Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 902

November 27, 2010 was a dark day for the Roman and Kate families.

In this day, more than half of the top experts were killed by an 18-year-old boy.

Even the Lord of Roman and the king of God, Adam, are not sure whether Tairan is dead or alive.

For a time, they suspected that the Chinese government had deliberately released the news, and its real purpose was to confuse the public and the public, so as to protect the severely injured Chinese banished immortals.

However, the truth of the matter is that almost the whole country of China thinks that Tairan has fallen, and that Tairan is still a secret in the world. The people who know it are only five fingers

The next morning, the compound of Jiangnan military region.

Ning Feixuan, who had not slept all night, stood alone on the attic balcony. The rustling autumn wind blew up her long hair with a shawl, which made her feel very lonely and heartache.

After Meng Ran's body quenching, the beautiful and enchanting jade face of ningfeixuan is more and more perfect. The whole country interprets what is the angel face and the devil's body.

However, at the moment, this gorgeous and enchanting girl in leather is haggard. In her beautiful blue eyes, there seems to be mist and sadness.

"Why? Why can't you listen? "

"I told you that Roman would not let you go. Why can't you discuss it with me in advance?"

With the fall of Meng ran, Ning Feixuan's heart seems to have died. I'm afraid that from now on, this cold and incomparable beauty will never see a smile on her face.

Last night, Ning Feixuan and others rushed to the Jiangnan military region. What Ning Feixuan didn't expect was that they met Mu Qingya and Hua Mingfeng here!

Ning Feixuan is also from Mu Qingya's mouth, thoroughly understand the process of the war in Taihu. It turns out that Meng ran only wanted to kill Shen lingcang by force, but exposed his whereabouts!

"Meng ran! You idiot! You are the biggest idiot in the world

"You don't even want your life to save Qingya!"

After learning about the situation at that time, Ning Feixuan actually has a trace of jealousy for mu Qingya.

Ning Feixuan has never seen a man. In order to save a woman, he can really do it even without life.

Isn't this kind of plot only happen in the romance?

At that moment, Ning Feixuan really did not know whether to be happy or sad.

"Ba Da Ba Da..."

Jingying teardrops, since ningfeixuan jade cheek slide, Ning Feixuan has never liked a person, but until this moment, she found that she did not know when, already deeply in love with that arrogant mania.

A burst of light footstep sound comes, pull Ning Feixuan from the memory back to reality, quickly wipe away the tears on the face.

"Sister Ning? Are you crying? "

It is mu Qingya who came here.

Mu Qingya was also affected by the war last night. She was seriously injured. She should not get out of bed and walk around.

"Elegant? You are badly hurt. I'll help you go back and have a rest Ning Feixuan face dew care, quickly forward to help.

Mu Qingya obviously cried all night. Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches. However, she was staring at Ning Feixuan's eyes, as if she wanted to extort a confession by torture. She said seriously:

"sister Ning! Tell me honestly if you like him

"Ah? Qingya, what are you talking about! You still have a wound on your body. Be obedient. I'll help you go back and have a rest. " When her heart was exposed, Ning Feixuan's enchanting jade face showed a touch of shame. Her beautiful eyes were evasive and did not dare to look directly at Mu Qingya.

"I don't!"

Mu Qingya pushed aside Ning Feixuan's help. He lost his center of gravity and fell heavily on the balcony. He cried like crazy:

"tell me! I want you to tell me that he's not dead! I want you to tell me yourself! "

It seems that Mu Qingya, who has lost the most important thing in life, has already cried into tears.

Ning Feixuan forced to bear the tears, can no longer help, such as the breakwater of the ocean, rolling down.

"I'm sorry Elegant, I'm sorry I didn't protect him. "

"He He's really dead... "

After a word, the two beauties, tightly holding together, sobbing.