Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 856

"Is that Meng ran? How handsome his battle clothes are

Just now, Hua xuan'er, who wants to fight with Hua Jingtao, looks at the beautiful young man wearing dragon soul armor. She looks crazy and has little stars in her eyes.

"He didn't die!"

The seriously injured Hua * * God looks at the Wei'an figure with the breath startling the sky. In his pupil, there seems to be a burning fire of nameless jealousy.

It is those who stand in the air, guarding the blood River over the strong people of the alien race, is also like a duck strangled throat, a look of hell.

The vampire elder, who controls the Holy Grail of blood, froze with a smile on his face. He can't accept this scene in any case.

However, he saw his knife awn and cut his wrist and poured his own blood into the Holy Grail, "impossible! The power of the Holy Grail of blood has reached the peak of the divine realm. There is no power beyond it in this world! It doesn't exist! "

With Sith's crazy roar, the Holy Grail of blood, which is drawn by his blood, is blooming. The boundless Blood River, which was originally shaken by the battle of dragon soul, gathers again towards Meng ran.

"Little bastard! I don't think you will die this time! "

The remaining four blood winged vampires, seeing this, all gave their blood essence and poured it into the Holy Grail of blood in an attempt to kill the banished immortals of China in one fell swoop.

"Let's not let this son out of the Holy Grail, or we will die here today!"

The Lord of Luomen was also aware of the seriousness of the matter and urged his whole body skills, spiritual screen and the power of heaven and earth to burst out at the same time.

"Can't the Kat family's artifact suppress that kid?"

Hua Jingtao, standing in the air, frowned. After taking a deep look at the brothers and sisters of the Hua family, he actually gave up the pursuit and turned into a shadow and quickly swept away towards the battlefield by the lake.

When Hua xuan'er saw this scene, she was a little stunned, "brother? Why didn't he kill us? "

For Hua Jingtao, it's just a move to capture Hua Mingfeng and the three of them will not delay time at all. But the Luomen giant actually gives up like this?

Vaguely guessing some possible Hua Mingfeng, he stares at Hua Jingtao's leaving figure, but says to Hua xuan'er: "don't worry, take advantage of Meng ran to hold them down, let's go to Jiangnan military region quickly!"

"But, Meng ran, he..."

What else does Hua xuan'er want to say, but Hua Mingfeng grabs her and runs away.

“BOSS! Can't even the Holy Grail of blood kill this boy? "

When Hua Jingtao arrived at the war, he could clearly see the figure of Wei'an, who was dressed in gold scales and armor, just like the God of war.

Too strong, too strong!

No one could have imagined that even if the relegated immortals of China had reached this point, they still had their cards in their hands!

"Don't ask, let's fight together and drive this boy into the river of blood!"

The Lord of Luomen has no time for him to take care of it. The silver silk screen formed by the condensation of spiritual strength will be played again!

Hua Jingtao, Cassius, Meiji and others also tried their best to exert the unique style of heaven and man respectively. They wanted to gather all the strength of Luomen and Kate family experts and force Meng ran into the blood river at one stroke!

In the face of the joint attack of the peak power in the world, Meng ran, who is as beautiful as a God, still has no sadness or joy on his face, but there is a faint chill lingering in his pupils!

At this moment, all things in the world seem to be still, and the torrential Blood River is silent.

Both bailitai lake and both sides of Taihu Lake are full of frost and snow, just like coming to the world of ice and snow.

At this time, with a distant sigh, a huge figure in white, like a ghost, suddenly appeared behind Meng ran!

It was a unique figure with snow and bare feet. He was filled with a desolate and lonely atmosphere all over his body. He could not see through his true face, as if he had gone against the current in the long river of years. He did not belong to this era!

However, with this figure coming into the world, whether it is the blood artifact with the peak power of the divine realm, or the unique killing moves of the strong man and nature, they are all frozen!

A kind of pressure that oppresses the world will bring all people to the ground from the void. Even the semi God level strong man who is as strong as the Lord of Sith and Roman is also oppressed and can't even lift his head!

It's like paying homage to the king of this ice and snow world!