Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 401 - The Way She Sat on Him

Feng Xinying wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Keira. "Nothing will happen to your little bun, Keira. This is just a small test of patience that life has thrown at us. Let us all be very patient and see what we can do to combat this situation rather than acting on an impulse."

She turned her gaze to Xie Shengjun who was seething with anger and said, "Brother Shengjun, you have to stop becoming so angry otherwise if you do something in anger, it will hurt Keira emotionally. Do you want that?"

Xie Shengjun shook his head and sat back near Keira to hold her hand. How could he even think of harming his wife? He loved her to the moon and back. "What do I do then?" he looked at his wife.

Keira took her hands to his face and cupped his cheeks. "Just be with me like always. Let us forget about Kate, okay?"

"Okay," he replied, however he had made up his mind. Kate would be kept in house arrest until the time of her flight. She would be driven to the airport and his men would make sure that she is aboard the airplane and off to America. He would also ensure that she never returns to China. He was secretly planning to slap a criminal case against her once she reached America.

When Keira settled down a bit, Feng Xinying left her and went back home. She was pretty depressed and it showed on her face. Xie Yuansheng came to receive her but she didn't pay attention to him and directly went upstairs to her bedroom. She closed the doors and went to lie on her bed. She stroked her tummy and whispered to her baby, "I can't imagine anything wrong happening to you darling. Although I have hidden facts about you to your father, this is only till he gets treated. Once he is out of amnesia, he would remember you."

Feng Xinying was sullen the whole day. She didn't come out of the bedroom and Xie Yuansheng wanted to meet her desperately. He couldn't understand the reason as to why was she not coming out. Had she decided that she wouldn't like him at all? Had she decided to return to her husband? Perhaps she was upset about Yini or maybe she wanted to end the relationship. All those thoughts made him anxious and he withdrew within himself.

By the time it was evening Feng Xinying became a little better. She had been thinking about how she had fended Kate off but the price she had to way was far too much than what she had anticipated. She had been blaming herself all the time. Also she was wondering if she should tell Xie Yuansheng about her pregnancy. She was in a dilemma and weighing her pros and cons. Not feeling well, she came out of her bedroom at 6PM. She thought that she would speak with Xie Yuansheng and try to find out what he thought about pregnancy in general.

When she went downstairs, she looked around and asked the servants about Xie Yuansheng. They said that he had gone to his bedroom and hadn't come out after lunch. Feng Xinying became worried and so even though she wanted to go to the kitchen to eat something, her feet took her to Xie Yuansheng's room. She turned the doorknob and opened the door quietly. Inside the room it was very dark and she couldn't see things properly. Only the light from outside was falling in and lightly lighting the room.

She could make out that Xie Yuansheng was in the bed and covered with a blanket. Perhaps he was sleeping. She went near him to wake him up because it was pretty late in the evening but when she went near him and touched his head, it was burning. Alarmed, Feng Xinying switched on the bedside lamp and saw Xie Yuansheng's face. His eyes were closed and his lips were parched dry. She kept her hand on his forehead again. It was burning hot. "Xie Yuansheng," cried Feng Xinying in horror.

Xie Yuansheng opened his eyes a little and looked at her. He was shivering with cold. He closed his eyes again. Feng Xinying went outside and called Lu Boyun. "Yes Young Miss?"

"What did he eat in the afternoon?" she asked.

"He refused to eat anything for lunch, Miss Xinying," replied Lu Boyun.

"When did his fever start?"

"He was having slight fever in the afternoon and I had asked him to eat something, but he completely refused."

"Then why did you not call me?" chided Feng Xinying. What a day it had been?

"I thought you were sleeping and he said that I shouldn't disturb you."

Feng Xinying pursed her lips. He was so stubborn sometimes. She asked Lu Boyun to send a servant with wet water and a clean towel. Then she added, "Call the family doctor now."

Lu Boyun instructed the servant after he went out and then called the doctor.

Xie Yuansheng opened his eyes after hearing the commotion and looked at Feng Xinying again. "Why have you come to my room?" he asked. "Go away."

Feng Xinying soaked the hand towel in water and kept it on his forehead.

Xie Yuansheng turned his back to her and repeated, "Go away."

Feng Xinying forced him to look at her and said, "Shengu, you are not well. Why are you being so stubborn? Also why didn't you eat food in the afternoon? If you don't eat, your body will suffer. You need strength to recover from this illness."

She took the towel from his forehead to dip it again in water. As she kept it back on his forehead, he removed it and said, "I don't want to eat food because I am not hungry. Why are you pushing me?"

"If you will not eat food, how will your sickness go?" said Feng Xinying exasperatedly. Why was he behaving like a small child?

Feng Xinying ordered the servant to bring some soup for him. Then she looked at him again and repeated the process of changing the towel on his forehead.

The family doctor came in the next fifteen minutes. He examined Xie Yuansheng and said that he was suffering from minor flu, which would become okay soon. He prescribed some medicines and left. Feng Xinying sent Lu Boyun to bring those medicines.

The servant had brought the soup and left. Feng Xinying wanted to feed Xie Yuansheng with her hands.

"Here, have some," she said as she offered him with a spoonful.

Xie Yuansheng was angry. "I don't want to eat anything, I said," he shouted and turned his face away.

"Why are you angry at me?" she asked.

He didn't reply. All his anxiety had turned into anger. He looked away. He had missed her so much and now he wanted to punish her.

"In that case I have to be brazen with you," said Feng Xinying.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Feng Xinying poured some soup in her mouth and sat on him, straddling across. She went near his face and poured soup in his mouth. She didn't remove her lips from his until he gulped the soup down his throat.

The way she sat on him was so sexy that…