Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 951

While Longma is looking at the girl with long hair, the girl with long hair is also looking at Longma.

But the girl that clear eyes light, more is vigilance.

"Well? Ancient monster!? Today, the earth is still in the end of the law era, and aura has not been revived. It is absolutely impossible for monsters to appear on the earth

As a mysterious girl who came out of the era of Reiki recovery, she has already seen all kinds of strange monsters on the earth.

But she could be sure that she had never seen the white pony in front of her! In her understanding, she had never heard of such creatures in the Xiuxian kingdom.

But what really alerted the girl was that she felt a lot of inexplicable familiarity in the foal. It was a kind of kindness from blood!

At the time of the confrontation, a mysterious figure with an ice mask on his face went straight into the sky, like overlooking the south of the Yangtze River across the endless sea of clouds!

"Oh? This position is, Jiangnan? It seems that the little animal has not escaped back to the north of the river, but is still hiding in the south of the Yangtze River. "

The mysterious figure covered the face under the ice sculpture mask, showing a meaningful smile, and then the figure gradually disappeared in the sea of clouds

In Yunshan District of Jinghua City, pinglao, who is searching for the trace of the girl with long hair, also feels the amazing breath of dragon and horse.

"It's strange why there are so many top players in the south of the Yangtze River recently? It seems that it's time to go to Yanjing and have a good talk with that old guy. "

"Forget it, anyway, the old guy is here, and the sky in China can't fall down."

After a little hesitation, Mr. Ping didn't rush to the development zone. Instead, he chose to go back home and protect the safety of his young lady.

After all, for the old man, the safety of his young lady is bigger than the sky.


Just as the mysterious man with ice sculpture mask peeps into the south of the Yangtze River, the girl with long hair who is confronting the dragon and horse seems to have a feeling. Her slender fingers like green and white jade gently touch the void, and an invisible ripple suddenly sweeps across the whole city of Beijing!

Half a second later, the invisible ripple actually evolved into an inverted golden bowl, covering the whole city of Jinghua!

No one can see!

Far away in Yanjing, the man with the ice sculpture mask opened his eyes!

In my eyes, I was surprised to see the golden light twinkling in my eyes!

However, in front of the girl's golden bowl, there is no use for such a great power. It is always difficult to break through the golden bowl if you let the golden light shine and the man with the ice sculpture mask peep!

After a finger, the long haired girl's clear eyes like a spring swept towards Yanjing, and her young and cool face was full of disdain.

"Two thousand years of cultivation is still so vulnerable, no wonder not into the eyes of the adoptive father."

As if recalling the evaluation of the youth in the Dragon Robe, the girl looked at Yanjing with more disdain.


Standing in the void and confronting the girl, the dragon and horse gave out a sound of doubt, as if asking what happened.

However, the next sentence of the girl with long hair made this super creature fall into a huge panic like a cat!

"My mother is now in the south of the Yangtze River. Although she is protected by grandfather Ping, I will never allow any variables to appear."

After a word, the girl's original clear eyes instantly became cold. Longma only felt that the girl seemed to have changed into a person, a kind of blood pressure, which made Longma unable to move!

As a super creature above all living beings, dragon and horse have already been the most top-level existence in the universe, no one can go beyond it.

Even the blood power of the God King body is almost the same as that of the dragon horse!

However, at the moment, this mysterious girl with a mysterious origin can suppress the dragon and horse by her blood talent alone!

What an absurd scene!

Even if Meng Ran is here, it is absolutely impossible to see what kind of constitution this girl is.

Only because of the girl's constitution, it must be beyond the existence of the three most powerful constitution in the universe!

No one can compare!