Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 969

"The real dragon and Phoenix are the spirits of the Hongmeng and Xingzhou. They are pregnant for a period of time and carry the good thoughts of heaven. Even if they are willing to degenerate, Meng would not bear to kill them."

White clothes too ran to shake his head, and then xianzun Zhenrong suddenly became dignified, "but you dare to calculate Meng's daughter, causing her to bear the cause and effect of heaven. Even if the heaven is angry, Meng also vows to kill the real dragon and Phoenix!"

In the void, Meng ran, who hears one section after another, is startled again, "is the real dragon and Tianfeng plotting against my daughter? I know all this? "

"Too much! Even if you can push the whole life, if the immortal Lord is here, what can you do to me? " The Yellow Lord roared at the foot of the emperor's crown man.

"Your daughter has long been reduced to the ashes of the heaven. Even if you respect the magic power of the world, you can't escape the suppression of the heavenly way. Bury your daughter with me!" Huang Hou's hatred rose and she snapped.

I was surprised to see that the original ancestor of Tianfeng revealed his real body. Pang ran Feng's body pressed the sky horizontally, as if he wanted to smash the whole northern celestial realm. Half of the sky curtain was suddenly dark.

However, in the face of the two great Tianfeng ancestors, Bai Yi Tai ran still has a calm eye and can't get a trace of waves.

Let the two super strong five Xianjie attack and attack, standing firm, "after today, Tianfeng removed."

At the moment of the voice falling, Bai Yi Tai ran slowly raised her hand and pressed it down slowly. There was no resonance of the road, no ripples of rules, and even a trace of Xianyuan was hard to see. However, the time was always in this moment, and the picture was completely frozen!

The two ancestors of Tianfeng, who had survived the five immortal robberies, were all set in the void.


A palm falls, accompanied by the Yellow master Huang Hou's panic scream, two cross pressure sky pangran body, inch by inch broken, inch by inch burning.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two heavenly Phoenix ancestors, the body, the magic power, and the yuan God were all refined and transformed into two groups of golden origin, and went straight to Hualong immortal pool!

In the eyes of the two monks, the ancestor of Tianfeng, who was like a God, was easily wiped out. Even though Meng's sword eyebrows jumped, they could not help but feel a little suspicious when they looked at the past life.


There is a light sound coming from Hualong fairy pool. The fairy ware made by white clothes Tai ran will come out in the end!

At this time, the emperor crown man standing in front of the white clothes too ran not far away, from the beginning to the end, did not intend to move, but let too ran kill the queen of the Yellow Emperor!

"It is indeed the strongest immortal since the ages. It seems that you have mastered the power of time." The emperor crown man stands with his hands in his hands and praises him.

"Since you are the Lord, you will be killed by Meng?" Tai ran asked.

Emperor Guan man did not care, indifferent way: "Tiandao servant just, I want to replace the way of heaven, how can I care about these two mole ants?"

"What's more, compared with the fairies in the fairy pool, even if it's the ancestor of Tianfeng, what is it?" The emperor Guan man's eyes fell on the magic spirit of Hualong pool, which is the real purpose of his trip!

At the moment when the emperor's crown man's voice fell, thousands of waves suddenly rose from the Hualong immortal pool. The chaotic immortal waterfall falling from the sky in the northern celestial sphere was like the scene of flying immortals, echoing with it from afar!

The divine chain of the law and order of heaven appeared almost at the same time, and the world shaking punishment came in an instant!

A breath of original breath overflows from the immortal pool, which is the space barrier of the celestial realm of the northern underworld, which is completely connected with the Galactic universe!

"Zheng! Zheng

A huge column of light straight through the sky, each like a mountain in general, incomparable!

This is the fluctuation of energy emitted by the birth of immortal fetus!

Even if it has only one tenth of its ontological power, it has become a world shaking power!


With the emperor crown man a low drink, but see six Xia Chong Xiao, a group of green halo from the Hualong fairy pool, Ling more than nine days!