Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 899

At this moment, the lake people are sad.

Only Chen Ziyang comforted Ning Feixuan and sneered at him.

"Meng ran, Meng ran! Even if you are lucky to survive this time, you will be seriously injured, and your skill will be greatly reduced! When I get rid of Liu Sheng and piaoyue, it will be your death! "

If before today, even if Meng ran was seriously injured, Chen Ziyang would not dare to attack Meng ran. The gap between the two is as big as a gap, which is insurmountable.

Chen Ziyang, who has not even stepped into the realm of master, can never be Meng Ran's opponent.

But after today, everything is different.

With the help of masked man and Yuan Jue, Chen Ziyang's Kung Fu not only broke through the unity of man and nature, but also increased to the semi divine realm!

Compared with the Lord of Luomen and the elder Sith, he is absolutely super strong!

Meng ran, who has been badly injured, will surely die even if he meets a God and man. Once Chen Ziyang finds out Meng Ran's trace, he will be doomed if he forgets his love for ten days.

"Let's let things go first. We must go to Jiangnan military region first. Mobilize special forces to search for Liu Sheng, Liu Xue and the rest of Luomen's masters. We will never let them escape from China

Although Chen Ziyang is constantly coughing up blood and blood, but his speech is loud, a gentleman who is concerned about the country and the people.

Even Ning Feixuan also nodded heavily. In the beautiful eyes of sky blue, the killing intention was entangled. On the attractive body wrapped by tight leather clothes, there was a trace of blue arc jumping and flashing.

It's chilling.

"Liu Sheng is flying snow! Even if you are the descendant of Liusheng sword master, this time I want you to pay for your blood debt and blood! "

Having already counted Meng Ran's death to Ning Feixuan on Liu Sheng's flying snow head, knowing that he was not the rival of Luomen giant, he also wanted to avenge Meng ran himself.

At this stage, there is no need for Chen Ziyang to guard the lakeside. The skinny monkey dials the phone of Wuzhou police brigade and tells them to block the scene around Taihu Lake. No matter which media it is, no shooting is allowed.

It also ordered the relevant experts from the local health bureau and environmental protection department to set up a lake water treatment team to clean up Taihu Lake polluted by blood.

As the first scenic spot in Wuzhou, Taihu Lake is world-famous, but now it has been dyed red by blood. Once spread out, it will not only cause a fatal blow to the local tourism industry, but also cause panic among the people.

At that time, it would be difficult for special departments to bear the consequences.

After the details were explained clearly, Ning Feixuan and his party quickly got on the cross-country jeep and rushed to the Jiangnan military region.

With the help of a notebook, the skinny monkey got in touch with the base of special departments in Jiangbei province and sent back the information from Wuzhou to Ning Wenbin, the leader of the special department.

Suddenly, the mask of the jeep disappeared in the lake.

Standing in the air, his arms encircled his chest, and he murmured to himself:

"no wonder the girl of Ning family will kill this boy. It must be that the boy has devoured the skills of those vampires, and his body is also contaminated with the smell of vampires."

It seems to think of the purpose of his trip to the south of the Yangtze River. On the face under the man's ice sculpture mask, there is a strange look on his face:

"Meng ran, Meng ran, you are worthy of being a monk in the Outland. Not only do you have the power of ice and fire, but also those skills, you are also ashamed of yourself."

A pair of shining golden eyes, through the two holes on the ice sculpture mask, crossed Wuzhou and went straight to Beijing:

"Yin Ping, Meng Ran's life must be saved for us. The chess game is just beginning."

"Ha ha ha..."

With a burst of cold, ear shaking and rampant laughter, the mysterious figure seemed to shrink into an inch of magic power, and disappeared in the blink of an eye