Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 949

"It's the breath of Tai Chi. It can't be wrong! It's really grandfather Ping. He's not dead! "

The old man who dotes on himself is the closest person to the girl with long hair. Even if he crosses the boundary of time and space, she will never admit his breath wrong!

She can be sure that the old man who is also looking at himself is the guardian of his mother, the contemporary master of Tai Chi, Yin Ping!

"Grandfather Ping..."

It seems to recall the scene of the old man's death, a drop of crystal clear tears on the girl's cheek, dissipated in the sky.

"Mom, grandfather Ping, as long as you kill him, you can stop the tragedy. You can!"

A girl with long hair, whose idea is more and more firm in her mind, is no longer nostalgic. She knows that the only purpose of this trip is to kill that man!

The girl with long hair turns into a golden rainbow and flies towards the Jinghua Development Zone with the speed exceeding the limit of sound speed!

The girl didn't notice that just after she left, a white halo flashed away in the void. It was faintly visible that there was a fluffy tail shaking in the halo

And this halo, also from the void of that black hole!

However, its appearance, the whole star, no one can detect


In the sales manager's office of Fengsheng company, Jinghua Development Zone, Jiangnan Province, a few heartbreaking cries are faintly heard.

On the office sofa, lying in a strong woman dressed in professional clothes, she fell into a coma, her face painted with cosmetics, still with a bit of deep worry.

No matter the misunderstanding between Aizi and Zhuang Jian, or the confrontation with Zhuang Shubin, a senior official in Beijing, will not make this strong mother fall.

Only love son's safety, but make this strong woman no longer difficult to support.

In front of the desk opposite the sofa, there is also an elegant woman wearing a white-collar professional suit.

She was supposed to be the first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River in the future, but now she looks sad and haggard. On her beautiful jade face, there are tears rolling down her face from time to time.

Su Fangfei didn't wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. She just gazed at the pair of glittering and green earrings in her palms. There was a touch of noble gold on the earrings. It was gorgeous and exquisite, not like the thing in the world.

It's the gold colored glazed jade earrings that Meng ran gave to Su Fangfei!

For Su Fangfei, this pair of earrings is too expensive. Except for that time in Linjiang Town, she personally wore them for her, and she never gave up wearing them.

At the moment, however, Su Fangfei took it out and gently rubbed it as if she was embracing her own Xiaoran.

"Xiaoran You promised me! You promised me to be safe! You liar

The broken heart of the beautiful woman, bitter call, in the past and Meng ran side by side with the scene of Beijing, reappear.


With a murmur, Su Fangfei gently printed her pink lips on her earrings, and then placed them beside her ears. A soothing and wonderful music was slowly introduced into her ears.

Recalling the scenes of getting along with each other since childhood, Su Fangfei finally understood her intention for Meng ran.

Love, I don't know where to start, go deep.

Looking at the pair of earrings, Su Fang gradually had a determination in her eyes.

"Xiaoran, if you really have an accident, my cousin will go down to accompany you!"

Just as Su Fangfei's mind was determined, song Shuling, who had been in a coma, slowly opened her eyes, and the dragon horse, who was guarding her side, immediately gave out a joyful neigh.

"Fangfei? Why are you crying? "

Song Shuling kneaded her waist and limbs, and inadvertently glanced at Su Fangfei's tears all over her face.

"No Nothing. How are you, aunt Ling? " Soong raised Soong Soong to wipe her tears.

"I didn't..."

Song Shuling said half of the words, but the dragon horse on one side felt something and made a strange hiss.

"Xiaoyi? What's the matter? "

Dragon and horse no longer make a sound, but this little guy is suddenly in the air, his whole body is shaking violently, anxious and uneasy! Compared with Hua Jingtao who was pregnant with Huang's blood in Jinghu Lake on that day, Longma's unusual situation was better than that of Hua Jingtao!

At the same time, in the sky above the development zone of Beijing, a golden glow suddenly appeared, just like a rainbow running through the sun!