Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 872

The people who have just witnessed Meng Ran's manipulation of the power of time and knocked Shen lingcang down from the divine realm have no reaction at all. The terrible power of time has vanished in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

It is found that Meng ran was seriously injured and burned by the red flame, dying.

As for the ancestors of the Shen family, they gasped for breath, and their old faces showed the fear of survival.

Too late to take into account the loss of a drop of yellow blood, turned into a bloody God, toward the sky in a panic to escape.

"He He just ran away? "

The family owner, who had just regained consciousness and was not long after the Tomb Sweeping Day, looked at the gradually blurred blood color God awn, with a dull face.

"Don't you..."

As if he thought of something, he raised his head and glanced at Meng ran. However, he found that the first person in China's tianbang was constantly overflowing with blood, which was like a candle in the wind and would fall at any time.

At this moment, Meng Ruo Ran is the best time to fight against both sides.

Gu Ruojun just wants to start, but the corner of his eye is biased against Adam, who is nailed to the ground by Shen lingcang's blood blade and forcibly breaks free!

"No! His accomplishments are much better than mine. It's important to protect his life. I'd better leave first. "

Gu Ruojun took a deep look at the seriously injured young man in white. Although he was unwilling, there were many experts like Adam and Roman on the side. He did not dare to act rashly, so he had to escape first.

Shen lingcang and Gu Ruojun fled one after another. At this time, only the Lord of Luomen, Cassius, Meiji and the God King Adam were left on the Bank of Lake Tai.

A long red hair has already turned to ashes, and her whole arm is a beautiful woman with a red skirt torn off by Meng ransheng. Looking at the young man in white, she shows a deep-seated resentment.

She's maggie!

She is the most beautiful woman in Eurasia.

The royal princes of Western Europe are all her playthings in bed. She has absolute confidence in her beauty. She can charm any man in the world.

But Meiji's most proud beauty was destroyed in this young man's hands. Even if Meiji died, she would drag Meng ran to hell together!

"Little beast! Die for me

A ferocious word, just like a demon like red dress beauty, five fingers as claws, straight into Meng Ran's heart!

Although Meng Ran is made of sapphire glaze, her body is full of holes, and her whole chest is pierced. I'm afraid that the full blow of Meiji is enough to threaten Meng Ran's life!

The Lord of Luomen and Adam both looked at this scene with banter on their faces. At this point in the war, the final winner could only be them.

At the critical moment, I only heard a drink from Jingtian:

"do you want to fight with me? Stay here

I saw that this was the dying Chinese banishment immortal, but he stood up with pride, and the eyes of years turned into reality again!

All the people who saw that frightening eye pupil were frozen, as if they had seen something most terrible. Even Mei Ji, who had been determined to kill Meng ran, was forced to stop and regress wildly.

"No! It's just that kind of power, and he still has more than that! "

Meng Ran's startling scene that dispels Shen lingcang's hundred years of skill seems to appear again.

In the face of the power of time, even if he is as strong as Adam, the king of God, he can't even think of any confrontation in his heart. He doesn't want to think about it. He immediately turns into a rainbow and runs away.


At the sight of this scene, Cassius also forcibly pulls on the enchantress who still has the intention to kill Meng ran, and follows the Lord of Luomen to flee Lake Tai, for fear that the glory of time will shine on him.

However, two seconds of Kung Fu, just to Meng ran a pair of covetous looking Luomen strong, are completely fleeing Tai Lake.

At this moment, only Meng Ran is left by the whole Tai Lake.

"Finally let him escape..."

Meng Ran's wound, which was hard to suppress, broke out completely. The young man in white with heavy eyelids, murmured, and finally fell down slowly

Meiji and others did not realize that Meng ran had already exhausted her Qi. Her eyes just opened her eyes and could not exert her power of time.

This scene, only Meng ran deliberately frightens them.


The bitter night wind blows over bailitai lake, and the pungent smell of blood in the air makes people feel nauseous.

In this war, half of the Tai Lake was dyed scarlet, and the lake was in a mess. The power of heaven and earth pulled by Meng Ran's battle with these masters almost destroyed the whole ten li radius.

Although his eyelids are heavy, he is still unwilling to close his eyelids.

Because of this battle, Meng ran used almost all the cards, which was a heavy blow to his body. Although he intended to destroy the devil, he failed because of the change of Huang Xue, and finally let the blood demon escape.

Although Shen lingcang's skill has been greatly reduced, he has not yet broken through the divine realm. As long as he is alive, he will injure innocent people and cause great calamities in the south of the Yangtze River.In the dark, it seems that there is an invisible big hand, controlling all this, so that the development of the situation, and a certain track of indistinct overlap together.

Just as Meng Ran's consciousness gradually dissipated and his eyelids were about to close, a slightly old private car seemed to break into his eyes