Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 910

With a roar, uncle Shen stomped his right foot on the ground. The floor under his feet immediately turned into debris and exploded!

Strong impact will Xue Longqing and his two bodyguards in black, instantly rushed to the ground.

Shen bozheng rushed forward, his hands clawed, as if to break Su Fangfei's slender white neck like a swan.

"Uncle Shen, stop it!"

Xue Longqing was shocked by this sudden scene.

He has coveted Su Fangfei for a long time, and now he is about to succeed. Before enjoying this beautiful woman, Xue Longqing will never allow anyone to touch her.

Even if it's your own bodyguard, it won't work!

However, the hatred of the collapse of the Shen family is attributed to the middle-aged man in cloth clothes on Su Fangfei. At the moment, he can't listen to anything. He would like to frustrate Su Fangfei's bones and ashes with the hatred of snow in his heart.

But at the moment, Su Fangfei, hearing Meng Ran's sad news, was already in despair. She even looked up and closed her eyes. She actually gave up her resistance and wanted to accompany her Xiaoran to huangquan!

"Xiaoran, if you can't live together, your cousin will die with you!"

When Shen Bo's Iron Palm, which was just like an eagle's claw, was about to touch Su Fangfei's delicate and delicate body, Su Fangfei's whole body suddenly showed a golden mask!

Golden light, solemn and holy!

In the face of this martial arts master's top strike, the golden mask is still and unbreakable!

Shen Bo felt that his five fingers were clasped on the iron wall, and there was a huge force on the light shield. He was able to retreat Shen Bozhen several meters at once!

"What's going on?"

Seeing this magic scene with his own eyes, Mr. Xue was stunned.

The waiters in the coffee shop were also stupefied. They looked at Su Fangfei's watertight gold mask. Many thought they were dazzled and rubbed their eyes.

However, only half a second later, the golden mask was completely dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

In the whole cafe, I'm afraid that only the martial arts master who has achieved the highest level of internal skill can guess what the golden mask is.

"This is Martial arts master's protection of vigorous Qi

This senior member of the Shen family, as if he had seen something that shouldn't have appeared, his pupils shrank and his voice was filled with incredible tone.

The huge noise in the coffee shop has already alerted Xue Longqing's bodyguards who stay outside. A dozen men in black rushed in to protect Xue Longqing.

However, Mr. Xue, who is on the brain of the essence insect, can't care so much. He pushes aside the two bodyguards in front of him and roars:

"get out of here!"

"Ben Shao wants to see how you, a bitch, can escape from my palm today!"

As sexy as the wild animal Xue Fangqing, Su's eyes are full of passion.

Seeing this scene, uncle Shen's face suddenly changed, and there was no time to stop it.

"Young master, be careful! She is a martial arts master

In front of her eyes, Xue Longqing's color hand was about to touch Su Fangfei's delicate and delicate body. She saw the golden mask, which reappeared in front of Su Fangfei again. It was holy and noble, just like the body protecting Jin Gang of Buddhism Tantra.

The next second, only a "bang" is heard.

This young master Xue was immediately shaken out, like a broken kite. He fell heavily on the ground, and his mouth was bright red.

Xue Longqing is not a martial artist. He is just a child. He can't bear the strength of Meng Ran's "Jin Shen Gang Qi".

"How are you, young master?"

All of them gathered together to help Xue Longqing up.

However, Xue Longqing looked at Uncle Shen and could not set up a channel: "martial master? You say this bitch is a martial arts master? How could that be possible! "