Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 863

"Adam? You were the head of the Kate family 400 years ago, Adam! "

Finally recognized the middle-aged man's real identity of the red dress beautiful woman, can't help silence.

She had been a guest with the Kate family, and on the walls of the Kate family palace, she had seen a portrait of the man in front of her.

is as like as two peas before him. It's the same as the man who was a vampire family four hundred years ago, Kate Adam!

"Adam? Three archbishops of Adam are said to have killed a man! "

Hearing the legendary name of the Lord of Luomen, the old body is not from a tremor, as if to see a myth in general.

Luomen's magnates, although they had known for a long time that one of the oldest members of the Kate family had awakened from his sleep, they did not expect that the invincible God King who should have been annihilated in the long history was not dead!


In the history of the Kate family, the talent is strong enough to rank in the top three. It is said that at the age of 30, he achieved the realm of harmony between man and nature, and before the age of 70, he achieved the myth of martial arts. His accomplishments were far better than those of his peers.

It is the old strong, in front of this Tianjiao, is also humble, dim.

It is rumored that after Adam's cultivation reached the middle of the divine realm, he consciously became invincible in the world, so he killed the Vatican of Western Europe on his own, and countless powerful Vaticans died in his hands. Finally, the three cardinals of the Vatican joined hands to hurt Adam, but they all fell on his hands.

Since then, the name of God's King Adam has gradually disappeared. It is speculated that Adam was seriously injured and hard to be cured and fell into the Kate family.

Who could have expected that the invincible figures 400 years ago would reappear in the world!

Although the life span of vampires surpasses that of human beings, it is absolutely impossible for them to survive for 400 years. There is a lot to be said in this!

The second master of Gu's family, who was oppressed to death by the divine realm, threatened the approaching Adam:

"Gu advised you that this is the south of the Yangtze River in China. Although you have strong accomplishments..."

However, he did not fall, a bloody God from Adam's eyes shot out, straight through Gu Yunming's spirit!

With a bang, the second master of the martial arts family immediately turned into a pool of plasma like a burst watermelon!

Second kill!

The great master, who has reached the state of condensation and transformation, was killed by Adam in a second!

His own brother's blood splashed all over his face. Gu Ruojun was so scared that even his teeth were shivering. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The power of the divine realm!

This is the power of the divine realm! In front of the myth of Wudao, even the master of Wudao is just like a mole ant!

The owner of Gu's family, whose face was pale, had the heart to die at the moment. He thought he was the man who collected the fisherman. But he never expected that there was still a martial arts myth on the Bank of Taihu Lake after the war!

In front of Adam, even if Gu Ruojun was a strong man in the Chinese sky list, he could not stop his move at all!

The old master of the family, who was planning a miscalculation, was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

"You know, little one, it's a great honor to be a servant of my Kate family." Adam said with a smile.

At this time of the war, the shadow of the only ice emperor that threatened him had already disappeared, and no one could stop him.

Meng ran, who was in a sharp decline of momentum, just looked at the revived God King with a indifferent face, without saying a word.

No one seems to think that the banished immortals in China are on the verge of death, unable to return to heaven.

At this time, however, the boundless blood cloud on the Bank of Lake Tai coagulated again. A drop of golden blood came across the void and was suppressed three feet above Adam's head!

The scene of this sudden change, even Meng ran didn't expect. The golden blood bead reflected thousands of rays, which turned into the most holy power and stripped all the essence of Adam out!

"Ah! My flesh! My flesh! Who is it? Who is it! I will kill you

The physical strength was taken away by the yellow blood, and turned into the God King Adam with a human skeleton again, and sent out a bitter roar.

In response to him, it was just like a shrill sneer from Hell:

"Jie Jie Jie, the one with a strong divine realm, you will be the best blood food of the Lord!"