Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 865


The boundless river of blood finally came.

It's like a tsunami coming. There are huge waves on the Bank of Lake Tai. The magic blood mixed with the green lake water, and half of the Lake Tai was dyed red with a flick of a finger.

The bloody waves with a height of more than ten meters roared and destroyed all the fences along the lake and swept across the bank. The people who were oppressed by the divine realm could not escape at all.

He can only watch himself drowned by the waves of blood, even the Lord of Luomen is no exception.

As for Meng ran and Adam.

Meng Ran is OK. Although Gu Ruojun's flying sword pierces the dragon soul battle armor, the strength of the battle armor still firmly protects Meng Ran's body and does not encounter the blood wave to devour.

However, Shen lingcang's Immortal King, who has just recovered and whose physical strength has been stripped off by Huang Xue, can only play 20% of his accomplishments in the middle period of his spiritual realm. However, Shen lingcang's magic power in the divine realm has made him unable to resist this wave of blood.

Four hundred years ago, Adam, the God King of the Vatican, who killed himself with his own strength, is now humiliated by a wave of blood. He is the greatest power of the vampire family. His whole body is shaking with anger.

If only Shen lingcang on the sea of blood would be cramped and stripped.

"You! It's time! Death! "

the anger of a strong man in God's realm is enough to shock the world. However, as soon as Adam opened his mouth, he responded to him with a series of blood blades.

Each bloody blade is three feet long. The blade is sharp and the blood is shining, just like the essence.

Even the martial arts master will feel that this is the real blade in the face of these blood blades!

In a flash, hundreds of blood blades were aimed at Adam, and all the arrows were fired!


Without physical strength, Adam's own strength was not enough to fight against Shen lingcang. In a series of explosions, the human shaped skeleton, which was dyed red with blood, was nailed to the ground by the blood blade.

I can't move.

See Shen lingcang a move will Adam subdue, in the field strong all lose voice.

Until now, they finally came to realize that this ancestor of the Shen family was their real robbery!

"Jie Jie, it seems that you were a top expert before, and your bones were so hard."

Stepping on the boundless waves of blood, Shen lingcang looked down on the crowd, as if he had found something interesting, Jie Jie said with a strange smile.

Adam, as the former head of the Kate family and a powerful man in the world, has never been humiliated, but now he is full of anger with Shen lingcang's three words and two tones.

However, he just woke up from his deep sleep. His strength did not recover completely, and he was restrained by Huang blood, so he was unable to fight against Shen lingcang.

Seeing that all the people were submissive, Shen lingcang's blood colored eyes finally fell on Meng Ran's body, revealing an unforgettable look of resentment.

"Little bastard! I will suck you alive into a corpse and hurt my hate with snow

"But before you destroy this world, you will be devoured by your own eyes."

After saying that, Shen lingcang's hands once again formed a complex seal formula. The golden yellow blood, carrying the essence blood separated from Adam's body, shot into Shen lingcang's demon body with a "whoosh"!

Huang blood into the body, Shen lingcang, like a madman, roars up to the sky.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the boundless blood under his feet is about to be annihilated by Shen lingcang!

Shen's ancestors, who were irrigated by the magic blood, seem to have turned into a big cocoon of magic blood, stretching across the void and shaking the world.

In the face of Shen lingcang's strange act, everyone is at a loss, hiding some kind of Adam, but they are staring at the big cocoon of blood.

"No way! He can't swallow the power of the blood! No way