Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 946

Pei Jun a pair of fists pinch dead, cheek muscle is slightly bulging.

He Pei Jun has been in charge of his life. Who knows the name of Hua Haijun in the north of the river? In addition to Meng Ran's hand that time, he Hua Haijun has ever been such a coward?

Now, it is a great insult for Pei Jun to be trampled on by Wan Zhibin, who once regarded him as a waste.

At the moment when the two sides are on the verge of breaking out, Wan Zhibin's former subordinates have gone back and forth.

"What's the matter?" Wan Zhibin's tone is obviously impatient.

His subordinates immediately broke out in a cold sweat and said bravely, "Mr. Wan, we accidentally found a guy who is neither human nor ghost in the basement of the villa. It seems that he is still a foreigner. His mouth is full of birdsong, and the brothers can't understand a word. That's why..."

Wan Zhibin and muyuan and others couldn't help but look at each other and wonder: "foreigners?"


November 29, 2010, at the edge of Yunshan District, Jinghua City.

At the end of autumn, the sky is high and the clouds are light. There are no clouds over the whole Yunshan area. The warm autumn sun shines on the land of Jiangnan, which is mild.

Because it is the beginning of the week, the outskirts of Yunshan district are very quiet, with few pedestrians.

Aunt Zhou took her grandson, who had just passed her second birthday, for a leisurely walk in the square in the suburb of Yunshan district.

I don't know why, the originally tiger headed kid suddenly became restless and burst into tears. Normally speaking, crying is a common thing for children of this age. But aunt Zhou always feels that there is something different about her grandson.

It seems that Seems to be afraid of something!

Aunt Zhou, with doubts in her heart, looked up slightly along the eyes of the little guy, and finally saw a scene that she would never forget!

At 9:25:38, in the sky above Yunshan District, Jinghua City, Jiangnan Province, the sky is different!

This should be a cloudless sky, the whole void is suddenly distorted!

Not only did aunt Zhou see this sudden scene, but even the sparse pedestrians forgot to drive, and they all stood in the same place, staring at the sky blankly.

Some photography enthusiasts have no hesitation to take off the camera hanging from their necks and want to take this historic scene. However, this scene in front of us can be seen by the naked eye, whether it is the lens of mobile phone or digital camera, it is strange and hard to capture!

A blank!

As the curvature of the void above becomes stronger and stronger, a huge circular hole submerged by darkness suddenly takes shape in the center of the void!

"My God..."

The passers-by who witnessed the amazing scene with their own eyes were shocked to speak out one after another. However, at the moment when the black hole was completely formed, all things in the world were still in an instant!

The circulation of time and space, all stop in this moment!

It's just like the creator changed the course of all things and forced them to stop!

Gradually, the expanding black hole, surprised to see a pair of snow-white canvas shoes out of thin air!

Then, slender and straight legs, delicate and slender thighs have been exposed.

In the black hole which distorts time and space, a girl appears out of thin air!

In addition to that pair of ivory like white flawless slender legs, the girl also has a waist that can not be filled with a grip.

A light blue jeans shorts, tight white T-shirt, above is printed a strange brand that has never appeared in modern society!

As the girl's body completely appears in this space-time, the distorted space-time black hole behind her disappears completely!

In the same way, the space-time, which was originally stationary, is again operating.

It's just that Aunt Zhou and the passers-by on the road have nothing in their eyes, and the scene just now seems like a bubble in a dream and no longer exists