Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 958

The vast Star River is silent.

At the extreme of the celestial realm in the northern underworld, the waterfall falls from the top of the sky and sprinkles hundreds of millions of stars. This is not the water, but the primitive chaos that accompanies the birth of heaven and earth.

Like a waterfall in the world, it is a vast expanse, dense and without phase. It covers all the surrounding scenes and is hard to see.

Suddenly, a young figure as if across the endless time and space, emerged out of thin air!

The mysterious young man has black hair and shawl. His body is magnificent, and his whole body is glittering and green.

Standing on the chaotic waterfall, he is Meng ran who fell from the first World War of Taihu Lake in Wuzhou!

"Chaos Star River? Here This is the chaotic Star River of the northern celestial sphere! " Meng ran was stunned. The scene in front of him was incredible.

He turned his eyes with difficulty, overlooking the scene around him.

Ear is the sound of the sound of falling chaos, the eyes are dense fog, transpiration, like the star river waterfall general chaos river!

As an immortal who has been conquering the universe for thousands of years, Meng Ran is familiar with the chaotic Star River in the celestial realm of the northern underworld.

"It's really a chaotic Star River!" Meng ran vocal cords trembled, "no! I clearly on the earth, can not come to the northern hell immortal domain! It's absolutely impossible! "

With the memory awaking, Meng ran instantly recalled the scene before his ten day love forgetting formula.

After the battle with Shen lingcang, the ancestor of the Shen family, Meng ran was surrounded and killed by Luomen and Kate family in Taihu, Wuzhou.

Under the condition of being seriously injured and restricted by his martial arts, Meng ran was determined to kill the powerful enemy and forget his feelings for ten days. After how, Meng ran can not recall.

However, no matter what the result is, he who has not even stepped into the realm of Fen yuan is absolutely impossible to return to the northern celestial realm!

"Dreams! It must be a dream! "

Meng Ran's eyes vibrated, and he woke up in an instant.

However, when he realized that he was living in a dream, he was horrified to find that he could not even move his finger even if he was to activate the mana!

Standing on the long river of chaos, he seems to have been cast the mantra of immobilization. He even blinks his eyes and is extravagant!

Dreams come from the depths of human consciousness, just like the reorganization of different memory fragments.

But in any case, once people realize that they are in a dream, they should wake up immediately.

However, what happened to Meng ran at the moment is that even Meng ran can't tell whether it is illusory or real

"Chaos Star River I just After all... "

Just when Meng ran was in a daze, the chaotic Star River that covered the immortal field suddenly spread!

All along, it only exists in the legend of the northern celestial realm, and finally shows its true appearance!

Surrounded by mountains, ten thousand dragons are competing.

As you can see, there are tens of thousands of majestic peaks, rolling and surrounding, forming a valley in the depth of the dead stars!

The power of innumerable stars in the cosmos is like a huge ancient array. It is the power of the Milky Way stars which has been gathering for hundreds of thousands of years!

Meng ran was completely shocked because he had already guessed the truth:

"this is not a peak at all! It's an ancient star refined into the shape of a mountain peak! "

Meng ran made a cold shiver. The tens of thousands of peaks are nourished by the original essence of countless ancient stars in the cosmos!

Each one of them has been channeled and has generated its own mind and mana.

The combat power of each one is no less than that of a great sage in the same realm!

"Tens of thousands of great saints..." Fully aware of what this represents Meng ran, only feel scalp numbness.

Don't say that today, he is afraid that when he was at the peak of his time, he felt the pressure like a mountain in the face of thousands of great saints!

"No way! This is absolutely impossible! The fighting power of tens of thousands of great saints of the same way, even I can't shake it. No one in the universe can set up this kind of counter heaven array! "

With the development of the universe for thousands of years, Tairan xianzun has been the top of the fairyland. Since even he can't do it, what kind of person can make such a move against the sky!?

"Something's wrong! What a man

Meng Ran's eyes are like electricity. With the help of the power of time, he saw a white figure in front of the fairy pool surrounded by mountains!

The figure in white is back to Meng ran, and his black hair is as thick as a waterfall. It seems that he is filled with immortals and it is difficult to see through his real body.

But his invincible breath of suppressing the nine days and ten places and collapsing the eternal heavens is really terrible! Heaven and earth, only me!

Looking at the familiar figure from afar, Meng ran felt as if he had been struck by thunder and lightning. He whispered in disbelief:

"this is This is Me