Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 993

At the moment when the mysterious girl was forced to fight against the earth's power, the golden bowl shield, which was used to isolate a peep in Yanjing City, broke suddenly because of her duel with dragon and horse!

Without the protection of the golden bowl shield, the drastic change of the aura of the heaven and earth in Jinghua City instantly startled someone far away in Yanjing!

A golden light and shadow, from Yanjing somewhere, straight into the sky!

The super strong man standing in the sky, in the pupil under the ice sculpture mask, shoots out two golden divine awns, crossing thousands of miles, straight into Beijing!

After a few minutes, the real master of Luomen was shocked and said to himself in disbelief:

"if you look at the earth, you can see all the strong people in the divine realm. Who on earth is this girl? Why is it that I have no impression at all? "

At the same time, the shore of the East China Sea, the original small water spray turned into huge waves, repeatedly beating the shore rocks.

Many tourists stop to watch the seashore. They have no time to react. They have been swept into the sea by the tens of meters high waves!

People who are far away from the seashore feel that the whole East China Sea is shaking!

From the East China Sea to the deep, there seems to be a huge figure, stirring the wind and rain all over the sky, as if a demon awakened, shaking the sky and earth!

In addition, India, which is thousands of miles away from China, has been praised by Buddhist believers for thousands of years!

Like Mahayana Buddhism, it cleanses the mind.

In the vicinity of the ancient temple, the believers, hand in hand, devoutly kowtow.

Suddenly, I heard a Sanskrit voice coming from the void:

"Oh, ah, ah, BAM, MI, hum!"

Even in the Kate family in Western Europe, which has been sealed for thousands of years, it seems that there is a ferocious magic sound, full of bloodthirsty

While those reclusive strong men are watching the changes in Beijing from afar, the mysterious girls who show their true body and part of their strength are not even willing to look at these so-called super powers.

At this moment, she just wants to explore the relationship between Lu Shaoqian and her adoptive father with the help of divinity.

She recovered part of her magic power. She was already convinced that this man with the same face as her adoptive father was not his adoptive father!

She didn't find any magic power in Lu Shaoqian. She was 100% sure that her adoptive father must still be sleeping in the East China Sea and had not been born.

However, it is absolutely impossible for two people with identical faces to appear inexplicably in the world. There must be some causal relationship between them!

I don't know why, the girl with long hair has a strange intuition. If I can find out the reason, it may be helpful for her to change the track of history!

With a horizontal mind, the girl with long hair is determined to urge her body to wake up and understand the secret arts, and go back to the source!

A secret skill that is enough to explore Lu Shaoqian's past and present life!

Even if Lu Shaoqian concealed his cultivation ability of transforming spirit state, there was no escape under this secret skill!

The mysterious girl, who is hard to shake the whole earth's power of heaven and earth, has two purposes at the moment. She works her magic power and urges her to return to her original source!


With the girl's tender drink, the Red God's awn, which is like a rosy glow, shoots out from the girl's eyebrows, and goes straight through Lu Shaoqian, who is still talking with Xue Longqing!

With the application of this secret art, the red glow of the mysterious girl's body is obviously dim. The original body standing on the sky is suddenly crushed down!

This secret skill, which can only be performed by special constitution, must consume most of the strength of the girl.

However, at this time, a sudden change emerged!

Suddenly, a golden sword shot from the man's fingertips of the ice sculpture mask!

The golden sword has already traversed thousands of miles, straight into the south of the Yangtze River!

After entering Beijing, the sword with golden tail flame turned into hundreds of golden silk screens, just like silk cocoons, weaving a golden sword net in the sky!

Cover the mysterious girl like the sky!