Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

Chapter 301 - Master Had Beaten Her Brutally

He was made to sit there on that wooden chair all the time except when he wanted to relieve himself. When Xie Yuansheng went there, he did not reveal his face and talked to him on the microphone that was in a different room.

"Tell us, was that your video that you played in the part?" he asked straightaway without wasting time.

The secretary looked around. It was pitch dark. It was the first time in those three days someone talked to him. "No, no it was given to me."

"Who gave you?" asked Xie Yuansheng coldly.

"It was given to me by Mr. Lim Chuen. He asked me to play it," he replied getting scared of the voice. "Will you kill me?"

"Where did Lim Chuen get it from?" Xie Yuansheng asked wondering about the same.

"As per my knowledge, he had it there in his computer from a long time. I mean ever since I have been his secretary," replied the secretary getting afraid. He wanted to speak everything truthfully. He was now sweating.

"How long have you been the secretary?" he asked.

"For nearly three years now," he replied.

"Well we have a proposition for you," said Xie Yuansheng.

"Wh- what?" he asked, ready to accept everything at this point of time.

"We will let you go alive from here on two conditions. First, if you tell anything about this encounter to anyone, we will kill your family first and then you. Second, we want you to work for us and for that you have to continue to stay as Lim Chuen's secretary but keep giving us all the insider information of his office." Xie Yuansheng was very clear with his plans. He had to scare the secretary to get Lim Chuen's information.

"But Lim Chuen will kill me if he comes to know that I am spying for you," said the secretary feeling miserable.

"If you don't spy for us, we will kill you, however, if you spy for us we will reward you heavily. Like for now there is a Porsche standing outside for you. As soon as you accept this job, you will be given its key," said Xie Yuansheng as he placed an order for a Porsche.

The secretary was very flustered. It was such a fantastic offer. He couldn't let it go. The next moment he said, "Okay, I will help you!"

Xie Yuansheng smiled and ordered his men to untie the secretary. "Remember, if you betray us, no one can save you!" he warned him and left.

An hour later, the secretary was shown the way out of the house. He found only one man over there who handed him the keys of his brand new car. The secretary had now become the traitor of Lim Chuen. He drove in his car to his home and said that he had been sent by the company on a secret job. The car was his reward for the same. He started reporting what was going on in Lim Chuen's company from the next day itself. He sent the messages to a number that could never be traced.

Xie Yuansheng was waiting for the annual meeting of underworld organizations now. He was eager to give up his position. He had prepared all the necessary documents. However, he was in for a big disappointment when his men informed him that due to political unrest in five middle east countries, the meeting had been postponed. It was because the heads of those countries were not allowed to leave the ports. Their governments were watching them. The meeting would now take place a month later. There was nothing he could do other than wait for it.

Meanwhile Lim Chuen was very angry with Chang Ling. Because of her he had taken the giant step in exposing Feng Xinying's true identity. Instead of the share price going down, the share price traded at its maximum. He was very agitated. Moreover, now there was a new thing that he was hearing - Xie Yuansheng and Feng Xinying were trying to move a proposal to make the company private limited. He cursed himself as to why did he even give that idea to Xie Yuansheng that day? Little did he know that Xie Yuansheng had already planned ten steps ahead and was working on them.

In the next week, when the board meeting was called for passing the resolution, Lim Chuen was ready to veto it. He had even talked to five other board members to veto the resolution by luring them by offering twenty percent of his shares. He could see the history repeating. Twenty years back Feng Zhantian had done the same thing and he didn't let it happen. He was ready to play his game again.

He was making his strategy with Chang Ling one day just before the meeting date, when Chang Ling was interrupted by a phone call. It was a phone from her husband Lim De Zhi.

"Where are you Chang Ling?" he asked in a dangerous tone.

They had moved out of Lim Chuen's house and Lim De Zhi had even asked Chang Ling never to contact his father. But that day someone sent him a photo on his phone about their secret meeting.

"I- I am at a friend's house," she stuttered totally scared of him now.

"Come out of your friend's house. I am waiting for you outside," replied Lim De Zhi in threatening voice.

Chang Ling was so shocked when she heard that. She picked her purse and ran out of the office.

Lim Chuen shouted behind her, "Where are you going?" he ran after her only to see that she had stepped in Lim De Zhi's car and the car had sped away.

Later in the day Lim Chuen heard that Chang Ling was admitted in the hospital for multiple bruises. She had stated that she had fallen from the staircase in her home but the servants said that the master had beaten her brutally that evening.