Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 847

Meng Ran's simple and unadorned fist broke the killing God's sword and smashed Liu Sheng's body protecting vigorous Qi, and hit the kimono girl's chest.

Liu Sheng's snow puffs out a mouthful of blood, and the dazzling scarlet dye her spotless Cherry Blossom kimono.

However, even so, Meng ran, who was crazy about killing, didn't have the heart to show mercy and cherish the jade. The second fist of Shenwang body came one after another!


After losing his vigorous Qi, Meng Ran's fist was about to smash Liu Sheng's chest bone. His whole chest sank deeply into the air and flew down a hundred meters. It was like a broken line kite, hitting the ground heavily and fainting.

Twelve days, one more loss!

"So the rain in the village has stopped? Is his body comparable to the Buddha Vajra? " Said the great elder Sith.

However, it is Meng randuo's blow out of this blow, but it makes him Dun into danger!

The spirit attack of the spirit power of the S-level psychic power, Meiji, is like the roar of the mountain and the sea!

Although Meng Ran's blue jade glaze body is strong, and no one can hurt him, his mental strength is the most fatal defect of Meng ran, even though his casting speed can be regarded as divine speed.

Before this spiritual force strikes itself, it immediately condenses three blue ice glasses and body protection light shield in front of him.

However, this defense means to resist the attack of the demigod is useless in the face of the impact of the invisible spiritual force!

Meng ran only heard a stuffy hum, Wei An's body was tottering, and the pupil immediately shed two blood.

His accomplishments are the pinnacle of building foundation, which is enough to challenge the earth's divine realm, but he can't bear the S-level mental power.

"Spirit! It turns out that his real weakness is mental strength The Lord of Luomen, who had been watching with folded hands, finally realized the flaw of Meng ran and roared excitedly.

Sith big elder is also slightly a Leng, immediately ecstatic way: "hands on!"

I saw the Sith blood wings flapping, a handful of dry and chapped hands, a bloody giant blade emerged out of thin air!

This is a magic weapon with blood all over the body. I don't know how many people's lives have been gathered and how many people's blood has been devoured just now!

"Banished immortals of China, fall!"

Elder Sith grinned grimly, holding a three meter long blood blade in his hands, the whole person turned into a meteor and shot at Meng ran, who was troubled by mental power!

At the same time, the Lord of Luomen also coughed heavily and did not hesitate any more. Now that Meng Ran's Achilles' heel is exposed, he is seriously injured. It is a good time to kill him at one stroke.

How can these old foxes, who have lived for several years, waste such a good opportunity in vain?

I saw the old man in Tang costume throw out his crutches at will, and then two palms and one lead. All kinds of invisible spiritual power converged in front of him, which turned into substance, just like a piece of iron wire, endless!

"The Lord of Luomen, who was famous in Eurasia, was also a psychic

Meng ran, who is constantly attacked by the spirit of Meiji, calms down. She seems to have expected this scene for a long time.

"Meng ran! Do you really think my cultivation is inferior to you? In the Jinghu battle that day, I just used five success forces. "

The Lord of Luomen had a big drink. The silver wire in front of him was actually entangled with each other and formed a vast iron net by snapping his fingers!

Hua Jingtao's dragon like fist strength, which has not been burned and dissipated by Meng Ran's flame power, was immediately pulled out of the deep traces of the road when he met the silver iron net!

Change shape!

The spiritual power of the Lord of Luomen can be transformed into an attack!

To know this kind of means, for a monk, only when he breaks through the second small state of Fen Yuan state can he have a chance to understand it!