Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 878

The scene of Lu Shaoqian's dialogue with Shen Xingyun was staged almost everywhere in China. Compared with the destruction of the fangs in Qingzhou, the impact of the Shen family was too great.

This time, even the special departments could not block the news. The news of the collapse of the Shen family was burning like a prairie fire in China.

As for the cause of the destruction, the mainstream media speculated that a local earthquake occurred in the outskirts of Wuzhou, because local people said they felt the earthquake clearly at that time.

Relevant experts have also come up with all kinds of data and evidence to show that the collapse of the Shen family is not a * * but a natural disaster. I hope the general public will not panic, but believe in science and the power of the country.

Even the mayor of Wuzhou City has been on the Wuzhou interview program in person to publicly respond to the most rumored military revenge on the Internet.

Just as Wuzhou was in chaos, a cross-country jeep with Jiangbei military region license plate was racing all the way. No matter whether it would hit innocent people or not, it ran into the front of Shenjiazhuang garden.

As the leader of the city traffic police brigade, Zhou team sent out all the police force to Shenjiazhuang garden after receiving the public's alarm. At the moment, he was so busy with maintaining order that he saw a jeep dare to run into it and said angrily:

"come on! Arrest them all

Immediately, a police officer wearing a bullet proof vest and holding a pistol surrounded the jeep, warning in succession:

"get out of the car!"

A group of police just dropped their voice, only heard the door "bang" was kicked open.

Three men and a woman stepped out of the car. The images of the four were quite different. One of them was still wearing a black vest in the late autumn. His muscular arm was even thicker than the thighs of the policemen. The whole man looked vicious.

Beside him, a skinny young man was holding a notebook in his hand, and his fingers were beating rapidly. He didn't know what was busy.

The weirdest is a young man and woman who walk side by side.

The man's appearance was elegant and extraordinary, and he had an air of floating temperament. He was like a good young master in a turbid world, which immediately attracted the attention of all the women present.

However, what makes people talk about is that the young people's dress is very strange, just like the ancient people. They not only have long hair, but also wear a white robe with a wooden sword.

Chen Ziyang!

The head of the Chinese Taoist school, the disciple of the Taoist immortal of Longhu Mountain! Is also a special department of young people, the highest cultivation of people!

Can be seen in public, Chen Ziyang side of the leather clad woman, have fried pot.

"I'll go! Where did this little girl come from? These little leather clothes and trousers are so sexy that I can't stand it! "

"Yes, yes! This is the model of the model! Water snake waist, peach hip, this figure is too exaggerated? Who can't be squeezed dry? "

At first, the crowd around the Shenjiazhuang garden saw the angel face and devil figure of ningfeixuan. All of them were swallowing their saliva with green eyes.

"Stop You Who are you? "

The Zhou team, who had been in a state of anxiety and wanted to be angry, immediately softened down.

Just because the girl in leather is so powerful, she has a tall figure that is not inferior to the supermodel in leather pants. In addition, the high-heeled boots with a height of 10 cm on her feet are just like the queen.

It is the feeling of awe at the sight of these policemen.

However, with sunglasses and a cold look, Ning Feixuan didn't even look at the police captain, like a green jade finger.

A sky blue lightning power, with a spark, "Zila" hit on the previously insolent sex wolves.