Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 421 - I Can Be a Bull Anytime

Xie Yuansheng had joined the office. For him it was easy to follow all the projects because he had already read all the files that Feng Xinying had brought at home and she had filled him with all the details. His entire week was hence filled with meetings upon meetings. He didn't have the time to meet Xie Shengjun and Keira as promised. Feng Xinying would get very angry upon him for coming home late but she knew that it couldn't be helped. The good thing that was happening was that she was free from all the tension in the world. She didn't care where her uncle or aunt was in the world. All she cared about was her baby and her husband.


In the basement of the house, Shu Jing Min and Jiao Long kept waiting for the boss to come. They didn't know how much time had gone by because the room had no windows from where they could see the diurnal changes. They were fed upon timely so that they lived. Food was given to them through a small window in the door. They couldn't see anyone nor talk to anyone. They would shout loud but no one listened.

It was hell. They worried about their kids and they bickered as to how did they come to this life. They blamed each other. Jiao Long would cry a lot but to no avail.

She reflected on how many times she had committed murders, frauds and felonies for her husband along with Lim Chuen. She was one of the most fearful women of her husband's organization, but ever since Lim Chuen had died, things went spirally down and it all started with sinking of their company's ship. They were framed so badly that there was no way out.


It was next week that Xie Yuansheng became slightly free. He called in a meeting towards the end of the day for Shu Jing Min's shipping company in which Manager Hun was also invited.

Xie Yuansheng's aura was so cold during the meeting that it seemed as the temperature of that place had dropped below zero. Manager Hun used to argue with Feng Xinying because he thought he could bully her but with Xie Yuansheng, he was very precocious and very afraid. However, he knew that he had to tattletale on Feng Xinying.

"How many ships are there currently in the fleet?" asked Xie Yuansheng as soon as the meeting started.

Before anyone could speak, Manager Hun said, "Sir, we have five ships left only in the fleet. Miss Feng Xinying had in your absence sold two ships in order for the business to sustain, which was absolutely not done for because the business was taken over by her saying that under the umbrella of Feng Conglomerate, she would help in bringing it up. However, only the opposite happened. A flourishing shipping business had gone down only because of the whims of Miss Feng Xinying."

Xie Yuansheng looked at him with murderous glint and said in a cold voice, "Manager Hun it seems your days in this company are over! Feng Xinying too decision as the acting CEO of the company and whatever she did was in the benefit of the company. You dare challenge her decision?"

Manager Hun became completely silent after saying, "Sorry Sir." He started looking down on the papers in front of him as sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

"I want details of every ship by tomorrow," said Xie Yuansheng turning to talk to another manager.

"Yes Sir," he replied.

"Now tell me about all the financial details of the company," said Xie Yuansheng although he knew everything about it.

The meeting was soon over and Xie Yuansheng headed back home, as it was the last meeting of the day.

Feng Xinying was happy to see him as he had come early. She was in no mood of eating her dinner at home and had been craving for the Vietnamese food. "Can we please go and have dinner at the Black Rose Restaurant? I am dying to have Burmese Khow Suey!"

"No, you are not allowed to eat the food outside. In fact I know how to make Khow Suey!" declared Xie Yuansheng. He had learned to make all her favorite dishes. "So I will make it for you."

"But I want to go to the restaurant," she whined.

"Sorry baby," he said as he kissed her forehead and made her sit on the bed. After removing his coat, he said, "You sit here and I will be right back."

Feng Xinying sulked and sat there with pouted lips. She was very unhappy as her hopes to have good Vietnamese food shattered in a second. She picked a fashion magazine and started reading it. Suddenly she looked at her dress and felt that in these few months she had become so plain Jane. She loathed her fashion sense and wanted to go to the fashion mall to buy some good dresses for herself. Then she realized that he tummy would soon become large, so she needed clothes for pregnant mom! She picked up the phone and started browsing for shops that sold trendy clothes for a pregnant mom. She smiled when she saw her that her favorite brand had opened an outlet in her city too. She was already a member of that fashion brand.

She was deep into her thoughts when her nostrils picked up her favorite smell. Khow Suey! Xie Yuansheng opened the door and a servant came in with a tray. He laid the food on the table and left. Xie Yuansheng started preparing the dish for her. She couldn't resist and went near him. As soon as he had made it, she grabbed it from him and started eating it.

Xie Yuansheng laughed and said, "My baby cow, don't worry there is more. I earn enough to give you more than two servings of Khow Suey."

"I have become a cow only because of a bull like you!" she retorted. "Had you been easy on me, I would have enjoyed myself for another year. You never even used protection!"

Xie Yuansheng said, "If you like I can be a bull anytime you want. In fact, I was thinking of riding you again, my dear cow. So as soon as we have this baby I will continue to have those sexy rides on you." He picked a small piece of noodle from her lips that was dangling out and ate it. "Delicious," he said.

"Am I a baby making machine? After this baby we won't have anymore!" she said as she slurped the soup. It was so tasty that she had forgotten everything about the outing.

"Yingying, don't say that," wailed Xie Yuansheng. "My little babies that are trapped in me are waiting to unite with you. They love you so much."


Feng Xinying gritted her teeth and then blew a strand of hair that was tickling her cheek. "Xie. Yuansheng." She shouted and extended her bowl to him. "Refill it!"

He took the bowl and made her another helping as she fumed in the background. When he gave her the refilled bowl, she said, "You are sleeping in the next bedroom for today."

"What?" he shouted. "I even made this for you."

Poor Xie Yuansheng had to sleep in the next bedroom but he was shocked when his wife came and lied next to him. "Who said that I won't sleep next to you?" she said and hugged him.

He captured her lips, as she took her hand inside his pajamas.