Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 875

Meng Ran's chest was once pierced by Gu Ruojun's flying sword.

If Meng ran had not been aware of the killing intention of the two brothers Gu Ruojun, he would have blocked the fatal sword with the moon arc dagger, otherwise the flying sword would have penetrated more than Meng Ran's chest.

It's the heart!

But now Meng Ran's chest injury is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is just like Arabian Nights.

Even the mysterious old man was shocked.

Before the girl found out, the old man took Meng ran from the girl's arms and said, "Miss, this man is still alive. There are some hemostatic drugs in the car. Please help me get some."


Hearing that the young man was saved, the girl's beautiful face immediately burst into a bright smile. She confidently handed Meng ran to the old man and ran to the car to get the medicine.

After opening his own young lady, the old man's eyes suddenly show a trace of light, it is a penetrating eye Meng Ran's body injury!

"Young master? He's only 20 years old. Is he the number one player in the sky list? "

The body is severely injured, the true yuan is exhausted, the Qi is disordered, and the wound of the body is more serious than that of the chest. If it is not treated in time, it can be fatal.

Seeing through Meng Ran's bad health, the old man's face was suddenly gloomy, because in addition, he also felt a strong spirit on Meng ran!

God realm!

The old man can be sure that this seriously injured and dying young man has just had a fight with a strong man in God's land!

"Can we say that the fluctuation of the divine realm I felt earlier was the birth of the ancestor of the Shen family. This appearance on the Taihu side was caused by this son's fighting with the Shen family's myth?"

I can't believe that some kind of old man is possible.

He can be sure that this young man's cultivation has never reached the divine realm, and he can really fight against the strong ones in the divine realm. If this matter is spread out, it will be enough to alarm those old monsters who live in seclusion.

"And the power of fire? Is that the smell of a vampire? What's going on here? Besides this son and the Shen family myth, are there strong people involved? "

It is also shocking to notice the trace of being burned by the flame and the mysterious old man with dirty blood.

The reason why he took the initiative to bring his young lady to visit Lake Tai was that he felt the previous battle between Meng ran and Shen lingcang.

The birth of the myth of martial arts is enough to disturb the head of the central nervous system.

Because of his special status as an ordinary man, he can't ignore it if he meets him. However, without his protection, he is worried about the safety of his young lady, so he can only find an excuse to bring a beautiful girl to come with him.

Even if they really understand the martial arts myth, the old man is confident that he can protect his young lady.

However, the old man did not expect that the battle of God's realm would be related to the first person on the list of heaven, and it seemed to involve the Kate family, and even the unknown strong man fell.

"Ping Lao, the hemostatic is here."

Qingli girl came running anxiously with the medicine box in her arms. Seeing the girl's careless care, the old man couldn't help but tease:

"Tut, miss, you can't help but care about people. How much virtue this boy has accumulated in his last life."

The girl's face was slightly red, and she gave the old man a look.

The old man just kind smile, comfort way: "don't worry, this boy can't die, since my young lady spoke, even if the Lord Yan wants to take his life, I'll take it back."

While saying, the old man bandaged the wound for Meng ran.

At this time, Meng Ran's body emitting the glow, finally gradually faded down, and then completely disappeared.

What even the mysterious old man did not realize was that this glow not only healed Meng Ran's chest trauma, but also erased the special brand in the immortal Phoenix's blood!

Make this drop of Huang blood, completely become the thing without owner!

What's more, even the out of control fire power in Meng Ran's Qi mansion was completely suppressed, burning the flame of Meng Ran's body and eliminating the invisible.

At this time, the mysterious tears beyond the heaven and earth and the five elements also disappeared in Meng ranxian's heart of respecting Taoism