Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 904

After arriving at the courtyard of Jiangnan military region last night, Ning Feixuan learned the details of the battle of Taihu from Mu Qingya and Hua xuan'er.

Shen lingcang incarnates into a blood demon, and Meng ran tells Mu Qingya three people.

What's more, Mu Qingya has seen Shen lingcang draw the blood of living people, just like the devil, without any human nature at all.

Even if it is now recalled, Mu Qingya can not help but also pretty face, full of fear.

More is to grasp Ning Feixuan palm, Jiao voice way: "Ning elder sister, must be Shen lingcang to do! It must be him! He is not a man, he is a devil

In the face of out of control mood Mu Qingya, Ning Feixuan soft voice comfort a few words, personally sent her back to the ward, is to let the thin monkey to find Chen Ziyang, together to discuss countermeasures.

Although Shen lingcang was seriously injured by Meng ran, he is still a martial art myth that can never die and die. It is by no means that Ning Feixuan can compete with him.

However, the difficulty of the matter is far beyond Ning Feixuan's imagination.

More than ten minutes later, another phone call came from Wuzhou. This time, it was a factory on the outskirts of the city. More than 100 workshop workers were sucked alive and turned into corpses. What a terrible sight!

Even though the police in Wuzhou reacted quickly and prohibited any media from shooting and reporting, some media, in order to earn the click through rate, sneaked into the factory and took a group of photos of the corpse.

Even the vice mayor even refuted the rumors, claiming that the photos were only made of PS.

During the further fermentation of Wuzhou mummy incident, Jinghua City, which is half of the south of the Yangtze River, is also surging with the same undercurrent, and a mountain rain is about to come.


Because of Meng Ran's own perfect formula, the development of "pretty girl" series cosmetics is extremely smooth. In addition, after the personnel change of Fengsheng, everything is on the right track.

As the chairman of Fengsheng, song Shuling's burden has been lightened a lot recently. However, even so, song Shuling, who took a day off on Saturday, came to Fengsheng's office building early on Sunday.

"Ah? Why isn't Fangfei's office locked? Isn't she supposed to have a weekend off? "

After saying hello to several staff on duty, song Shuling accidentally finds someone in Su Fangfei's office, and she can't help but push the door in curiously.

"Fangfei, why don't you stop at the weekend..."


However, when she came in, she saw the blood covered song Shuling. She screamed and almost fell to the ground.

In the sales manager's office, scarlet blood spilled all over the floor, and a kimono girl was lying on the sofa in the corner.

The girl's chest is sunken, almost the whole sternum is broken, and her viscera are severely damaged. Even if she has already fainted, the corners of her mouth are constantly overflowing with blood.

You can see that the blood seems to be mixed with some pieces of meat, which is It's a visceral fragment!


See song Shuling come in, Su Fangfei desk, the spirit seems to be a little weak foal, immediately wail.

It's Longma and Liusheng!

Longma, who escaped a robbery from the real Lord of Luomen, actually brought Liusheng Piaoxue back to Fengsheng company all night!

"Chairman? What's the matter? "

Office hall is busy with a kind of white-collar workers, obviously also heard song Shuling's scream, immediately came to the office door to ask.

"No It's OK. Don't come in! "

It seems to think of Aizi's previous advice, this little guy is a rare species, can't be easily exposed in front of people, so song Shuling quickly stopped people from entering.

In the face of Su Shuling unknown identity of the seriously injured woman, do not know what to do, the time has come to 9:20 a.m.

When she came to Su Fangfei on the East Road of Jinhu District, looking at the "love at first sight" cafe full of love atmosphere, she felt a little anxious