Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 86 - Don’t Touch Me!

As soon as Luciano said that, the speakers blasted again.

"Your time will never come

You will succumb

Don't even get out of the house

You mouse

I will shoot you

In between eyes

No one will hear your cries

You cannot steal my girl

I will kill you for that"

Luciano was at his wits' end! What was happening? Once again, he got up from his place to lower the volume and change the music. He was baffled by the bug in the system and wanted to throw it out but he had more pressing matters. He went back to Feng Xinying and sat down next to her. "Baby doll…" he cried.

"Don't call me baby doll, please," she replied with a frown.

"Okay… my dearest friend… You know how much I have liked you but I didn't know I had started loving you. Leave Xie Yuansheng and come back to me," he pleaded.

Outside Luciano's house, Xie Yuansheng was watching the two of them. He was so angry with Luciano for confessing his love to Feng Xinying. "This slimy bastard! He has the nerves to woo my wife! How dare he? I will make mincemeat out of him!" Saying that, Xie Yuansheng opened the door of the car and started walking towards the house but stopped in his tracks.

He heard Feng Xinying saying, "Never ever say that again, okay? I have come here to sever my ties with you. Since you have always been very supportive towards me, I have also paid you back by being one of the top models for your fashion house. I have worked free for you for many fashion-shows, so as far as our favors for each other are concerned, they even out. From now on, I will not come to see you."

Luciano couldn't believe what he had just heard. How could Feng Xinying even say that? She would leave him recently during her drunken episodes but that was because she was drunk. Why was she behaving strangely when she wasn't drunk?

"B- but Feng Xinying, you and I are the perfect match for each other. I may be a tad older than you but that is nothing. People marry their senior of fifteen years. I am only fourteen years older!"

He tried to grab Feng Xinying's hand only to be smacked harshly. "Don't touch me!"

"Okay, I won't baby. But please, don't go." He pleaded like a beggar.

Feng Xinying got up from there, collected her purse and walked out of his house. Luciano was left with eyes as wide as his mouth. Just then, a servant entered the living hall. He asked, "Young master, where do I keep the spicy, burnt brinjal dish?"

The music system blasted with the same song at full volume and a window glass cracked.

Feng Xinying pressed her hands over her ears and started to run outside. Luciano ran after her but she was fast and by the time he even got up from his position, she had opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Xie Yuansheng standing there. Her face became pale when she saw him glaring at her. She didn't know what to say.

"Get in the car," he said as his eyes blazed with anger. Feng Xinying quietly walked to Xie Yuansheng's car that was parked at a distance.

Right after Feng Xinying went, Luciano followed her. He ran down the stairs of the front side and bumped into someone. He looked up and terror overtook his face. Before he could comprehend anything, a hard punch came and landed on his face. Luciano fainted, his body half lying on the steps of his house.

The servants who followed him were taken aback and they stepped inside the house in fear when they saw their master getting punched by a fierce looking stranger.

Xie Yuansheng's expression hardened and he turned to get back to his car where Feng Xinying was sitting.

The driver drove the car out of that place. The car in which Feng Xinying had come followed.

While they were in the car, Xie Yuansheng didn't speak a word. He had crossed his hands across his chest and looked outside. Feng Xinying was feeling so guilty that she couldn't even say a word in her defense. She had told him that she had gone to Keira's place… However, at the same time, she felt he had spied on her, which didn't sit well with her. So she asked him sheepishly, "Why did you follow me?"

He didn't answer her and kept looking outside. Feng Xinying tugged at his shirt and again tried to strike a conversation, "I can take care of myself. Why did you follow me, Yuansheng?"