Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 996

Chinese martial arts and martial arts have been popular for thousands of years, and there are countless magical skills.

But it is only the Wudang Taiji skill of Zhang Sanfeng that can easily dissipate other people's skills!

Therefore, when Meng Silan showed his Tai Chi diagram and eliminated the sword spirit of the man with ice sculpture mask, the real master of Luomen had already understood everything.

However, he could not have imagined that the girl could be so powerful!

Yin Ping's accomplishments are almost invincible in China. He is a famous immortal in the world.

But even with his Taiji accomplishments, he can only dissipate other people's skills, far from reaching Meng siran's state of being able to use it for himself.

Therefore, in the eyes of the man with ice sculpture mask, even if Zhang Sanfeng and Yin Ping join hands, her Taiji skills are far behind!

In the face of such a strong enemy, the invincible strong man who created Luomen by himself burst out a kind of unprecedented brilliance in the pupil under the ice sculpture mask.

It's a burning battle spirit!

Facing the thousand Zhang sword and stepping on the sky, the Lord of Luomen, standing upright on his chest and palm, is actually pinching out a Buddhist handprint!

"JIAYE Vajra seal!"

This seal is very similar to the "great compassion Vajra hand" of the Indian Tantra, but there are essential differences between the two.

It seems that It seems to be on the basis of the "great compassion Vajra hand" to understand!

"Nvwa, this print base integrates the two teachings of Buddhism and Taoism, and combines martial arts and martial arts into one. It can not only communicate the power of heaven and earth, but also play the will of Tantra! With this seal, you have the qualification to fight! "

The Lord of Luomen controls the mind and transmits the sound from thousands of miles!


A palm shot shows that the towering vitality behind the master of Luomen has actually evolved into a golden Buddha, and bursts of Sanskrit sound all around.

It seems like a simple palm, but it is the ancient Buddha and the Lord of Luomen to blow out!

In the sky above Yanjing, the thousand Zhang sword and the palm print of ancient Buddha collide together.

All of a sudden, the earth is falling apart, and the river is turning upside down. In the sky above Yanjing, all the clouds and mists within a hundred Li radius were scattered and turned into torrential rain.

The huge Buddha's palm is crushed from the air, like the five finger mountain which suppresses the great sage of Qi Tian. The thousand Zhang sword that is blessed by Meng siran's supreme magic power is actually in the palm of his palm, and it breaks quickly!

"Younger generation, my seat has been integrated with Chinese martial arts. What do you want to fight with me?"

With a loud drink, the Lord of Luomen urged his magic power again. The ancient Buddha's handprint was actually holding a thousand feet sword in his hand!

With thousands of golden haze, its life will be crushed!

In front of Fengsheng company in Jinghua City, Meng siran, who looks at Yanjing from afar, knows that this is a duel. She has lost half of her moves, but the disdain in her eyes is still the same.

"I will kiss Yanjing after killing him

A word of indifference, Meng siran no longer hands, is to cover the whole city of Jinghua all back.

However, at the time of Meng siran's success, it was a sudden change!

Just three feet behind Meng siran, an ice sculpture mask suddenly appears!

It turns out that It's the Lord of Luomen!

First, his head covered with ice sculpture mask was exposed, then his neck, chest and abdomen were exposed. The whole person seemed to float from the bottom of the water, and finally his legs, legs and feet were exposed!


Meng Silan, who is still manipulating his mind, suddenly feels that the fatal opportunity has come. The red dot in the center of his eyebrow is like a half finishing touch. He is shocked to form!

At the same time, the Lord of Luomen, who appeared like a ghost in silence, displayed "the seal of JIAYE Vajra!"

He, who is integrated with the ancient Buddha, with a shrill voice of breaking the sky, raises a golden light and shadow across the space, and kills Meng siren!