Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 887

"This breath Is this breath beyond heaven and man? "

At the moment when the golden giant palm appeared, Chen Ziyang felt as if his body was going to be destroyed and cracked. The invincible pressure that was enough to suppress everything, even in his master, Chen Ziyang had never seen it!

God realm!

This golden palm master's cultivation is absolutely reaching the divine realm!

Even Chen Ziyang, who used the Heavenly Master's Taoist technique to hide himself, was crushed to the ground by death under this terrible pressure.

Even if his cultivation has been infinitely close to the realm of heaven and man, there is still no possibility of resistance in the face of this coercion!

It's horrible! It's terrible!

Chen Ziyang only felt that even the master of mengran and Luomen had absolutely no ability to resist in front of this man.

"Why! Why is there such a terrible person hidden in China! Who the hell is he? "

Chen Ziyang in the heart of crazy roar, deep humiliation and powerlessness, floating on the heart.

In the face of this power, Chen Ziyang only felt that he had the formula to win the yuan by swallowing the Dharma. He could not be the opponent of him if he had practiced for 100 years.

Longma, who is connected with Meng Ran's mind and spirit, clearly feels Meng Ran's weakness at the moment. He is afraid that he will stay on the edge of life and death.

Since meeting Meng ran, this little guy has never found Meng ran as weak as he is now. Longma just wants to fly to his master and guard his master.

Even when the golden palm, which is like a Buddha's Vajra, appeared in the empty air, has never been noticed.


Looking for Meng Ran's step was blocked, the dragon and horse roared up to the sky, and then his chest swelled fiercely. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spat out. A ten Zhang long white divine awn shot from the dragon's mouth!

The white competition of terror penetrates the void.

Chen Ziyang's heart almost stopped beating.

"This beast is so terrible! I'm afraid even the master may not be his opponent. "

Although dragon and horse were sealed by Dao Ze God chain before the birth of Yuanjing, they were still dragons and horses even if only 10% of them were left!

As the existence of surpassing the real dragon and Phoenix, even the top three in the sky list are not necessarily helpless. This naive little guy!

The ten Zhang God awn and the golden giant palm collide together, just like a hundred heavy guns roaring at the same time, which originally returned to the Calm Lake Tai, and again created a huge wave!

The whole suburb of Wuzhou, again ushered in the earthquake, countless people have fled their homes to avoid the disaster.

Even Ning Feixuan and others, who are driving to the Jiangnan military region, are also aware of something wrong.

"Captain! There's a strong fight on the other side of Lake Tai! At least he is also a warrior at the level of heaven and man. " With the help of the sky eye monitoring system, the thin monkey, who constantly analyzes the data, said in a deep voice.

I don't want to turn back to the lake!

At this time, the result of the attack on the Bank of Taihu Lake was also known. With the sound of explosion, Mansheng, the ten Zhang God of Longma, pierced the golden palm!

At this time, a slightly surprised voice was heard in the ears of Longma and Chen Ziyang:

"eh? I really despise you

Then, out of reach of the night, an ice mask suddenly emerged!


It's not an ice mask, it's a man!

First he showed his head covered with an ice sculpture mask, then his neck, chest and abdomen, as if floating out of the water, and finally exposed his legs, legs and feet!

The whole person seems to have been standing in the void without any sign!

This strange scene made Chen Ziyang's eyebrows jump. He even had an illusion, as if the man had found himself. He actually took a cold look at himself!


In the face of this sudden mysterious strong man, I don't know why, but Longma fell into a kind of inexplicable manic state, just like a hairy cat, toward the mysterious man covered with an ice sculpture mask and hissed furiously.