Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 845

"It seems that Liu Sheng Xiongzhi, the old man, really has high hopes for his granddaughter. So many masters of Kendo in Liusheng's family do not pass on, but they pass on the village rain to this girl doll."

The elder Sith, with his blood wings waving and scarlet eyes, is like a devil.

At the moment, standing side by side with the Lord of Luomen, he caught a glimpse of Liu Sheng's village rain knife, which was snowing and scabbard, and sent out bursts of grinning sneers.

Staring at the war situation, the old man with a stick just coughed heavily and habitually, without saying much.

He was deeply touched by Meng Ran's strength. Even if he was seriously injured, he could not be defeated so easily. The reason why these two semi divine level strongmen would stand aside was to let their masters consume Meng ranzhenyuan first.

As long as these nine people can consume half of Meng Ran's real yuan, even if they don't join hands with the Sith, the old man on the stick is confident that he can kill the banished immortals of China alone!

Just as the village rain came out of his sheath, Meng ran Sheng tore off an arm, and her red hair turned into flying ash. She was also a psychic power.

A huge spiritual force soared into the sky, just like a huge wave, beating at the young man in white who was locked in death.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, it is impossible for a monk to cultivate his mind without entering the realm of Fen yuan.

But the earth, the spiritual power, is two concepts with the mind. In other words, one is a long river, the other is a sea.

It should be noted that all rivers must converge into the sea. Although the spirit power of Meiji can hurt people invisibly, she can kill people with her fingers. But compared with the monk's mind, it is not in the stream at all!

Otherwise, Meiji's previous magic sound will not only make Meng ran vomit blood, but will be enough to shock Meng ran into an idiot!

At this moment, in the face of the nine heaven and man masters united to kill, Meng ran, who was firmly trapped by the king of Luomen's assassination, just gave a cold smile.

"Just like ants."

Then, with the sound of freezing, whether William clasped the two arms of Meng Ran's Pipa bones or the genuine Qi chain that locked Meng Ran's body, his fingers were covered with blue ice crystals!

Ice in the void!


Meng ran cold words, the whole body ice crystal, suddenly broken!

All over the sky ice crystal waste, like a dream.


William, whose arms were broken by ice crystal, showed his trace from the void and fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground!

Meng ran just broke away from the shackles. Hua Jingtao's three dragon boxing strength and four vampire's killing moves came at the same time!

In the face of this is enough to tear the world of terror kill move, Meng Ran is still negative hand and stand, motionless!

"What is he doing! Get out of the way

The little witch Hua xuan'er's tears almost burst out. It seems that it is not Meng ran who is facing the fierce attack, but her Hua xuan'er.

"Wait, what is that?"

Only two and a half of God level masters, who were staring at the battlefield, noticed something was wrong.

Only because they saw two flames in Meng Ran's eyes!

The frost white flame just emerged from Meng Ran's body is just a trace of power that the frost and cold flame in the sky can suppress the flame in Meng Ran's body, and it can't be used by Meng ran.

At this time, the red flame in his pupil is Meng Ran's real fire attribute mana!

It is also the first time that Meng ran used it in front of people in addition to dealing with the real dragon in the divine realm!

"The power of fire! This son not only controls the power of ice and snow, but also hides the power of fire! He can be a man of fire and ice

The great elder Sith screamed like a ghost in the daytime.

The reason why water and fire are incompatible is the truth of the world. Even in the world of martial arts and the powers, it is the eternal law.

Since ancient times, there has never been a power that can control both forces at the same time, never!