuansheng looked at his aunt and coughed. Then he said, "Mother, please there is no need to get any more girls for me. I can take care of myself. Also Xinying won't like it."

His last sentence cleared the crease from Feng Xinying's forehead and she appeared calmer. Xie Weihui chuckled and had her food without speaking anything else.

When they reached upstairs, Feng Xinying went to her room and Xie Yuansheng went to his. She changed into her pajamas and waited for him to come to her room. However, she kept waiting for a long time but he didn't come. She opened the door and peeped inside. There was no one. She searched for him in the balcony, but he wasn't there either. She went downstairs and asked Lu Boyun.

"Did you see Xie Yuansheng?"

"Yes, young miss, he has left just now. He was talking on the phone urgently to someone."

She became sad. Why did he leave her without even informing her? But then their relationship hadn't advanced to that level… she thought of calling him but realized that Xie Yuansheng had taken her phone and hadn't even returned it. She went to the landline and called her phone. It rang but there was no answer. She wondered where he must have gone.

Xie Shengjun had sent Xie Yuansheng a message regarding the whereabouts of the person who had sent the messages on his phone. Xie Yuansheng had left immediately after that. While on his way, he looked at the message on Feng Xinying's phone. His fears were correct. Same message had been sent to her. The fact that the same message was sent to her meant that they had a common enemy. Who could that be? In his past life he had many, but none were common and so in this life he was curious to know the person who could be behind this.

When he reached there, he saw that it was a very small house on the outskirts of the city. He noticed Xie Shengjun's car that was parked outside. As he got down and walked towards the house, he could hear loud cries. Four men who were guarding it the entrance made way as they saluted him.

Xie Yuansheng entered the house. The cries became louder. A man was screaming on the top of his voice. He stepped inside the room from where the screams were coming and found Xie Shengjun himself was torturing a man chained to a chair.

Xie Shengjun was pulling a nail out of his finger using a plier and the man was crying and screaming. He looked Xie Yuansheng and smiled as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"He is a tough nut to break Yuansheng but after interrogating him one thing is clear – he worked on someone's behalf. He knows that you are married to Feng Xinying," reported Xie Shengjun.

Xie Yuansheng's brows knitted as he looked at the man who was drenched in pool of blood. "Where has he stored that data?" asked Xie Yuansheng.

"It was on his computer, but all has been erased," replied Xie Shengjun.

Xie Yuansheng turned towards the man and asked, "On whose behest are you doing all this? We will leave you and give you double the money if you tell us."

The man smiled through his bloodied teeth and laughed, "If I had to tell you, why would I suffer your torture?"

Xie Yuansheng's eyes burned with anger. He took the gun out of Xie Shengjun's belt and shot the man in between the brows at point blank range. "Why even suffer the torture from our hands? Be gone." said Xie Yuansheng very coldly looking at the dead body.