Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 326 - "Shengu…"

Su Haobing was shocked when Feng Xinying jumped on the sniper gun. He had aligned it perfectly and was about to take a shot of the man who had appeared out of the car. He was wearing a black hat and it was his gut feeling that this man was the leader of the organization. As soon as he was about to press the trigger, Feng Xinying tilted the gun. All the preparation these people had done for so long went down the drain in that one second. He was furious.

"Feng Xinying!" he shouted. "Are you mad? This was our only chance to kill the man and take your revenge. What have you done? Now I will never get this kind of a chance. Su Lang had worked so hard on this so that we get to do what we can and you have in one second destroyed all our work. What kind of a master are you? Feng Zhantian was so much better than you. You pale in his comparison. What will I answer him when I go up to meet him? That your daughter sided with the people who conspired to kill you? Where has that revenge that I saw in your eyes?" Su Haobing was frustrated to the core. He wanted to slap her.

But Feng Xinying wasn't listening. Where did that another loud bang noise came from? She removed the sniper gun from the window and looked outside. There was a huge commotion where Xie Yuansheng's car had stopped. "Get out of here as soon as possible!" she instructed him and ran outside to see the cause of the commotion. As she went past, she saw five policemen running inside the apartment. Su Haobing was arrested before he could escape.

Her breathing increased and now she panted heavily. She removed her wig and opened her hair to reveal her identity in order to go to the place of the commotion. As soon as the security men saw her, they cleared way immediately as they recognized who she was.

Feng Xinying reached the place and found Xie Shengjun standing like a statue with documents in his hands and looking down at a man who was lying on the floor. She rushed near the two of them feeling as if she was about to die. When she arrived, she looked at the blank face of Xie Shengjun and then at the man near his feet. She recognized that head, she recognized those hair, she recognized those hands that were lying still on the ground. The man was lying in a pool of blood.

Feng Xinying kneeled down. She turned the head of the man to her. She turned his body to her and stroked his hair. She stroked his cheeks and his chin. "Shengu…" was all she managed to speak. Her mind was numb. She looked at Xie Shengjun with a blank, desperate expression. Her body revolted. She retched.

Suddenly from all sides men started forming a circle. A stretcher appeared out of nowhere. Xie Yuansheng was picked and placed the stretcher. Feng Xinying was made to stand and she puked. Xie Yuansheng was made to get in an ambulance that was standing nearby. It was a safety measure that the brothers always took in such meetings. Feng Xinying and Xie Shengjun went inside the ambulance and the vehicle drove to the nearest hospital.

Feng Xinying kept sitting inside along his side. Her mind was just too numb to think anything. Everything was blurry. She had realized but she was crying. She was in fact sobbing, but she hadn't realized. She was holding her tummy and saying, "We have someone to look after, you said that."

Xie Shengjun's mind was also numb. His younger brother was lying in a pool of blood as the doctor was trying to revive him. "Where has the bullet hit him?" he asked quietly in a whisper.

The doctor looked at him and said, "It has hit on the back but I am not sure if it has missed his heart or not… He is in need of blood transfusion and I am suspecting that the bullet might have lodged in his shoulder bone or it has gone near his heart. That we will come to know after the surgery is performed on him."

Xie Shengjun nodded. That is all he could do. His gaze turned to Feng Xinying who was in a frenzy. He wanted to reach out to her and calm her but his own mind was in such a mess that he couldn't do anything.

Feng Xinying had cried so much that she had rested her head on Xie Yuansheng's feet and waited for the hospital. As soon as they reached the hospital, Xie Yuansheng was taken out of the ambulance. Feng Xinying saw that almost all the security men were standing there. The grounds of the hospital became dotted with men wearing black suit laced with modern weapons.

Xie Yuansheng was wheeled in the operation theater. Feng Xinying ran after the stretcher and so did Xie Shengjun until they reached the operation theater. She could have gone further inside but was stopped by a nurse. The doors of the operation theater closed and the two of them were left standing out.

The entire day had been one of the worst days of her life. She wondered why her life was so dramatic? Couldn't it be just like a common man's life? Xie Shengjun came to her and held her shoulders. "Xinying, sit down," was all he could say to her. Feng Xinying held a chair near her and sat on it. Her hands were closed. She had decided to keep them closed until the operation was going on. She had decided not to budge from there. Xie Yuansheng was a victim of this wrath only because he chose to be her husband, only because he chose to be the CEO of Feng Conglomerate. She wouldn't leave her husband even for a second.

But who fired the second bullet? She had to find out and give that person his or her worst nightmare of life!