Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 323 - This Would be The End of all Fengs!

"Perfect my foot!" shouted Lim Chuen and pressed his foot down on her thigh. He paused and tilted his head to look at her. "Now that you say, yes… he is perfect… I will give that one point to him! He was the leader of the underworld organizations for three years now. A man of that intellect and sharpness became leader at such a young age only because of his tact! He was carrying out his duties very nicely. You see y man Ho Rad would keep giving me some or the other news about his plans, and we would benefit greatly. But I don't know as to why Xie Yuansheng suddenly wanted to give up on being a leader? The rumor is that he wanted to focus on his family… So that makes me wonder – Feng Xinying, are you pregnant?"

Feng Xinying closed her eyes. Her regard for Xie Yuansheng only increased. "No, I am not," she lied.

"Hmm… I suspect…" Lim Chuen became quiet for a moment. "Well, even if you are, it would be a pleasure to kill the bastard that is in your stomach. Haha. I can't believe my luck. This would be the end of all Fengs!"

Lim Chen looked at the driver who was still unconscious. Seeing zero threat from him, he concentrated on the target in front of him – the girl who had been stopping him to achieve his dreams. "That pathetic husband of yours, Xie Yuansheng, killed my man Ho Rad whom I had planted in his organization to spy for me. Ho Rad had so carefully gone up the organization ladder. He was giving me so many details. It was me who Ho Rad used to visit every Sunday in the cemetery, but when he didn't visit last weekend, I wanted to know what happened."

"Cemetery?" Feng Xinying remembered the photo that Xie Yuansheng was showing them. She didn't know the context of the photo at that time, because he showed the photo to Xie Shengjun and just because Kiera was insisting, the photo was shown to them also. Feng Xinying made a joke of Xie Yuansheng for keeping photos of men in his phone and even teased him by saying that he was interested in men. But she had never in her dreams imagined that the photo was that of Ho Rad and Lim Chuen dressed as an old man. Did Xie Yuansheng come to know who the old man was? Did he kill Ho Rad because of that? But why did he kill Su Lang?

"Yes, cemetery. That's where Ho Rad used to meet me. He was a nice man. I liked him a lot but I liked his wife more," Lim Chuen started laughing loudly.

Feng Xinying's suspicion was correct. She wondered how wretched Lim Chuen was. Ho Rad had given his life for him and he didn't spare his wife.

"Now you will ask me why did Xie Yuansheng kill Su Lang," Lim Chuen tilted his face again. "So you should know one thing Feng Xinying – Ho Rad had come to know about your connection with Su Lang." Lim Chuen removed his foot from her leg and stepped back a little. He couldn't help laughing. He laughed uncontrollably. He bent on down a little, kept his hands on his waist and laughed crazily.

Feng Xinying was again shocked. "Su Lang was working for you by feeding me with wrong information?"

Lim Chuen nodded. "You see Feng Xinying, you are a child in front of me! I am in this game for so many years and your husband is the master of this game but you are nothing. It was extremely easy for me to get Su Lang to my side. The moment I came to know from Ho Rad that Su Lang was your man and that you were looking to kill the leader of the Crocodile Organization, my first aim was to feed him with every piece of information possible to keep you updated. Don't you feel how fast you got the information?"

Feng Xinying scoffed. Her perception about the world was changing at a rapid speed. Did Su Haobing know about Su Lang's treachery?

Lim Chuen looked at her face and said, "Don't look so shocked… Su Lang wanted money and that's what we gave him – lots of it. He came to my side in no time. He made sure that you kill your husband. He never ever told you that he knew who the leader was to keep you in the dark. However, I suspect that Xie Yuansheng came to know about Su Lang's double face and so killed him."

Feng Xinying was feeling miserable. She felt how small she was in front of the hypocrisy of the world. She had trusted Su Lang so much and it was her husband who detected Su Lang's betrayal. "In that case Xie Yuansheng did excellent by killing Su Lang. He deserved his death. As a matter of fact any traitors deserve to die!" she growled looking at Lim Chuen with angry eyes. "Had I known, I would have killed him myself!"


Back at the place where Su Haobing was keeping a watch on the movements of everyone out there noticed that none of the cars had come. No leader had arrived. Did they change the venue? Or did they change the time? There were so many men in black suits as security but there weren't any leaders. It was 7:15AM.

He started to become restless. Su Lang wasn't anywhere to be contacted. The last he heard was that he was trying to escape because they disliked his nosiness. Was he killed or had he escaped? Only time will tell… Currently he had to focus on the target and wait for him. Even if he would come late, he would be the first one to come and he would take the leader down.


The only thing that Feng Xinying was wondering at this time was why did Xie Yuansheng keep all this a secret from her? Suddenly she realized that she had always said that she hated the man who killed her mother and she wanted to kill his sons to take the revenge, which meant that she hated the current leaders of the Crocodile Organization. Perhaps that is why he never revealed himself… he was scared that she would hate him… and that is why he kept doing everything behind her back… he kept saving her even though knowing that she was targeting him…