Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 432 - No to Keeping a Nanny!

Over the next month, things sailed smoothly in the Xie households. Rongrong was a month old and Feng Xinying had entered her final month of pregnancy. She had stopped stepping out of the house and was preparing for childbirth and how to be new parents. She called a personal trainer who used to teach her about all the exercises she should do to facilitate childbirth and what to expect once the baby was born. The trainer was a sweet natured woman who used to come in the morning at around 9AM. Sometimes Xie Yuansheng also joined the sessions.

One day after the trainer had left, Feng Xinying said, "I am thinking of keeping a nanny Shengu. That will help us through a lot of sleepless nights since we don't have any elder around us."

Xie Yuansheng didn't like the idea of his child being cared for by the nanny. "No Ying'er. I don't want my child to be handled by the nannies."

"But even Keira has a nanny. This is despite the fact that her mother often comes to take care of the baby. Keira has all the support. Why can't we have?" she reasoned.

Xie Yuansheng looked uncomfortable. He said, "I am not liking the idea. What if the nanny doesn't take care of the child nicely or neglect the baby. I won't be able to digest that and might do something bad to her. So it is better that just the two of us look after our baby. Also, why are you so afraid? Lu Boyun is there to help us. He would be a good nanny."

"What? Lu Boyun is the butler. How can he be a nanny?" Feng Xinying asked thinking how stupid Lu Boyun would look as a nanny.

"He did take care of you when you were young!" said Xie Yuansheng giving a valid point.

"He took care of me when I was more than five years. I was already a grown girl and not a small baby. We need a nanny for our small baby," she replied surprised at her husband.

"I don't trust anyone with the child, Yingying," said Xie Yuansheng and left for office in a huff. He was in no mood to accept a nanny.

Feng Xinying was angry because she knew that it would be quite messy once the baby was out. She had seen Keira managing the house along with the baby with the help of her parents and a nanny. She decided to call Keira and tell her woes. Perhaps she could make Xie Yuansheng understand about the situation.

"Yingying! How are you?" asked Keira.

Feng Xinying could hear people talking to Rongrong in the background. "Haha! Keira, it seems everyone is pretty pally with Rongrong. I can see how she keeps all of you busy."

"Yingying! You cannot imagine how much of a center of attraction this little one is. Xie Shengjun is always carrying her in his arms. He keeps flaunting her and she has become used to staying in his lap. Whenever he tries to put her down on the bed, she starts crying. Sometimes I feel Xie Shengjun is the mother of my child!" said Keira.

Feng Xinying laughed and said, "That is so cute Keira. Sometimes I feel that Xie Yuansheng would also do the same. After all they are brothers and have same genes."

Keira laughed with her.

"Actually I called you to ask about nanny. I wanted to keep a nanny for my baby and so was planning to around for a nice one. What is your experience with a nanny?" asked Feng Xinying.

"Oh! Nanny is a bliss! They help with a lot of stuff. I have got mine who is in her mid-thirties but her energy levels are high. She stays for the day. And I am very happy with her services. So you must start finding one soon."

"Hmm… Somehow Xie Yuansheng is just not agreeing to keep a nanny. So I was thinking that we come over to your place one day so that Xie Yuansheng can see how baby-sitter is assisting you. Is that okay?"

"Of course! You can come over any time."

"How about the coming Saturday?"

"Sure," replied Keira. "This Saturday my parents won't be there and so it is going to be a nice time. The nanny would be taking care of full-time."

Suddenly she heard her baby crying. Hurriedly she disconnected the call saying, "See you soon Xinying. I think Rongrong needs me."

"Ya sure," replied Feng Xinying with a smile. This seemed like a good plan. Going there to show what all can a nanny do would surely convince Xie Yuansheng..

For the entire week, she didn't talk on the subject of baby-sitter with Xie Yuansheng. However, it was on Saturday that she said that she wanted to visit Keira. It was also her doctor's regular appointment.

Although Xie Yuansheng insisted that they go back home, she said that she wanted to go there for a change. Xie Yuansheng could not say no to that. So after the doctor's checkup, they headed for Xie Shenjun's place. When they reached there, they found him resting with his daughter. She was sprawled on his chest while he was sleeping on the daybed in the porch. Both of them were enjoying the afternoon sun. Xie Yuansheng smiled at his older brother. He could never imagine this kind of a change in him.

Xie Shengjun heard them coming and he opened his eyes. Smiling at them, he got up carefully and welcomed them while handing Xie Rong to the nanny. Feng Xinying looked at her with interest. She took the baby so carefully and sweetly that Feng Xinying melted. The nanny gave her a sweet smile before leaving them to talk. Feng Xinying also smiled. She nudged Xie Yuansheng to show him how nice the woman was but he only ignored her.

Keira came to join them after instructing the baby-sitter. "Yiniying, how are you feeling?" she asked as she hugged her.

"Good," replied Feng Xinying as she patted her tummy.